
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This Weekend: Talk of Dollar Dump between G20 Nations

Best-selling author Daniel Estulin states that the key issue to be discussed this week at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, being held in St. Andrews, Scotland, is how to bring down the present world financial system through dumping the US dollar.

(Vocus/PRWEB ) November 3, 2009 -- Best-selling author Daniel Estulin states that the key issue to be discussed this week at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, being held in St. Andrews, Scotland, is how to bring down the present world financial system through dumping the US dollar. Estulin first reported on this initiative as being deliberated at the most recent Bilderberg meeting held in Greece in May 2009. Estulin says that the success or failure of this callous plan hinges on the ability of the US and UK representatives to convince the Russian, the Chinese and other national governments to go along with their scheme.

Estulin maintains that if the co-conspirators succeed, such sudden devaluation of the US dollar would result in the sinking of the world economy through a chain-reaction collapse of the entire world’s financial system. As discussed during the Bilderberg Group’s super-secret conclave back in May, this breakdown would then be used as an excuse to launch a new world monetary system. G20 leaders are aware that those who run the monetary markets, the monetary system, control the world. That is why today, the world is run through a dominant one-currency monetary system and not by national credit systems.

A severe breakdown crisis would affect every corner of the world and be a prelude to instability, wars and general hostility along financial, geographical and geopolitical lines, affecting not only particular countries but also societies, cultures and whole continents. Such a breakdown could result in a consolidation of the world’s monetary system.

Prepare for the Great Depression.
Survival Seeds


  1. This is going to end up very very messy.

    People, what is coming are more false flag attacks, regional wars, quarantines, and greater loss of liberty.

    You don't conspire to bring down the US currency and create a NWO one world currency by peaceful means. They need to cause division between the sheeple on ALL levels including age, sex, race, ethnicity, religion, countries and regions.

    The Powers that be have successfully created the backdrop of what is to come next. One only needs to see the countries and the dynamics which are taking place to fully understand what is coming next.

    The NWO will use Iran as the ignition point of WWIII. Russia and China are backing Iran where the US and Israel are fighting against Iran. Once the attack happens Russia and China will be dragged in along with other Arabs countries creating one axis. The US, Israel, and some European countries will be the other axis.

    This is by design. The NWO sees Russia and China gaining too much influence and power. They can’t have another 200 + years of a New Super Power to replace the US. So they need to strike while the iron is hot. By creating Iran as the conflagration point The Axis described above will be neutralized due to war, death, and yes Nuclear exchange.

    With the US decimated and the upstart China/Russo alliance injured the NWO can create global governance. Not to mention the countless millions if not billions of sheeple dead.

    Moving on………………

    Another point which I think needs mentioning is that there are a few groups that are Public Enemy #1 by which will be the whipping boys before and during this. Patriots, True Conservatives, Devout Christians, and Libertarians will be lumped into the “trouble maker” categories. In fact, I would not be surprised if a “false flag” attack by one of these groups (allegedly) would be the catalyst to come after people like you and I.

    It is people like You and I who are creating an obstacle to their plan. The problem is that agent provocateurs have been imbedded into the groups mentioned above. For example lets take Christians. Bush, the so-called Christian Conservative signed legislation which would have Pastors act as proxies between the Govt. and the sheeple in case of a cataclysm. Next lets look at the conservatives. We have had people like Newt Gingrich try to get involved in the tax revolts. Newt is a shill for the Power Structure who is a philanderer. Also, it should be noted that Newt was one of the many guests invited to the white house of the Obama administration along with such dignitaries (sarcasm) like Bill Aires and Reverend Wright.

    We have to recognize that people like Kissinger and Brzezinski were plotting this for 30 years. The grand chessboard is now coming into play. There are many people who we can’t trust. In fact let me state the following:

    All I can say is prepare, protect you and your family, and PRAY.

  2. Yhere's no shortage of fuel for the fire here,the oligarchs could choose any one of a number of triggers with the same devastating result.The question is though,with what will they replace currency with?.What ever it is , it needs to be in place before the collapse begins.

  3. The only thing I would add to the previous comment which reflects a lot of what is going on behind the curtains. And that is China and Russia in particular (under Putin & Medvedev control) are against NWO and they’ll do everything not to spark the WW3. And if you pay enough attention to what Russia is doing you’ll understand that they are trying to break the NATO block by dividing Europe and North America. They are trying to cut the US war mongers from energy sources, and so far they are ahead of the game. They are organizing Central Asia not to allow the US military bases there. So, how is the NWO reacting to that? The Bilderbergers are making even more unpopular steps. They understand that Russia is trying to break the NATO apart and they succeed on the energy deals with Germany and France. So, the bastards want to appoint a leader of the European Union who would not compromise with the Russians – Tony Blair and his right hand – David Miliband, as EU minister of foreign affairs. But the whole Europe knows by now that Tony Blair is a war criminal and Miliband has to apologize to Russia for his accusations during the Russian-Georgian conflict. You see, the European Union, despite the active resistance of Britain, did conclude that Georgia initiated the war but this information was quickly swept under the rug. So the two new leaders of the “free world” will never compromise with Russia under the threat of ending up in the War Crimes Tribunal. But it doesn’t go well with the Europeans, since they are fed up by now with the Anglo-Saxon manipulations both in the military and financial fields. They also realize that some countries are not willing to allow manipulation with their finances.

