
Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Million Americans Denied Unemployment Extensions

They did it! The government of your nation did it! They just turned their backs on over a million people on unemployment and denied the extensions! Congress, in the most nefarious and pernicious move seen since “post economic collapse period,” has walked away, went home for the weekend and did not extend unemployment benefits to over a million America families.

One Senator from Kentucky was allowed to block the unemployment benefits and put over a million families in complete and utter jeopardy by cutting off the only income these families have to pay their bills. Jim Bunning the junior Senator from The Blue Grass State just decided to play politics with people’s survival and crushed the unemployed by making a national debt argument on the backs of over a million families. In the most coldhearted fashion, this venal man sold his soul to ideology and crushed under his foot the desperate millions of people who can not find a job due to no fault of their own.
The dysfunction of this government is now in full force and on display for every American to see. Those of us with a job who don’t speak out and do something, deserve to one day be in our fellow American’s shoes. Our government is completely out of control and with this latest failure has become the single biggest threat to the survival of the American family. To allow one politician from some small state to block extended unemployment for over a million people and their families goes beyond anything acceptable.
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  1. Iam a unemployed self-employed carpenter . I have been out of work for a year. I havent been able to collect one penny of unemployment. I have trouble feeling for those people. where is my bail out

  2. Send this clown and every clown a message on capital hill now

  3. I do not know this man Jim Bunning but I can tell you this.

    If he was my Senator - I'd be taking a little drive over to his house with about a hundred
    of my friends.

    I've never collected a day of UI either; but by
    damned it people we are about to shell out another 7 fucking Billion to fannie mae and another 8 fucking Billion to AIG .

    And this commie son of a bitch won't extend benefits to AMERICAN WORKERS ???? !!!!

    I am glad he's not my Senator - I'd probably be writing this from jail.

  4. no not one word from cnn fox cnbc
    thats right they dont give a f
    them and there buddies are rich and you are the peasents
    congress and the senate have turned a blind eye to americans and said your on your own
    and if you complain your a terroist
    now you know why stack flew his plane into the building
    obama had that big thing about healthcare but nota word about people they could help right know
    also his houseing bill is a joke bloomberg reported it was a failure
    and obama extended it to every homeowner
    i beleive that we are doomed in usa
    congress and the senate must go
    yes there are a few good ones but at obamas healthcare bill meeting they should have said what about extending uenployemnet
    mcain with his big mouth big war hero
    hey what about the 1.2 million who are going to lose benefits this weekend
    instead they sit there like guppies
    ron paul for president
    i dont see any way out except full collapse
    i dont even get uenployement but this is for to show the numbers went down or stayed the same
    america for the elite
    as the article said when it happens to you then you will wake up
    benedict arnold lives in washington

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  7. The Govt. cannot go on eternally paying unemployment benefits. We have a welfare system in place that picks up where the unemployment ends. Half of my friends on unemployment and disability are working jobs under the table. So this country has to suffer a bit and families move back in together and share the expenses. The party is over and now we will have to live like the rest of the world. Wake up and face reality. People will have to be responsible for their own survival because Govt. can no longer afford to play God. Patrick Faiola, Saratoga, NY

  8. 10:27 amen to that. Yes, many are going to suffer but we have become a nanny state and there are too many folks on the dole. We have to fail in certain areas to become better in others, it's going to be painful no doubt.

  9. I think that 11:34am and 10:27am just honestly don't realize what is happening now.
    This is the beginning of the really bad part of all of this that we've been talking about for years now, when our government finally shafts the people while bailing out wall street.
    Some of us have been long preparing for life in a wildly criminal environment perpetrated by all sides around you personally.
    Be prepared my fellow Americans.
    The time is at hand.

  10. Patrick - my problem with our own Gov't not extending UI at this juncture in time is their
    willingness to bail out every other friggin'
    cause known to man ( and a couple that aren't)

    I mean we're talking here about a Government
    that has spent OVER 950 BILIION dollars on 2
    "wars" since 2001 -- look it up !

