
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why haven't Any Wall Street Tycoons been sent to the Slammer?

WASHINGTON — More than a year into the gravest financial crisis since the Great Depression, millions of Americans have seen their home values and retirement savings plunge and their jobs evaporate.No Wall
What they haven't seen are any Wall Street tycoons forced to swap their multi-million dollar jobs and custom-made suits for dishwashing and prison stripes.

There are plenty of civil and class-action lawsuits from aggrieved investors angered by the losses in their mortgage bonds, hedge funds or pensions. Regulators have stepped up their vigilance after the fact. But to date, no captain of finance tied to the crisis has walked the plank.


  1. Because they have friends in high places. Much higher than the average American would rub elbows with. The lawsuits are just to pacify the general public into thinking the "system" has their backs. As if they have a chance at equal justice compared to the chosen few on Wall St.

  2. The banking elite own the presidency, the Congress, the Pentagon, the COURTS. They are entirely above any US law, period.

  3. Taxpayers are out 2.6 billion 'preferred' stock in CIT group from just a couple months ago. Yet the bondholders (Banks) are first in line to get their cash. Next , the common shareholders. Pardon my french , but fuck that.
    These are not normal circumstances and the gov needs to say 'Taxpayers get their 2.6 billion back before anybody else'.

    This is all bullshit.

    Crony capitalism at it's finest.


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