
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Economic Depression Deepening with Mass Layoffs and Bank Failures

Note: Map on left are bank failures courtesy of WSJ
Tracking the Nations Bank Failures

WASHINGTON, Feb 23 (Reuters) - The number of mass layoffs by U.S. employers edged up in January as manufacturers stepped up job cuts, data showed on Tuesday, but probably not enough to alter views that the economy is on the brink of creating jobs.

The Labor Department said the number of mass layoff actions -- defined as job cuts involving at least 50 people from a single employer -- increased by 35 to 1,761. Mass layoffs had trended lower since August.
More Here

U.S. banks posted last year their sharpest decline in lending since 1942, suggesting the industry's continued slide is impeding economic recovery..." -WSJ


  1. No jobs, no banks, no problem; in addition, remember to move your money to a local bank or credit union.

  2. Better yet, get your money that you don't need for monthly transactions out of there completely. Is earning 1% interest really worth the risk of these thieving banksters holding your savings?

    A local bank or credit union is just the lesser evil.

    Even a better course of action would be to convert your fiat dollars into food, commodities, PMs.

  3. 1159 I hear ya, been there done all of that you mention, by pm's Now, dont wait, when they close the banks and collapse the dollar, pm's will skyrocket, just ask your grandparents who lived through the great depression, this one will be worse.

  4. The "great depression" will be renamed "a minor depression" after this next one hits.

  5. Dave Ramsey says; "Buy gold? I tell people to buy guns and ammo, food and a generator" If you just have a few thousand I suppose that is what you should do. If you have a few hundred thousand I suppose you should buy gold and real estate. And move out of the city.

  6. When you buy gold do you have it on hand at your house or do you let one of those companies send you a certificate that says you own it. When you get it do you put it under the mattress or do you put it in the bank deposit box. What ideas do you have that you can share... No one knows who you are or where you live... so share please.

  7. 1:30 I agree. This one is going to be a bad one. I truly believe that the feds will tell people to stay in their foreclosed homes. That is why fannie mae and freddie mac got possession is because during the depression people were homeless by the droves. Now they will be told to just squat and pay like rent or what ever.

  8. Analyst, there have been about 4400 branches of banks closed. Question. Was it 9 to 10 thousand banks that failed in the 1930's Great Depression, or individual banks, not counting the bank branches. Curious.

  9. Didn't do that right. Was it 10,000 banks, or was that 10,000 branches of banks that closed during the Depression?

    Thanks! Read you all the time! Annette

  10. My gold and silver was delivered to my home by FedEx. It now sits in a firesafe. I will move it to a safe I can secure to the floor ASAP.

    Do NOT put it in a Safe Deposit box. You may well have it stolen by the Feds if you do. It's happened before.

  11. you can't eat gold, big deal. if it really gets to be as bad a scenario as people expect, i doubt the border patrol is going to hold the masses back at the border crossings. with the cartels owning guns, look out! if they want across, they will take over the cities. take your stuff and get out of the city, now. we are in a small city, and we all look out for each other, religion don't get in the way, or race. however, i have seen about 9 black people where i live. very few mexicans, too. most went back to mexico. they need to go back, but, with what they have to go back to, that is like committing them to death. have you seen what mexico looks like away from the border? let's all go to canada!!!! they is white up there!

  12. btw, I can't believe that La Jolla Bank went under. One of their founders is a distant relative of mine. They are the monied side. We are the poor working side. Does that mean that Chris lost everything, or do they give him money when another bank takes over his bank? They are nice people, so it is a shame. Oh, well. It happens to everyone!

  13. roving bands of gangs will have no chance, put concertina wire around your house, no way to pass it without ripped your body apart, put it in front of doors and low window areas, the high windows will be fine, buy wood to board up many windows and put 3m film on them, makes them harder to get through. put up cameras and a barrier alarm to wake you when someone comes on your property and when you hear them trying to get in a window you can blast them, if you put strong steel doors with a katy bar, door club, and buddy bar, no way can they get in

  14. 1:59 Annette, just because his business went down doesn't mean he did. I have seen people with the help of their attorneys fare very well after the business went belly up.

  15. I think Annette has had a few.

  16. Have been reading this for a while now. I can't believe that the MSM relies on the oblivious nature of this country to continue to not inform one of the most successful nations in the world that the foundations are being pulled out from underneath every single citizen. Very appalling.