    In the last year alone they have spent OVER 2
    TRILLION dollars on everything from canals for
    turtles to cross - to bailing out every company
    from GM to Fannie and Freddie and AIG

    AND AND AND --- they ain't done yet ! They want to spend another TRILLION on a health care system
    that we do NOT want or need at this point.

    I don't like freeloaders - but damnit - if these
    idiots have that kind of money to throw around for everything else - I want some of my tax $ going to my neighbors who thru no fault of their own making; lost a job.

    Not to Fucking Pakistan or Iraq or the Afgans
    or the Kuwaites or the Koreans --- I could give a rats ass about the lot of them right now - we have serious problems right here at home & all these dick heads can think about is how to bring the Olympics here.

    Oh Brother - this is not going to end well

  11. I think Bunnings point was that it should be paid for. Why not cut 500Bil from the Defense leaches? that should pay for extended benefits for awhile.

    But regardless: we have a systemic problem that can not be solved by throwing more money at the unemployed. we can only do what we're doing now because the USD is the reserve currency and can be infinitely printed.

    The sad truth is that it is capital that creates jobs(ie..the rich). Lower taxes on business, sending home the H1B's so Citizens can have jobs, erect massive tariffs against imports, and cutting government spending is the only long term way of creating employment. Govt spending was the Keynesian crutch that never slowed down in good times and went parabolic in the bad.

    People like 'ill bring 100 friends to see Senator Bunning' clearly dont understand what it takes to make an economic machine work in the long term. It is a balance of labor and capital. Right now, capital is in control thanks to Congressional corruption. We MUST let the banks fail, remove all the Congressmen, and rebuild.
    Small Business must feel it has a chance to make a profit. Imports must be eliminated. Long term its the only way to sustain an economy. Things will cost more but its the price for economic sovereignty.

  12. Ooooooh, The Peasants Are Pissed, as they find out the Royal Court has gorged themselves on their labor!!!

    The word is going out in all of America:
    "We must destroy King Louie and that Harlot Marie Antoinette! Make them all pay!"

    Vive La France Mon Amis.... Or as the Americans would say...


  13. This is a blatant lie. Senator Bunning only asked that the 10 billion dollars be taken from the unspent stimulus money so it wouldn't add to the national debt. He is not trying to screw anybody over, he is just trying to make some fiscal sense.

    This is how the media lies, by telling half-truths and you all bought it. How can we even have an opinion when the news media just lies to everyone.

    This will get passed, but lets make a little sense out of it.

  14. This is actually a good thing. Here is why. In the first place, the American people will have the taste of what was asked of other nations to be done in order to reduce the national debt. Take Argentina or Greece for example. Yes, I understand that this debt is accumulated and created by private corporations and banks and transferred on the balance sheets of the state. The state itself funds never ending wars while shutting down services for the people. Yes, I got it all. But this is the only way to wake up a sleeping driver at a stirring wheel. The driver has to pay the price for falling asleep. Not only that, we have to brake this vicious circle of entitlement society. Stop personal taxation. The anger will spill on the streets , but there is no other way around.

  15. Again, what I perceive in 1:12pm is a real failure to understand what is going to be required of them personally during the duration of this next couple of years.
    You will not allowed to be some armchair observer of some expirement in economics gone bad from a safe distance. You will be standing on a street corner in Argentina in 1996 very soon.

  16. 12:36 His point is it should be paid for???

    You gotta be friggin' kiddin' me right ?

    Do you really need me to bitch slap you and re-iterate this fuck heads voting record ?

    Cut it from the Defense budget indeed ! One of One THOUSAND easy cuts they coulod make IF - IF
    they were men.

    But ah ! tisk tisk - 'tis quite obvious that they are not.

    Sorry it is too .

