Friday, February 12, 2010

The End: Jim Sinclair

Dear Extended Family,
I sent an email to you awhile ago saying "This Is It," when it wasn’t apparent.
Now, I am sorry to say, THIS IS THE END because it is becoming apparent.
Everything stands on the foundation of CONFIDENCE which is cracking rapidly.
Just How Ugly Is The Sovereign Default Truth? How Self Delusions Prevent Recognition Of Reality Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/11/2010 13:55 -0500
Today SocGen’s Dylan Grice shares his perspectives on popular delusions, and why these may soon be coming to an abrupt end.  Dylan begins:
Behavioural psychology applies to central bankers, regulators and politicians as much as it does to investors. In promising to ‘fiscally retrench tomorrow’, finance ministers are exhibiting the behavioural phenomenon of overconfidence in their future self-control. The bitter fiscal medicine required to stabilise debt levels won’t become more palatable today relative to tomorrow until the bond market makes it so. It can only do this through higher yields. Thus, Ireland and perhaps now Greece lead the way. For the Japanese it’s too late.
Why should behavioural psychology be seen as something applying only to investors? "Behavioural" finance is a well defined sub-discipline in its own right. But where is ?behavioural? politics, ?behavioural? central banking, or "behavioural" regulation? Remember the Fed policy statements around the end of the 1990s? The ones that kept referring to the "technology-enhanced" rate of GDP growth? Wasn?t this herding around a bad idea the very same herding then fuelling the NASDAQ bubble?
More Here..

Who Will Get Hurt Most When Greece Collapses:
Link Here


  1. To the individual that has threatened me I have your IP address and have reported you to the FBI

  2. Can we at least have a small glimpse of the threat????

  3. EA give me his adress , ill pay him ein bezuch hehehe , no one comes here and does that shit , Time to arm up and ship out boys , the ship is sinking !

  4. EA that is something that NOBODY should put up with.

  5. I suppose many are in fear of these articles greatly so they write the most amazing insults and threats. Really childish but dangerous.

  6. Why is it that in the past few days on this board there has been an increase in people blaming the economic collapse on black and brown people? I am just curious. Several posters have blamed it all on people of color.

  7. I don't know anything about threats and think that is BS. No one should be threatened. EA is trying his best to put up articles for people who are interested.

    Now about Jim Sinclair article, I think the guy is a flake. I just hope Jim doesn't hurt himself. It is not as bad as you think Jim, the human race has been through much rougher times.

    We live in the most abundant time to be alive. You have more power and information than ever before in human civilization, yet people still moan that they got ice in their coke, when they said "no-ice". Put it in perspective people. Everything is fine and will continue to be fine. There will be no Haiti or war in the streets of America. Crime may escalate and there might be some food shortage, so what. Buy a gun and get prepared. Enjoy life after that and don't dwell on crap.

  8. 7:57
    I am one of those posters that slammed "minorities".

    I did not blame the current fiscal crisis on them
    however; I did state they were and are an integrel part of same.

    I am white and I have many ethnic friends and neighbors. I was simply stating that it's time we in this country call it what it is - something we seem to be at a major impasse with.

    We have SO MANY special interest groups !!! We cannot sustain ALL OF THEM. And at the top of the list ??? Minorities - man 3/4 of them get a free ride from cradle to grave.

    And -- I'm also not saying that the white population does not have these drones as well -
    we do; by the bucket load. If you re-read my comments however you will find my jist was -
    we need to get the hell out of the entitlement
    business - it does nobody any good and here we are 2010 and 50% --- FIFTY PERCENT !!!!!! of the
    "people" in this country basically don't do anything - don't produce anything ( except turds)
    and I for one am damn tired of it

  9. 3:38,

    Do we blame the people that take the money? Or the system that gives it away? Take that anger to the voting booths this November. Our system is corrupt and broken. Why does it take money from people that work and produce and give it to those that wish not to? Thats what we all should be sick of.

  10. I'm sorry - I do not have the answer to your question and I have voted since I turned 18
    from my county level up thru to the President
    ( yes, I'm the idiot that keeps voting for Patrick Buchannon).

    I know it corrupt and I know it's broken - but when a High school in rural MI. is FORCED by law
    to install elevators for one child that's wheelchair bound at a cost of 6.7 Million dollars
    I start spouting my mouth off where I can ( probably end up in the lake with cement boots on shortly).

    I have hundreds of minority stories like this & yes, I'm sorry they are handicapped and yes; sometimes your heart goes out to these people
    but damn it ! WE CANNOT AFFORD IT ANYMORE ! When one person; one bat; one fish; one tree; one nest
    (yes, one nest shut down an entire gas drilling site 3 years ago & it is still in limbo) hell man PETA just showed up in Punxsy, Pa. & told them they'd have to replace the groundhog with a
    robotic one because the crowds scared it ) so you have thousands and thousands afected by ONE

    NOT RIGHT and I believe all this other shit is bad but this issue is like the steady stream of water that made the grand canyon because it has permeated EVERY facet of our life.

    Look no farther than California and they are going down first - if not this year then in '11.

    We follow soon after -- regrettably the time to vote has come and passed.

  11. 7:05,

    i am same anon from before. you make very valid points and your frustration with the system is understandable. no doubt, we have gone way to far, to make sure life is 'FAIR' for those 'less fortunate'. I wonder, if the parents with the handicapped kid had to pay for the elevator alone, if they would do it? Obviously not, but the point is, why should we pay for this 'fairness' when the cost is absurd.

    Political correctness and Progressivism will ruin this country long before terrorists will.

  12. neocons and conservatives have already ruined it, from reagan to bush those 30 years have been a steady decline

  13. I'm not exactly up on all the terminology used here,but I can tell you that the TRUE conservatives aren't responsible for the way this country is headed.I used to call myself a republican until they turned traitors,Bush being the worst.{Communist Patriot Act.}Now I guess I'm an independent.And very conservative.
    We must stop Agenda 21.Go to and see why we will soon no longer be a sovereign nation..We MUST unite and fight this.Make people aware of it.The 'green' movement is just a front for a wicked U.N. agenda,which is communism.Check it out.Scary.


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