
Monday, February 15, 2010

The Bank Of England Engaged in Flagrant Gold Manipulation

An article written by University of Tennessee professor John R Garrett, "Monetary Policy and Expectations: Market-Control Techniques and the Bank of England, 1925-1931", which describes in exquisite detail the gold falsification measures undertaken by the Bank of England in the interwar period in order to impact interest rates in a favorable direction, performed with the full criminal complicity of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, may mean paranoid "gold bugs" could soon be forever absolved of their "tin hat" wearing status as outright gold, and other data, manipulation by a major central bank is now proven beyond doubt. The implications regarding the possibility of comparable deceitful and treasonous acts by modern central bankers are staggering.
The Bank of England depleted its open-market portfolio by secretly sterilizing large gold inflows. Thereafter interest rates were influenced by manipulating reported gold flows.... A gold flow falsification was over two-thirds as effective as an open-market operation.
Falsifying critical gold data worked for Britain 70 years ago. Is it working now too? And is the BOE alone, or is Bernanke taking advantage of the Bank of England's experience? To be sure, the world was different with the Gold Standard the bedrock of monetary policy. Yet are the similarities between then and now not greater than the differences? With the shadow economy exposed as hinging on the investing community's desire to go with the prevailing "valuation" lie (a reason why the shadow economy in broad terms will take many years to return, if ever) the core asset is and always will be gold.


  1. I'm shocked. SHOCKED!
    Who would've imagined in a million years a Western Government would distort, manipulate or otherwise massage data for their own ends? AND THEN LIE ABOUT IT???!!!!

    Wow. I'm going to have to rethink all of my previous assumptions on the inherent benevolence of our authoritarian institutions. I always thought it was for my own good......


  2. It will be nice when TSHTF and the banks cannot hold the price down any longer. 10x will be a mild correction.


  4. The price of silver is possibly even more manipulated downward that gold. The result will be a whiplash effect at some point when the fiats collapse. If you own a significant amount of Gold you may want to get a fluffy robe and a pipe also. A harem or two.

  5. 101 people are ready to buy Depression 101 t-shirts EA. Quit lollygagging around the house and get to it! My paypal is standing by for deployment.

    Think like the Girl Scouts. No one wants to just hand someone a donation. We want something dammit lol.

    We will all then venture out into the world with our t-shirts announcing to the world that the party is nearly over.

  6. Gold and silver commodity spot prices are no longer an accurate representation of cost.
    Purchasing physical precious metals, from any source, requires payment of a substantial premium in addition to the spot price to satisfy market demand. Although the paper price of these metals may be manipulated by the paper traders, the physical market will not be denied.

    It is important to the world's central banks to keep valuations consumer interest out of the physical metal markets and in their fiat currencies.

    Past economic history points to the answers you need to survive this crisis.

    Gather your loved ones, help those that acknowledge the gathering storm, and walk with honor among righteous men. The storm will not be survived alone.

  7. Those individuals submitting hostile rants and defamatory insults, have no interest in your well being.

    Act with honor and ignore their presence. They are in fact, without dignity and have no ability to change the course of events set in motion presently.

    They are nothing more than a slight distraction from the truth. That is their intent.

    Best wishes my brothers.

  8. Let the will of Laundru be with you too!

    I can't wait to see Gold truly soar to the skies! All the while that stock market implodes into dust.

  9. And when you print the T-shirts ...

    Put a large logo on back and and small pocket logo on front.. If you put the large logo on front... GUYS will NOT buy this t-shirt

  10. TomOfTheNorth - you rock. Totally thinking the same hahahha

  11. @9:03 am
    This only proves the state of delusion most the Western countries are in. Only those evil countries like Russia and China can have corruption. But we, oh no! Never in a million year….No, we are so fuck$n honest. No, we would never do a thing like that. So, after all, those evil Russians and Chinese could be right. May be, just maybe, Iran is right in its intension to dump the dollar-the instrument of massive fraud and crookery. May be all of you, dorks, should read this to find out what the plans for your countries are:
    Just to turn your brain on a bit faster, read Protocol XXI Loans and Credit and Protocol XIV - Assault on Religion

  12. Yes we live in the most evil country, killing, lashing out, empirical wars, torture, imprisonment, assassination, control. But we make the best movies. That should count for something.

  13. To Tom of the North:

    You're a riot!

  14. Well, all countries of the world have fiat currency, so we're all in the same deflated boat.

    A silver lining: we can't afford to wage war on each other! The planet is safer than ever.

  15. OK, right! The Oligarch bankers greatest profits are from the wars, occupations and conflicts they start. Since war is now the only thing our stooge country is good at, I see lots of new invasions, occupations, false flags, bombings, propaganda, torturing cab drivers, et al in our immediate future.

    That is all we are good for ..

  16. @1:06 PM
    Your country does produce great movies (like Lord of War) and cartoons (like the Incredibles) and many other things among them. But what you do not get is that with your support for "the war on terror" and illegal wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan you are helping the banksters to destroy your country. Why? Because you cannot put all the pieces together. That's why some smart guy put a link for you, since you do not bother to do a research on your own (I guess busy watching the Simpsons)

  17. You assume a lot of mistruths about people 6:22. There are people here that put all pieces together a lot better and sooner than you did so get off your high horse.


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