
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Default And Hyperinflation

Default And Hyperinflation
This is not the first time in history that the U.S. has stood at the edge of national default. In 1933 during the early stages of the Great Depression the U.S. government was technically bankrupt. However, at that time U.S. bonds were tied to gold, and were issued with the promise that said bonds could be exchanged for gold coin. Investors and foreign banks bought U.S. bonds believing that the gold backed paper would protect them from inflation and that the U.S. government under Roosevelt would honor the gold agreement. Roosevelt did the opposite, inflating the dollar to pay government and military expenses, then refused to allow bondholders to cash in their bonds for gold:
The bondholders lost an incredible sum, while Roosevelt and the Treasury hoarded gold stores and walked away with other peoples savings.
It is important to note that the government under the direction of President Obama has recently declared the continuous issuance of new "Buy America Bonds" apparently because foreign interest in U.S. debt has disintegrated:
This may be another ill-conceived attempt to recreate the same swindle Roosevelt initiated in the 1930's, and BAB's should be avoided.
Roosevelt was able to get away with his clever scam for a number of reasons, including the fact that physical gold was still used widely as a currency in the U.S., and the fact that the advent of WWII obscured the after-effects of default in the public eye. Today, circumstances are different.
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  1. "Buy Bonds!" Or you could just buy food, guns and stuff your home safe with gold. (Listed in order of importance)

  2. Yes, I agree and if somebody comes on here and says something like " but what if they demand you turn in your gold" I think I'll explode !

  3. Yep, 7:51 that is my plan. Started around 2005 when I started to figure about that Americans are living in a Matrix-state of lies. It is our nature to follow authority, to follow the herd. Doing that now will be you starved out or killed.

  4. Lacking a gold-based currency to exploit, the banksters will order the US government to seize private property which will be used as collateral for a new electronic-based replacement currency. Either the property itself, such as guns, private machinery and businesses, livestock and cropland will be seized outright, or the paper titles to real estate, 401K and stocks, automobiles and boats - will be confiscated and transfered to the new backers: China/Europe/Russia. Prisons and death camps await any Patriots, Constitutionalists, Tea Partiers and other "terrorists" who dare oppose these august plans with free speech expressions, tax protests, demonstrations, boycotts, or threat of military-type actions. Those who obey and conform will be rewarded with bread and circus, and will generally be left alone. This is how it will go down.

  5. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death is still the battle cry after 235 years. We can't give up.

  6. 9:25
    Sounds alot like the mark of beast " 666 "
    or no man will be able to buy, sell or trade
    without the mark.
    In modern day terms probably a microchip.

  7. 9:25 We are headed for One World Government to be sure. But Removing or capturing assets from American citizenry with the exception of tax evasion is very far fetched. Yes, I know the Russians and Chinese have been doing it for a very long time, but Americans will not allow this to happen, at least for very long. The National Guard and Military here in the US will not do this or allow it to happen. The local city cops and State Patrol will be the henchmen in these types of grabs. I expect more of a coup d'état if what you describe is being done.

  8. If they try to take my gold and silver, they'll have to take my lead too.

    It's funny, throughout history, we have always sent our kids off to war. Nothing like dying from an IDE in some country where you are hated.

    As an "old timer", I feel it's my responsibility to do whatever it takes to preserve our liberty and freedom, so the younger folks can have a decent life.

  9. This ain't no video game kids, trouble is comin!

  10. I have been hearing the "end is near" stuff from the scary people since I was a mere child. When my mother was a child she heard it. Oh, be sure it is coming, but you will have no idea when, so stop your preaching about it.

  11. “When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” - Donald James

    This what the trolls who come and do not read the articles but the title and call us crazies and lunatics. they have been told that "America will never collapse" "America is different and will get through this." I love my country its my people who are dumb in economics,foreign policy that we are in this cluster fuck. We are entering uncharted territory. America in 2015 will be very different then it is today. many of you will scoff at us and call us crazy but when the shit hits the fan don't say we did not warn you. and anon 952 US soldiers that are loyal to you and me that would not and absolutely despise the thought of this are not here and unfortunately being used in Trash-canistan to guard the opium fields and pipelines for the real drug dealers of the world (Wall Street, International banksters, and the rest of the NWO scumsuckers). they want to kill the vibrant youth off so wen it all fall apart there will be no resistance. i dont know what will happen. but i do know that we are entering a period of chaos and discord.