    I'm from Missouri baby - SHOW ME

  17. The senator obviously is a big believer in the saying,Im alright Jack.

  18. Many people has confessed they are living off their Credit Cards. When they get maxed out, they will go BK.

    I have not had a Credit Card for nearly 30 years. By some people's standards, I've been suffering all my life, because if I can't pay cash for something, I don't buy it. When my UI runs out, and my tiny savings are gone, I'll have NOTHING. I have plenty of marketable skills, but these days the only people that are safe are doctors and dentists. When I chipped a tooth, I could not ignore it. I had to pay $600.00 for a new crown, something NOT optional with the level of pain I had to endure. My blood pressure meds are not optional, but I guess movies and eating out and porn on demand and hookers and gambling are optional.

    I've was a machinist in my early work years and I can take a block of steel or aluminum and cut it into anything, but where is my market?

    I guess I could make Claymores for property defense, would you like to take an order? Oh shit, that's right you're broke and unemployed too. So much for my customer base.

  19. 12:48 Was this article from a blog site or a legit news agency? Not to say that a blog can't report news. Heck someone needs to tell us what is going on.

  20. The sad, very sad truth is, the only and I mean only way out of this debt crisis is to cut spending. All states must cut government employees effective immediately. Lay off all state park workers and close the parks, lay off 20% of all state workers in all departments. No ya buts, just do it. Feds must do the same. All federal lands must be left unatttended and closed unless it is essential to national security. No more unemployment extensions. Bring back all troops from Iraq and Afghanastan. You get the picture, damn it. It is going to hurt. No ya buts, just do it.

  21. I tip my hat to Mr Bunning. People need to stop looking to the Government past a point. The government also needs to stop spending money in other places. the long term unemployed should be tax expempt when they return to work for what a year, I don't care. the point is we need to quick looking to the Federal government and get them off our backs and out off our decisions on a day to day basis. To get back to that is going to be painful. There will be pain no matter which way we go

  22. For 3:58 PM - You will have alot of work when the government gets pushed back from their extra-constitutional activities, stepping all over American liberties.
    As for the Kentucky Congressman, if his actions were to be fiscally responsible, then perhaps we own him support. But my faith in our congressional reps. is surely lacking. PS i'm still waiting on mu UI benefits - no word from them after all the correspondence in the beginning and email messages I left. Oh well, I teach myself a new skill-set... how about horticulture, water-catching and food preserving? Perhaps there are future positions for these teachers?

  23. The thing that this stupid moron (Bunning, what a panzy ass name, sounds like a woman's name) doesn't understand is the UI Benefits is NOT Socialism...

    Corporations AND Employees pay into this fund every week/month. The entitlement is paid by the slaves.

    I think the problem here is that the UI funds are tapped empty and the crooks that caused the collapse to happen don't want us digging into the bailout funds (which again is paid by the slaves in taxes) that are slated for the white collar criminals at the Banks.

    Because after all, we can't mess with those chunky bonuses at Goldman Sachs HQ can we ?

    Grrrrrrrr... Congress is lying again!

  24. To the link purist @ 4:11

    It was on talking points memo and politico...

  25. The 'big change' most seek here will not occur until the middle class experiences pain to the degree that Wall Street itself starts to get hit with equivalent pain, or widespread continuous rioting in major cities, or food disruptions, or unemployment benefits running out en masse to the point of many many people going hungry and homeless to the degree of widespread panic, or domestic or foreign terrorism shocks the economy as the Celente's of the world have opined will cause the next wave of economic and social collapse.

    Any of the foregoing is when likely such kinds of shattering 'change' will occur. Because it has to. Because the step after that is complete societal breakdown. Because when you have blood running in the streets, many streets, all across America and the world that's when the present system won't be tolerated by civilized society. Something will give and it will be big.

    The immediate question then remains will the political powers that be act beforehand or will they try and 'time' the necessary politically dangerous decisions to avert it until the very last second, or until the next election, or will they inadvertantly allow it to implode? And if there is no such action ever then it really becomes finally the inevitable situation of 'every man for himself', 'every politician for himself,'every special-interest for itself', 'every nation for itself', 'every class for itself'. If that is the way it ends up - a battle of individualistic interests against what is best for all - then we WILL disintegrate into the 'big change' and that kind of change is indeed something we don't want to happen.