  4. Maybe you should buy a lottery ticket bro. You seem to have everything else figured out.

  5. Maybe. But with lottery tickets you have the whole new ball game. Let’s assume I win. What’s next? Buy gold. What if they confiscate gold like in 1933? It is an option. They can do it by force (they control army and police), or by famine (they control big farmlands and food chain). If I keep it in currency, they can devaluate the currency. See, the problem is that most of the central banks are complacent with the NWO gang. They will f$ck us anyway. The only they it can happen the other way around is when we unite and do one simple thing-stop paying our mortgages and credit cards all at once. Once the banks collapse, then we march to our parliaments and demand our properties to be transferred to us if there are no standing creditors. Once we force the politicians to accept it and sign as a law, then we can kick their asses – they allowed it to happen to us, so they have to pay the price. And the most horrible thing we can do to them is actually strip them of their privileges and pensions (since they did not deserve them) and make them work like ourselves. Compete on the job market, work until they are 75 and live on the lousy pension they once allocated to us. That is going to be cruellest punishment of all. As you noticed, there is no blood in this scenario.

  6. The PTB will have to wait until some natural disaster, otherwise citizens will revolt. Then after martial law is firm in hand the bank holidays and devaluation will be announced. The underground economy is going to go big because there will be no conventional market channels open. Stock up on essentials and have some currency in the cupboard for a "rainy day".

  7. Rumour has it that the replacement currency, as planned, is on an RFID chip. No more loose change, no more bank runs, no more tax evasion, no more freedom. But hey, free RFID bracelets for everybody.

  8. @6:19

    The RFID is correct. Now let me expound upon what you have said.

    First, the swine flue (so-called) was a way to get everyone accustomed to getting a spike in their arm from the US Govt. I’m sure the lines of sheeple who went to get their swine flu shot made the Powers That Be salivate with giddiness .

    So how was this done? Well the Govt./Media complex in coordination got all the sheeple excited over this “pandemic” as if it were the next Black Plague. All the gelded males who live for sports and Pornography tripped over themselves to get the shot. All the stupid women who watch Oprah made sure they and their children were sent to the local clinic the very next day to get a spike in the arm.

    So what does this have to do with the RFID? Everything! Once we have our “currency crises” the Govt./Media Complex will pull out the same scare tactics of the swine flu. But this time it wont be for a viral pandemic but rather a monetary crises. And what the heck! Getting the RFID is just like a flu shot. Just stick a spike in my arm again and let me go home to my sports, pornography, and Oprah and everything will be fine again.

    The swine flu was the trial run for the RFID.

  9. "Maybe you should buy a lottery ticket bro. You seem to have everything else figured out."

    Lol, apparently so.

    Let's look at the logic though. "Russia and China are seen as getting too strong". This would indicate that the NWO are not all-seeing and powerful like most everyone here believes. In fact, China and Russia together are probably as powerful if not more so than The US and Europe, or will be soon - it is inevitable. Dont be fooled: a nuclear exchange would weaken BOTH sides. The only thing that would benefit those who want to control is to maintain the status quo.

    Quite simply, reality doesn't boil down to the simple geo-political picture you paint. Yes, there are men of power, covert agreements between organizations and corporations, The World Bank, the IMF, and so on. But you forget probably the biggest cause of war today which is the notion of the nation-state and the biggest nation-states that look to keep their power, gain more, or affect the status quo, and all the little complex details that happen around it. It is amusing to see people push away all of the other diverse facts about what goes on in the world and selectively choose only the facts to support their one particular view, or those conveniently wrapped up in a couple of questionable so-called journalistic web-sites.

  10. 11:34 that's true, it's difficult to tell where the national interests end and the globalist NWO interests begin, especially when one appears be acting as the other.

  11. 16 million doses of swine flu vaccine for a population of 300 plus million people is hardly a succesful outcome,RFID trial or not.Questions that need to be asked should centre on what exactly is in this vaccine and why are govts so keen to see the vaccine so widely administered.

  12. I heard Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones show a week ago; also heard a speech by John Spring, a former radio host in Aneheim, CA. Both are in the know on NWO. They said collapse would probably happen around the holidays or shortly after. Anyone with books, dvd's, literature on the NWO/BB/CFR, FRS, etc etc needs to throw out/burn all of it asap, as all this material is now online. Mine got thrown out, incl expensive books from the 80's. This crap is useless; they have already won and all the work over many decades has been in vain/no results ever seen; and there is so few patriots left now to matter. It's going to be everyone for themselves from now on. Laura


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