
Friday, February 12, 2010

The Much Worse Second Collapse

...Those of us here warned you that things were going to get worse… MUCH WORSE and to our credit, many of you listened to our point of view. I implore you to listen once again. Those MSM pundits and clueless politicians are correct; a massive storm has passed us all. But what they are not telling you is that we are sitting in the center of a massive eye wall. Having passed through the relatively calm part of the storm over the past 18 months, we are now poised to suffer the wrath of the back end of this shit storm. The second storm wall is approaching and you had better start getting your ducks in a row as this is when the REAL economic shit storm will get real for a LOT more people in this country and this world.
I have read over and over and over again from people who truly believe that things are not getting better, yet for them, things seem OK or even good. Many people like me were saying much the same thing years and years ago. I myself was saying in 2005/06 that the water had not yet reached my place on the economic ladder, but that I was very aware that it was coming for me. In the later stages of 2008 I felt that the water was inevitably going to swamp my place on the ladder so with years of research and 18 to 24 months of preparation BEHIND ME, I decided to make a conscious decision to JUMP off the ladder and into the water. WHY? Because I wanted it to be a conscious choice. I have used this passage before; it was from a US television series called LOST. It revolves around a group of people marooned on an island. One of them is a heroin addict and the scene revolves around another character who has found the addicts luggage and his stash of drugs. He holds out the drugs to the addict and says “ask me for it, and I’ll give it to you”, the man reaches for it and tries to snag it out of his hand. He pulls the baggie away from him and says “BUT understand that this is the last heroin you’ll likely ever see again, after this there is no more”. The addict angrily replies “WHAT THE HELL IS THE DIFFERENCE! JUST LET ME HAVE IT!”. The man answers him in such a way that to this day it still gives me chills at its stunning wisdom. He says “It is all the difference in the world. IF YOU CHOOSE to throw this baggie into the ocean you will HAVE CHOSEN to be free of this burden. Take the drugs and you will forever be a drug addict”.


  1. That was an uplifting anyone else scared of what's coming?

    I keep hearing "Something wicked this way comes"

  2. ALl I can say is either bring it on! Or go away!

  3. If you are looking for uplifting news you are looking in the wrong place. If however you have been unemployed for the past two years and watching everything you have slip away including your house this blog may give you some comfort. You see, we are all on this ship of fools together.

  4. 1:58 I agree.

    I've read that the only people this collapse won't affect are the mega super rich -- the ones at the very top.

    Even the "rich" as we know them, those that make $100,000.00 or more (but not millions or billions per year) will be affected.

  5. 2:17 Well, that depends on whether you believe the elite are people. I think they are the spawn of Satan.

  6. Gee bought all this silver and gold during last two years looks like short term pain coming followed by long term gain.
    I just wish this shtf scenario would unfold and get the fuc* done with iM getting itching.

  7. Short term pain is better than long term pain.

  8. yea know what you mean i have 15 / 5 gallon buckets of sprouting seeds .how do you give that to the food bank and then buy more

  9. I have a shit ton of Dinty Moore stew coming up on the expiration date, looks like we will be eating this shit for weeks

  10. I disagree with all of these doom and gloomers. While the rest of the world will suffer, the U.S.A. will be just fine.

    We are the world's greatest nation. When the world falls into chaos, the investors of the world turn to the U.S. Dollar and U.S. Bonds. Sure, we will have some pain too, but not as bad as the rest of the world.

  11. OLD DINTY MOORE STEW and more is gonna save me on dog and cat and goat and chicken and duck feed

  12. HOWDY there 515pm you have to think like a farmer ,in spring save for winter,because the truth is what you convince others to believe, and I believe you will put something besides money away for that rainy day or month or year.hopefully you will not have to entirely depend on your neighbor when and if a disaster strikes your area ,so that you can be unlike the katrina and haiti victims,sincerely anonymous

  13. Just bought another case of chicken broth.

  14. I bought a case of canned veggies on sale.

  15. 1:58... youre right. 3 years ago i was on top of the world ( my world at least...)earning almost as much as i had ever earned in my life... in a "luxury construction " sector job. now im laid off down to 8 hours per week and on partial UE. All i know for sure is that 2 or 3 years from now, i won't be reading or posting on this blog.....
    will there be blogs anymore?
    will there be hot running water?
    will there be a usa?
    I really in the deepest part of my soul think
    it's not looking good.....
    i hope all those reading will plan for the worst
    and work for the best....
    libertarian stuck in northeast liberal-ville...

