
Sunday, February 28, 2010

China Insider Sees Revolution Brewing

BEIJING: China's top expert on social unrest has warned that hardline security policies are taking the country to the brink of ''revolutionary turmoil''.

In contrast with the powerful, assertive and united China that is being projected to the outside world, Yu Jianrong said his prediction of looming internal disaster reflected on-the-ground surveys and also the views of Chinese government ministers.

Deepening social fractures were caused by the Communist Party's obsession with preserving its monopoly on power through ''state violence'' and ''ideology'', rather than justice, Professor Yu said.

Disaster could be averted only if ''interest groups'' - which he did not identify - were capable of making a rational compromise to subordinate themselves to the constitution, he said.

Some lawyers, economists and religious and civil society leaders have expressed similar views but it is unusual for someone with Professor Yu's official standing to make such direct and detailed criticisms of core Communist Party policies.

Professor Yu is known as an outspoken insider. As the director of social issues research at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Rural Affairs he advises top leaders and conducts surveys on social unrest.

He previously has warned of the rising cost of imposing ''rigid stability'' by force but has not previously been reported as speaking about such immediate dangers.
More Here..


  1. The cargo cult of building harmonious society without class struggle over wealth distribution
    is alive and well in both America and china . The middle class in both countries expects its share from its invested capital .

    Labour created value circulates in the form of commodities but the ownership titles given by paper to own the things and the products from the labour of slaves or cheap labour wage slaves appears to be abstract wealth itself circulating. The circulation of the paper titles appears to be the creation of new material wealth . Therefore all that is required according to the economic theorists and apologists for free trade and globalism is printing more money wealth to stimulate the economy and the accumalation of paper
    titles to wealth , bonds ,money and the like by the rich . So both capitalist china and America are doing so. Wealth exists in the real world in things and commodities and duplicated in paper in the financial world that trades in P/E multiples of its seeming magic ability to grow as real wealth.

    The money printing and bond titles to wealth is proceeding at a great pace to keep the cargo cult functioning. Even tho national and state revenues are falling as the value of property titles falls
    But , Only seventy two trillion dollars in the attempt to stimulate high housing prices in America last year by the state capitalist owned Fannie and Freddy government mortgage bankers selling income guaranteed bonds to the rich . Now that’s Cargo!
    China has a cargo cult stimulus package much bigger proportionally than America creating an even bigger high rise property bubble than America or Dubai. Yet , Some worry about Greece and the Euro paper . And think the U.S paper dollar hegemony is strong and the only real titles to wealth.

    Obama Bin Lottery ‘left” version of right wing cargo cult economics preaching confidence in the so called “recovery” is no different from the voodoo economics and promised benefits from trickle down economics of Reagan. We can see that the trickle down effect is really a looting of America by the super rich with twenty % unemployment already in America cutting into the export markets of China . Not much real material wealth will circulate in the future , so unemployment will grow in both harmonious societies . With less sales of Chinese goods in America the profits realised in America from the cheap labour commodities from China will fall .

    But there is a lot of paper titles to wealth circulating like crazy .Expect hyperinflation as the price of the real world commodities rises to meet the value of the increased paper titles or money circulating claiming ownership of the real things.

  2. I agree with your basic premise and would also tell people that here we have yet another perfect example of how markets really work and
    what real wealth looks like in any market.

    Besides a paper mortgage telling the world that your home on 5 acres is PAID FOR. Paper is just that paper. You cannot count the ways in which it can be altered by so many.

    These rich and super rich really have nothing more than you and I, can only eat 3 squares a day, can only drink 32ozs of cabernet a day
    and at the end of that day, they sleep under the same sky. It is this paper that they think separates them - wrong; as they will find out shortly.

    Live within' your means; it never goes out of stlye and you will not have to worry about what happens in China as you will always be 8 months ahead of the curve

  3. no ticky no laundry bossman

  4. Really, who gives a crap.

    The country is over populated and way too many crappy products. On top of this, the Chinese are notorious infringers of intellectual property rights.

    Again, who gives a crap. Have your revolution; see if I care.

