
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Economic Elite Engineered Coup On Middles Class

The devastating numbers across-the-board on the economic front are staggering. I'll go through some of them here, many we have already become all too familiar with. We hear some of these numbers all the time, so much so that it appears as if we have already begun "to normalize the unthinkable." You may be sick of hearing them, but behind each number is an enormous amount of individual suffering, American lives and families who are struggling worse than they ever have.

America is the richest nation in history, yet we now have the highest poverty rate in the industrialized world with an unprecedented amount of Americans living in dire straights and over 50 million citizens already living in poverty.

The government has come up with clever ways to downplay all of these numbers, but we have over 50 million people who need to use food stamps to eat, and a stunning 50 percent of U.S. children will use food stamps to eat at some point in their childhoods. Approximately 20,000 people are added to this total every day. In 2009, one out of five U.S. households didn't have enough money to buy food. In households with children, this number rose to 24 percent, as the hunger rate among U.S. citizens has now reached an all-time high.

We also currently have over 50 million U.S. citizens without health care. 1.4 million Americans filed for bankruptcy in 2009, a 32 percent increase from 2008. As bankruptcies continue to skyrocket, medical bankruptcies are responsible for over 60 percent of them, and over 75 percent of the medical bankruptciesfiled are from people who have health care insurance. We have the most expensive health care system in the world, we are forced to pay twice as much as other countries and the overall care we get in return ranks 37th in the world.

In total, Americans have lost $5 trillion from their pensions and savings since the economic crisis began and$13 trillion in the value of their homes.

More Here..


  1. Why is everyone calling this a recession or crisis? A recession isn't supposed to last this long, this is by now a depression.

  2. No disrespect to the owner, but the very articles postsed on here contradict that it was engineered by the elites. Through con games, ponzi schemes, get rich quick real estate investments and house turnovers, rampant consumerism, credit card extravagance, and greed, the middle class helped to sew the seeds of the current economic slump. In addition to that, the reality of Peak Oil has let the global economy tilt backwards. Oil is as good as gold, and is the real backbone of the industrial world, not dollars.

    Welcome to the drift. There's nowhere left to go but down.

  3. "The system" makes it more difficult for "former middle class" members of society to get help. I know a couple who both lost their jobs and were living with one of their parents. Because the parent had all the bills in their name, the couple was disqualified for any help. I guess all of these social services want proof of bills and stuff. So even if you have nothing, you get nothing, unless you pop out twenty kids like the illegals do. If you do all the wrong things, then you get help.

    I've also heard of many middle class people being denied food stamps. Why? Because they count all the salaries of all the people living under the same roof. So say you and hubby lose your job and have to live with a relatives; even if you have no income, they still count the income of the people you live with.

    This is just SO WRONG.

  4. It has basically gone third world here in the U.S.- and now it's just gonna get worse. You guys should be nicer to Mr. EA.....he is exactly right on the button with what he brings to everyone in these news stories. If you want to get an idea of what we are headed for here in the USA, start looking at third world countries and their economies. Across the board, most people have their own little businesses in third world countries, as "jobs" cease to exist at all and the idea of a government hand-out is comical at best. At least we'll all finally be living "green" here soon...I'll be collecting and reusing cardboard to build my next house, and I've cut my "carbon" footprint to zero since I had to sell my car to get groceries on the table.

  5. "to normalize the unthinkable." Sounds very much like "1984". The govt controlled MSN are nothing more than US government propaganda outlets. Most of my friends and family who are addicted to their TV's have no clue as to what is really going on. Though they can sure tell you about who's playing basketball this week or their favorite event in the corporate olympics.

    We are in big big trouble, if you still have any type of income, buy gold & silver, water filters, guns and ammo. We may be needing these supplies in the very near future. When people are starving, they will become violent.

    If I had the $$, I would get the hell out of Dodge.

  6. Dept of Labor reported another 31,000 new claims for unemployment at the end of last week.....


  8. There really is no future for the current crop of High School students.

    Perhaps we need another tent city, just like the one set up by the Bonus Army after WWI. Thousands of vets, camped out in from if the capitol, waiting for money promised to them. This time it's unemployed, desperate citizens.


    Does 7:16 mean;

    A) You were an accident fool, so STFU.

    B) Yeah where is the accident? They made me into a fool! Sincerely, Stu F.

    C) Beware of an accident fool. Sincerely, Stu F.

    He's either French and maybe doesn't speak and type English well, or he's an American teenager who does speak English but uses youtube too much.

    Bigger Point:

    Regardless of what happens to the economy, 7:16 is the norm of America's future. Forget this failed education system - the bullshit that we use excessively today has retarded the mental development of this "bright" generation.

    The rate here is that for all youth under 25, you maybe have one straight minded, focused, ethically upright, sober citizen for every five drugged up, sex obsessed/tormented, internet addicted shit brains. What really is unsustainable is the reality that those NORMAL minded kids will be outnumbered by such abnormal ones... people think today's politicians are corrupt and stupid? Wait another 20 years, if there will even be people trying to maintain anything.

    There could not possibly be another time period where people were so deluded could there? Oh yeah! The time period 7:16 will "rise up and inspire" will be beyond delusional, it will be a bit "held back from reaching full potential" (Retarded).

    Sincerely, A Deluded Citizen

  10. U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!!
    All join in now...
    U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!!
    U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!!

    Land of the Bankrupt, Home of the Terrified,
    or is it "Home of the Whopper"?
    "I want my MTV."
    "The Richest, Most Powerful Country in the World"
    "Like a Rock"
    "Be all that you can be."
    "Just Do It"
    "I'm lovin' it!"

  11. Noodles123-I'm spooked...I have noticed people are actually mad about things NOT going well not because it's affected them yet but because it goes against all their beliefs.

    "What do you mean we're an evil empire bombing people for military contractors and oil companies?"

    "How dare you say Americans can't ried, rite or spel...We're geniuses full of freedom!"

    "If you talk about the bad things that are happening then they really will happen but if you STFU about them no one will notice!"

    Sadly enough you can't cover up the sun and slowly just like most empires we're crumbling from inside.

    Bad leaders + Bad policies + Uneducated moronic population = CHAOS.

  12. Everybody Photocopy MoneyFebruary 18, 2010 at 6:02 PM

    What's wrong with photocopying money?
    The fcking Fed do it all the time.

  13. Dear 8:09pm :


  14. Time for a civil war here in the states!


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