  16. all that CANNED food is poisonous to

    your body folks. always store in

    glass jars because that metal will

    leech right into the food.

    also NEVER drink tap water straight

    no matter what. always filter the

    water and you will live longer.

  17. This well planned financial crisis is the tipping point. We have been headed 90 miles an hour down a dead end street for a long time. We assume the security warm blanket of just living in the US. It has been safe up to now, or has it really?
    As we sit and BBQ'd and had our drinks under the shade tree, we have been going down for years with the gangs, drugs, child abuse, rapes, robberies, mafias, corruption at all levels, etc. Our good old USA has become a matter of "which club do you wish to be killed with"? (or combination of). The reason for which is once the money dries up totally, these savage people, who have NO moral inclination at all, will move right in on us. One day we will look up and find out we are completely on our own. No police, no firemen, no ambulance, hospital, electric company trucks or even electric company to put the power back on, no supplies at the Orange bigbox. People will demand of government to DO SOMETHING-DO ANYTHING-DO IT NOW! That's the signal they are waiting for.

  18. If you ever played Sim City, you know what happens when you cut back the fire department.
    The whole city burns to the ground.
    If you cut back the police too much, all hell breaks loose and you stare in shock at your computer monitor as maniacs turn your pleasantville into Charles Manson City.
    It's a tight rope balancing act to balance a city budget. Now I look at L.A. and I'm thinking there's no way. They won't get enough tax income from the unemployed masses to run squat.
    No sanitation, no parks or recreation, no libraries, no hospitals? Wow

    Volunteer fire departments with no equipment?

    Finally, marginal levels of police that won't want to get involved in anything too serious.

    Forget about it.

  19. Sim City USA...

    F A I L ! ! !


  20. @ 9:56

    LOL! Great analogy! I love it!

    Now I have to fire up my DOS and put in my floppy disk on my 486 DX66 and play SimCity.

  21. It's very sad to see your nation imploding. The world will not the same place without the USD and the American people at the top.

    Many, if not most, around the world will cheer when America finally falls, but before long, they will regret such sentiment, for the decline and fall of America will open up the way for the final conflict between East (China) and West (Europe). Then, of course, there's the Middle East situation.

    Now my point.

    I live in a major city that has not suffered any recession, much less a depression. In fact, our real estate prices have actually risen while everyone else's have collapsed. The reason is quite simple. We are one of the two key entry points for immigration. We expect another 1,000,000 newcomers over the next 15 or so years, which means a lot of new construction. Don't worry, we have the resources, natural gas and oil. That city is the host city of the 2010 Olympics, Vancouver.

    Not many people know that my province (British Columbia) has 1/2 the natural gas reserves that Saudi Arabia has. It also means we have 1/2 the oil reserves as well. Then of course, there's the province of Alberta next door. The CIA lists Alberta's oil reserves at 165 billion barrels, but most enlightened Canadian insiders know that the grand total is much more. Try over one trillions barrels!! That's 4 Saudi Arabias.

    Here's the deal. Quite a few of you like to vacation in my country. So do this, if you can. Dump (sell) your home and buy a pickup truck and camping trailer. Stock the suckers with all your survival gear and when that fateful time is finally at hand, head to the border for an "extended" vacation. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if some of you could even claim refugee status should America becomes embroiled in a civil war.

    Incidentally, guess where many of your elites will be when the storm finally hits???

  22. Sorry Mr. Canada, we are all in this together. Hence the NAU commeth and we all get that gas and oil. After all it's just one big melting pot right? eh?

    Oh Canada, oh say can you see, no hable engles senoir!