    But 'We' meaning the average person just doesn't have a way of 'knowing' the answer of 'when is when'. I will say this, sooner or later at the pace things are presently degrading we will definitely know that answer soon enough. At the present pace of degradation (global) we are not talking about years any longer IMO. We are literally talking about months now.

    In conclusion, the uncertainty ulimately then again remains to what degree this pain will escalate and whether global and domestic leadership working together will adequately respond to lower it. Because there should be absolutely no doubt whatsoever by now in any rationally thinking person's mind that currently this pain is indeed on a path of escalation and not diminishment - if one is honest with what one is seeing for themself and not relying upon what one 'expert' or another tells them they think is occuring or will occur.

    This is the way I see it. How you see it is likely different and it likely depends on your station in life, where you live, how you live. Ultimately then how you or I deal with it is also likely to be as varied as each individual's unique situation. But in the end we all have to deal with it when it affects society as a whole. There is no hiding from it if you are part of society - meaning you depend on society to provide you things that allow you to exist in a certain manner. Therefore you and me can forget about the days of easy going. Easy going is no more. What it will become is what we can tolerate. I don't yet know the answer to how much I can tolerate. Does anyone really know?

  26. Ya, what 5:52 said!

  27. 10 07
    12 16
    said it
    this isnt about money
    this is about the people in goverment destroying america for a new and better place
    a new world order
    full collapse
    many i talk to are in denial until they find out
    the day of reckoning that the party is over
    they will be the first loseing it
    you know i already know some that have
    and its not a pretty sight
    what spit it out
    and say it with some straight talk
    otherwise run for office
    i almost whent to sleep

  28. Wait a minute here. The senate is going for a 1 year extension, bunnings concern is where is the money coming from. More debt??? Bunning wanted to take it from the stimulas funds that was already approved

  29. Everybody Photocopy MoneyFebruary 28, 2010 at 12:26 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. As a matter of procedure, this isn't newsworthy because it doesn't matter. At least not yet.

    When filing for unemployment, everyone files on the Sunday after the week they are claiming. So either you are filing for the extension this Sunday (Feb 28th) in which case you are "safe" because you are in Feb, or you are filing next Sunday (Mar 7th) in which case congress has five [5] days of next week to enact the extension. By all accounts, Bunning's stall can't hold on for any longer than Monday. So this is a non-story.

    People are freaking out because of the change of the calendar month from Feb to March. But nothing happens on March 1st. Now, if nothing happens during the coming week, that's when things get interesting.

  31. @1:27 PM
    No, you do not get it. I am going to be an observer, cause I have already left the country. I did not accumulate the debt, I did not participate in this circus election, and certainly I am not planning to pay with my labour for this crap. Every fricking idiot in the country I spoke to laughed at me. Oh no, it is never going to happen to this country. All other countries-yeah, they are all so corrupt. But not in America. Now I am going to watch it on TV from a quiet corner of the planet. And yes, I know what it is going to take. You see, not everyone is as delusional as Americans.

  32. I live in KY, I'm drawing unemployment. I understand the hardships this will cause. But I do understand Bunnings stand. He WANTS to pass the bill. He is just demanding they FUND it! Someone has to draw a line in the sand about the spending insanity!!! The US government it completely out of control and must be reined in. Join me in learning some facts....

  33. 5:52

    I want to invite you to write some articles for America Speaks Ink. I believe you have talent in your writing. Email me and let's talk about it.

    C. Rich
    America Speaks Ink.

  34. Wait till all those who "lost everything and do not have anything else to lose" find out where Mr. Bunning and all those other heartless people live! It can turn out very ugly!