  12. 10:05 Chaos and discord... Yep. I know a lot of veterans...

  13. I've been hearing about the imminent return of Jesus since 1980, that's the last 30 years or so. People "saw the signs" back then and we see the signs today. Our belief us he will come back.

    Now for the state of the country, I can't accecpt anything but total collapse. Things are just too messed up, thanks to Wall St. and the criminals in Washington. Wars are profitable, you bet ya! It's only a matter of time and we'll be in Iran and Pakistan. How about N. Korea? WWII put America to work. Rosie the riveter, working 7 days a week. This is the only solution I see to restoring the country. A million or so of our military will die and corporations will get rich. I don't actually think this option will ever be chosen, I think Obama and Wall St. want total collapse.

    He campaigned on green energy. I had plans to start a solar energy company and employ at risk young adults because I do believe in second chances. Global warming or not, solar is a good choice. I was hoping Obama would toss me a few hundred thousand to go green and jump start a few young lives into an honest work ethic.

    You messed up bad Barry

  14. I too remember the sitting in a church in Minnesota back in 1978 and hearing the end is near and about OWG. I believed back then when I was a young man that it would happen, but more naturally than by force. Not sure anymore. Some folks in government believe that the world is so missguided and that the elite deviance will continue to starve third world countries that the only way to civility is through a OWG.

    I don't know about all of the religious implications, but I do know that we are falling and that every day over the last 10 days the fed's and the liberal news media are feeding us info to let us know that collapse is eminent. They are releasing info to allow those who can to prepare a little before the pull the rug. I have just recently come to the conclusion that collapse is coming faster.

    Oh, Hi Rich, good to see you on here. Bricks Buddy!

  15. I'm pretty sure this is a snippet from Giordano at If I'm wrong, forgive me.

    If I'm right, the author/publisher has asked those reposting this info to follow 'copyleft' principles. Sorry if that was done, I just don't see it...and I also don't see a link back to the original/full commentary.


    NOTE from their site: operates on ‘copyleft’ principles; meaning that we encourage other websites to republish and syndicate our works, and make derivative works based on them. Our main objective is, and always has been, simply to reach people. However, we do ask that websites which repost our articles provide a link back to us, and cite us as the originator of the article, as we do with any articles we post from other sites.

  16. 2015? America is already dead. It looks nothing look it did 1776-1965. People just ain't figured it out yet. Their addled brains are too saturated with B.S.

  17. Bartering with Rum like the Australians did back in the day. May be better than gold. Hmmm!

  18. @9:25 exactly what army or massive amount of people are going to "seize" all this MASSIVE AMOUNT property all over the U.S.? They (banksters/shadow govt.) barely have enough soldiers for the two wars we are in now! Remember we FAR outnumber these bloodsucking vampires people, stand up, real power is people!

  19. The OWG has to tread carefully. It does not own the hearts and minds of most people, including most in the U.S. Armed Forces.

    It would be more accurate to call this a transformation rather than a crash. The OWG will likely do what Lindsey Williams and Bob Chapman have said, namely devalue the USD in one swell swoop. Of course, this will catch most Americans off guard, but it will be a bit more palatable than an outright crash.

    So one day you pay $3 for a gallon of gas. Next day $4.5? $6? The effect will rapidly escalate to more inflation, which will mitigate all those bad debts. For most working people, a godsend.

    As debt load decreases, consumers will find higher gas, food and transportation much easier to swallow. For the unemployed, however, it will be extremely tough, especially those on permanent, fixed, low incomes.

  20. Thank God, this is the one recent post with no Troll comments. Sometimes it scares me to think from the comments I read that so many people in America are really that childish, like a bunch of overgrown children.

  21. Yes, there will be a systemic financial collapse or dramatic hyperinflation. Yes, debt will be erased because of the hyperinflation. However, it will completely dislocate the employment market. No, it will not be the end of the world, you will have to live through this tragedy. Yes, it will permanently change the face and perspectives of this nation. Hold fast to your family, prepare, and endure to the end.

  22. I wouldn't be too sure about the debt erasure part. Bankers are already making sure their Credit Card agreements have floating interest. Then there are the ARM loans. A LOT of debt will follow hyperinflation.

  23. The Bible says that one quarter of the population on earth will die from famine,pestilence,etc..also that a days work will only pay for a day's food.Prices will be twenty times higher than they are now,and one in four will die.
    Yes,I am preparing for the worst.You should too.


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