  5. An epic battle is about to unfold - a battle for the last remaining
    world resources between the 6000 year old Chinese culture, and the
    European Holy Royalty, identified metaphorically under many strange
    names: the Rothchild Empire and their Bilderburger agents, the architects
    of the New World Order.
    History writes how the dragon has been beaten back into its lair time and
    time again, but in the last few decades its stength has grown a million
    fold. Recall the publically available news from the last two decades.
    China has launched men into
    orbit, a clear demonstration they can reliably and accurately deliver a
    heavy payload to any point on the Earth. Chinese agents have inflitrated
    every industry and technology area in the world. China has boldly
    demonstated its ability to penetrate into the very center of the mighty
    American aircraft carrier defenses. Chinese communcations hardware has
    carried trojans into the very heart of world defense networks, intelligence
    agencies, investment houses, corporate boardrooms and R&D laboratories.
    The dragon has been
    quietly, peacefully, patiently gathering information, capabilities,
    technologies, while openly ingesting manufacturing jobs from all sectors
    of technology and industry. Most importantly, Chinese lenders allow the
    dragon full control of the time schedules. They can choose the time and
    the place in any conflict on the financial, commercial, industrial, or
    military battlefields.
    Before this epic battle takes place and a victor for world domination decided,
    the one true obstacle needs to be weakened and removed: the United States and
    its Jeffersonian Constitution. And this step is well underway.
    The "land of the free, the home of the brave" has been slowly self-transformed
    into "land of the bankrupt, the home of the terrified".
    The European Banksters, thanks in large part to their their loyal agents of
    the Federal Reserve, have bankrupted the United States, and their "911" war hawks
    in the media/military complex have pacified, stupified, befuddled and washed the American minds clean of any genuine notions of freedom, responsiblity, critical
    thinking, and productivity. Jefferson would never recognize his country
    today. In these final stages, the Americans are driven to a point of crisis -
    scared, angry, armed, and just ripe for national suicide.
    If only America could somehow collectively turn off the damned televisions
    and become true demonstations of real productivity and peaceful deplomacy, they
    might have saved themselves. But the Americans are too easily defeated at the
    sound of their media masters' voices: "Oprah's On!", "I'm Lovin' It!"

  6. You might like to boil everything down to Europe vs. China, but that leaves out a few important chess pieces, like Russia and the US. So I would say it more accurately describes the picture by saying that it is the US pitted against Russia and China, together with what will be an increasingly shaky strategic relationship with Europe. It doesn't HAVE to be that way of course, but empires never know better. The bigger they are the more stubborn and senseless they become, and that is where we are at now. We are the 2nd grade bully with the big stick.

  7. The three major unions in Orwell's 84 where a bit of a simplification of the actual situation, but for all practical purposes we can see he was close enough.

    The critical reasoning abilities of humans are sufficient , I do believe, to actually perceive everything from the beginning of time to it's final conclusion, if one is so disciplined.

  8. Quote;
    “Really, who gives a crap.

    The country is over populated and way too many crappy products. On top of this, the Chinese are notorious infringers of intellectual property rights.

    Again, who gives a crap. Have your revolution; see if I care.”End quote.

    Consider America and the rich world the main consumers of the wealth produced in the world and the proportionaly biggest Polution and waste makers .Exept where the polution creating industries to produce the crappy products have been shipped out to the third world.

    Is america overpopulated too? Full of consumers demanding the right to made to order
    crappy products and claiming the right to do so not because they are materialy productive themselves but because of their claimed rights on paper to intelectual property rights and to print the dollar hegemony paper.
    listening to them You would think they invented the screw the steam engine etc these are products of of the the evolution and work with the materials provided by the good earth of all humanity in discovering the properties and use values of matter and its aplications

    America ? Who give a crap?
    Are they a burden on productive humanity ?
    All xenophobic mouth and no productive hands.

  9. China will implode. Virtually and completely unravel. To date: no nation has been able to thwart democratic seeking ideals of its people over the long term. every single govt that has triesd to holdpower via repression has ended collapsing or beginning to collaspe as the masses grow restless. look at iran or the former ussr. china in its current form will not and cannot maintain control of 1 billion+ citizes seeking freedom. let china implode and we can move in to pick up the pieces and markets.


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