  35. Its definitely tough out there... but people soon need to realize is that they might not be able to find a job in their field and will have to make do working at lesser jobs or potentially move if they can to find a job.

    They wont be able to afford to extend the benefits, then again its such a piss off that the banks and aig get bailed out... and record bonuses.

  36. People have been able to kick back on unemployment for 1.5 to 2 years. Getting laid off is like winning the lottery to some people! Ask them if tey are worried about getting a job and a good portion of them will say,"I'm just going to collect unemployment for a while".

    As is alqays the case, a social safety net soon bcomes a hammock!

  37. I found a job part time in Michigan finally, but I can tell you with 14pct unemployment rate it is difficult here. I've been able to work part time much of the time I have been unemployed. But living alone I can't survive on that. If we were more focused on jobs and not health care this would NOT have happened. and I don't have health care insurance either. I have always worked all my life and never drawn unemployment for longer than a month or so while seeking employment but this is rediculous.!!!!! I'm going to go picket my local bank now that's where all of our $$$$ is and I used to work there til I WOKE UP and saw what they were doing with their loans...


  38. Gee, where to start? Unemployment is insurance, and there are state insurance funds maintained by collecting money from both employer and employee. The problem is that so many people are unemployed that some states have run out of money. To be honest, I would have to research the exact relationship and laws between the state and federal governments to figure it all out. And that's a problem for the average citizen who has no idea how government really works. I only understand some of it.

    All the news channels have covered Bunning, so it's not true that the media is ignoring him. But his story changes.

    I agree with other posters who say that funding the wars and bailing out the banks are major reasons why we are in debt. However, if we can find money for death, destruction, and graft, we can find money to help the rest of us.

    Finally, we do need health care reform. The cost of health care in the U.S. is one reason why so many companies have gone overseas. If they go to China, there are no requirements for a company to provide workers with any benefits whatsoever. Nor do they have to follow any safety laws or environmental laws--or even child labor laws. If our politicians had guts, they would stopped this long ago and we wouldn't be in a Depression.

  39. Don't get all excited. Bunning did end of voting for and the people got their benefits.
    Why aren't people marching on Washingto to throw out the commies in the WH and Congress?
    Our country is now on life support and the Chinese or Saudis will determine if we continue. In George Washington's time these guys would have been shot for treason! May God truly help us Americans, He is all we have now!!

  40. I have finally given up; just when I thought things could not get any worst, the biggest crisis in my life is upon me. Divorced, unemployed, denied unemployment insurance, discharged from Chapter 7 bankruptcy, withdrew all my saving, cashed out my life insurance policy (at age 49) and it looks like I will not be able to get a job for 6-8 weeks. Next week I have to pay rent, child support, utilites, and renters insuance.
    Even worst; I live in Alabama where there are no programs to help me, where there are no consumer protections, where the electric will shut off the power if payment is not received in 2 weeks, and where a person can be evicted after 30-days.
    These are the options; at age 49 ask if we can move in with my GF parents. I can end up in jail for not paying child support,
    I cannot even find a job in the trades as a qualifed painter, handyman or maintenace owrker and if I could it would pay typical Alabama wages of $7.50/hour

  41. Please folks, stop the blaming and finger pointing. Cut off the sarcasm and cynicism because this is not President Obama's doing. At least he is trying to help us and not the wealthy corporations. The problem is two wars which cost us 1 Trillion dollars, a tax cut for the top 10% or earners, along with corprate tax cuts. If not for President Obama I would have lost my health insurance. Folks we cannot dismiss our Federal government anymore. It's not 1776, it's 2010 and it was our country that sent our jobs overseas. Meanwhile USA has fallen to number 13 as the best place to raise a family, educate our children and quality of healthcare.
    Meanwhile what will we do with our military who cannot win a war? Volunteer to lead a war against invading Aliens? No I did not say Illegal Aliens, I mean the ones from outer space. We can never hope to go back the the 1950's because we have sent those jobs that made us self sustaining overseas and those jobs will never return.

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