  17. There would be well over a thousand banks closed now if the govt didnt change the rules so they could hide much of their current bad loans.

  18. I deal with a lot of manufactures. They are seeing orders this quarter increase but they have Zero plans on Hiring. Reason is the GOV. Private Manufactures and their owners are looking at TAX's beyond 50% of their income.

    The US GOV wants to bite the hand that feeds them. Those who took the risk, started manufacturing..who created jobs and growth in communities....are not willing to give half of their earnings away to free loaders or the US GOV.

    What the country voted for, they are about to get. There is no stopping this as the "PEOPLE" put the motion into play....electing OBAMA.

    So, now where is your gas, your food, your cloths, your oil, your jobs, ...gona come from? OBAMA? Are the "Freeloaders" of this country going to "Create" anything of value let alone jobs for all you?

    So, now the "CAPITALIST" is packing up his wealth, closing down his factories, and walking away, or is not hiring and not looking to hire any more workers.....and who's fault is it?

    WallStreet is not Capitalism but a casino. And you fools want to dream and make it big by hitting RED on the giant wheel of "Guess and See who Wins". Wallstreet is corporate socialism backed by the the Gov.

    So, lets put this in perspective... The "People" who liked the idea of getting everything for nothing, voted in the Socialist, who is now gona TAX TAX TAX the producers of this country. The producers of this country have all ready reached the Wealthy Catagory in most cases. So, now they can shut down the shop and escape the IRON FIST of the GOV and the PEOPLE...and who is left standing with the bag of shit, thanks to the ideas of Socialism and those who believe in OBAMA...YOU GUYS!

    Word of advice, if you have the nerve to truly see where we are AYN RAND'S "ATLAS SHRUGGED"

    You guy better pray that the True Capitalist do not leave this country...

  19. I always love when morons like 602 babble all this bs, the capitalist already left this country long ago, the only ones left are the last looters(bankers), they will bankrupt this country and then move on to the next, thank w bush who removed all the checks and balances over 8 miserable years for this and his puppet masters who allowed him to do it, he and his puppet masters have bankrupted this country by getting us into unwinnable wars, deregulation, off shoring jobs, and letting all capitalists literally get away with murder, obama is trying to clean up an uncleanable mess.

  20. Why is it that when the subject of gold comes up the anti-gold morons come running? Because they are not being sincere.

    Gold to the bankers is like a crucifix to a Vampire.

    As for keeping it in a safe I would say no. There are many creative ways to hide it. Just google it.

    The problem with a safe is very simple. A robber has a gun to your head in your home, KNOWS you have a safe, SEES the safe, and you are jacked. Period.

    Must better to have a safe, fill it with trinkets and nonsense. A burglar will spend all his time trying to break into or haul it away. The best use for a safe is a diversion.

  21. Ask any person who survived the crash in Argentina if they wished they would have bought Gold in advance. The exact same banksters that destroyed the economy there and doing it here.

    It doesn't take a sliderule to figure it out.

  22. gold has been real money for over 5000 years, the us dollar has been fake money for 230 years, I think I'll put my money on gold.

  23. Why are so many of you "Anonymous" ? I don't understand why you guys hide who you are. What are you afraid of?

  24. OK this ones for Annette. My name is Jeff and I live in S. California.

    As for the comment, "you can't eat gold", that's right, but someday when you are counting your worthless dollars, hoping to buy a bag of rice, I'll offer the merchant a gold coin and buy his whole store. That's what you don't understand.

    I bought a security camera system on Craig's List, a four camera system for 50 bucks. My house is covered front, sides and back. An alarm will sound is the motion detector is triggered. That will give me plenty of time to arm up, before I look out the window.

    I did not vote in the last election. The way I saw it was:

    John McCain would likely die in office and look who would take over. Sara may be a hot MILF, but she's not presidential material.

    Obama, less than one year in the Senate. He had a truck load of questions about his past that he refuses to answer.

    So please tell me, when we have two bad choices, who do your choose?

  25. Oh come on. How can you claim the Vatican gets their news here daily as well just because one or two people in the Vatican happen to visit here daily. Don't be ridiculous. There's plenty of other news sites the vatican reads as well.


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