
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Food Stamp Recipients Skyrocketing

Food stamp distribution has skyrocketed since the U.S. Department of Agriculture renamed the program Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program (SNAP) in 2008 and began pushing states to give federal food aid to people without verifying their finances.
President Obama’s latest proposed budget includes $72.5 billion for the SNAP program, a 30 percent increase over $55.6 spent in 2009. The program is on track to double in size by 2011 — as recently as 2008 it accounted for only $37.6 billion. Since the start of the recession in late 2007, food-stamp rolls jumped from 27 million individuals to 38 million, or 13 percent of the total U.S. population. The federal government hasn’t distributed food aid to this many people since the Great Depression.
“Applicants will not need to provide documentation verifying their resources,” wrote Jessica Shahnin, associate administrator for SNAP in a letter to all regional SNAP offices encouraging them to lower barriers to entry for people looking for food assistance.
Anybody who receives other federal aid, such as Medicaid, automatically qualifies for food stamps in most states — a situation known as “categorical eligibility.”
“Broad-based categorical eligibility … refer[s] to the policy that makes most, if not all, households categorically eligible for SNAP because they receive a non-cash … funded benefit or service, such as an informational pamphlet or 800-number,” says Shahnin.
This means that anybody who inquires about a brochure for federal assistance is automatically eligible for food stamps.


  1. You are doing a great job with this site. I will be spending more time here since I got kicked off lifeaftertheoilcrash. They did not like dissenting opionions....LOL

  2. It is gaining momentum, the downward slide of society.

  3. Government cheese is so delicious!

  4. The willingness of people in this country to prostitue themselves into debt slavery is incredulous.

    It will not and cannot stop until this entire machine has ground to a stop.

    Maybe then; upon a restart can we re-ignite in people a sense of self worth; duty; responsibility and morals.

    Without these we as a people are nothing more than a herd of cows; feeding at the trough of a master.

    In the end we all will learn there is no free anything. No free ride, no free lunch and sure as hell no such thing as free freedom.

  5. Everybody Photocopy MoneyFebruary 21, 2010 at 1:45 AM

    What sheep dont know is govt feed them food with poison to kill sheep, and recycle dead sheep meat to feed other sheep.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. And when all the food runs out and the many people who do not have land to grow food on or do not have the skills to do so get hungry. Or how about those who do not know how to hunt or fish get hungry also. When there is no more food available especially during the winter. Better be hiding or defending your butt real good because the hungry people will be coming to eat you.

  8. learn how to survive as if you were preparing for a war. Get survival books designed for military people, green berets etc.. Guns, ammo, food is not enough. Learn how to survive as if yoy had only the clothes on your back, because this just could happen to you. Don't let the hungry people eat you!

  9. You could go to work one day and not be able to make it home, because of some disater or some other situation. Roads may be shut down etc.., Will you be able to make it home to your fortress on foot? Are you physically capable to do it? Better prepare physically too, not just mentally.Look way ahead, at all angles,every scenerio. Don't let them eat you.

  10. I work one block from home and have a tunnel to my house

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Great, I am going to enroll. I might as well get my own bailout.

  13. I would have no problem if the EA were to delete the chilidish comments above....Yes, I am ignoring them....

  14. I love all of you very much.


  15. LOL I think 12:12 got ya there 12:09, smirks
    BTW as someone that was once one of those guys with a "beret" for 27+ years, there is one factor that mitigates all the training and survival knowledge, its called "age" as you age things aren't quite as easily done, or hardly able to be done the way you "remember" so all this "preparation" is good, but it will only benefit those able to actually implement, and use these things. Remember there would be a lot of younger, stronger and bigger individuals out also trying to "survive" if all this comes to pass. But than maybe the world could just start anew with them, I dono, I'll do what would be nessary of course, but know I have my "exit" strategy in mind.

    "Give me the strength to die without fear"

  16. 1230 that above comment was mine, I got that guy lol, I am alot like you, I like your comments, they are good, happy sunday!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. where is my food stamp at beeeoootccchhhh

  19. Feb. 20, 4:20 pm and Feb. 21, 12:30 pm are the only two posters that have the sense to comprehend what is occurring or the reality of the impending situation.

    The majority of these posts have not the slightest idea of what the future will shortly introduce.

    Good Luck.

  20. The original Mr Ponzi run his scam based on postage stamps.
    While I know that the whole US economy financial system has functioned as giant ponzi in recent years
    recirculating real value created in the third world .
    “We give you green paper ,you send us thingies ,then you loan the green paper back to us as low interest loans to finance our purchase of the thingies so you can try and make a profit’
    I can understand that system , economics 101 and all that stuff. Sounds fair and necessary .And a good Free Trade Globalism
    Besides the yanks are now so dumbded down that they cant produce many of their own thingies now and most couldn’t afford any of the thingies unless they are produced by near slave labour in the third world. .Sounds fair and necessary too.
    But as a non -US citizen I don’t understand the food stamp business part of the Ponzi system how does it work ?
    “First we take your jobs and give unemployment benefits for a short while , then put you food stamps ,so you can not afford to make your mortgage payments. So we can get the house too including the flag on the pole out the front. Americas a great country and the rich and those on food stamps all love their flag.
    ‘It’s the spirit of a nation’ Yes we can!”
    Other well of civilised rich first world countries have real unemployment benefits and free or affordable universal healthcare. There must be something in this food stamp business I am not grasping .
    Are the fifty million, or whatever, on food stamps getting free lotto tickets to the amerikan dream too?
    Does the US Gov sell ‘yes we Can” invest in shares in these food stamp coupons and is it some sort of Ponzi Scheme ?
    If so how can I get in on it early to make a buck?
    Signed .

  21. 1:14- J P Morgan runs the food stamp program. I am sure that the greater the customer base, the greater the profits- like a lot of other things currently going on, it can not last.


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