  23. Well 7:19am, you're kind of right.
    I mean , besides the SPP and the NAU business, there's the interesting fact that Juno Alaska has been overrun with drug gangs coming up from Cali because they heard you get a check from the state.
    Oil profits.
    Sarah Palins home state is turning into Mexican Drug War Siberia.

    How long before this overflows into Vancouver right next door?

    Well, the border. They can't just cross the border, right?


  24. Vancouver and Canada is the BIGGEST subprime bubble IN THE WORLD. Could be a bigger explosion than the US of A. Get out of dodge, when the Olympics are over look out below.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. 7:19,

    The NAU will not happen. Reason: Quebec.

    Quebec is not a signatory of the Canadian Constitution.

    Also, not many English-speaking Canadians know the following:

    - Quebec maintains its own, separate embassy in Paris.
    - English is not an official language in Quebec. French, however, is an official language in all other provinces and territories as to federation.
    - To immigrate to Quebec from abroad, you must apply directly to the Quebec Government, Ottawa (Canada's capitol) has no say.
    - France and Quebec recognise the other's professional designations. France does not recognise those of the other 9 provinces and 3 territories.
    - The legal system of the Anglo world is Common Law. Quebec and France share the Napoleonic Code.
    - It was the France who found a country called Canada, not Britain. The overextended Brits won a battle in Quebec City and subsequently ceded Canada to their empire. In rage, Paris responded by supporting George Washington & Co. against England.
    - It was a decisive naval battle between France and Britain that ultimately led to George Washington's victory.
    - France was the first nation in the world to recognise America as a nation.

    In essence, America is French payback to the British for unlawfully ceded Canada. The British never recovered. The vast majority being obvious to this stark truth.

    The real reason why Quebec has so many unique nation-like powers in Canada is because the British like I stated above were overextended. They were afraid that the French would ally themselves with Washington & Co., so they took a big gamble to conquer Quebec City. They won the battle, but not the war. That is to say, the Brits were forced to comprise with the Canadians to prevent a prolong war campaign. Remember, the Canadians had other settlements throughout Canada and what is now 1/3 of the USA.

    English Canadians today, as a whole, are HORRIBLY educated when it comes to Canada and Quebec. Technically, the Canadians are the French ONLY. The concept of Canada being founded by the French and British is pure fantasy. Fact is, the Brits stole Canada, added additional territories, and called themselves Canadians while referring to the real Canadians as "French" Canadians. Yeah---NO!

    P.S. When America fall, France and Germany will pick up the pieces. Quebec will gravitate to France. France and Germany will become the new powerhouse to be reckon with.

    P.P.S. Did you know that a few years back, Uncle Sam sold nuclear weapons to Germany? It's true. France also has the largest aircraft carrier fleet in Europe (minus Russia).

  27. This is very interesting rhetoric. I believe I will adhere to the basics that all successful socities and organizations embrace.

    Minimize personal debt, attempt to save currency, acquire precious metals, and put extra food aside with a few personal firearms.

    Finally, fear god, love your family, help a neighbor, behave with restraint, make no new enemies at this critical time in history.

    If you cannot achieve any of these objectives in your present circumstance, leave quickly. Good luck my brothers.

  28. Finally, forget the mythology and fear, love your family, help a neighbor, behave with restraint, analyze your enemies strengths and weaknesses at this critical time in history.

  29. do everything 1121 says except fear god, as there is not one and no one can prove that there is

  30. Oh Yes 4:56 why should we emulate the likes of Galileo; Issac Newton; Einstein ; Martin Luther King; Bach; Trivosky ; Abraham Lincoln ; Leonardo DaVinci; Michelangelo ; Mozart - the founding fathers --

    Oh yes; YOU 4:56 are SOOOOOOOOO much wiser than these nobody's who's worthless little lives gave us nothing - so shameful that THEY believed wholeheartedly in GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Give us a break you poor wretched soul - take it somewhere else ( I hear the Congo is nice this time of year)

  31. 642 prove that one exists, and show me proof I can see with my eyes, DONT TELL ME<SHOW ME

  32. 642 give us a break you poor brainwashed sheep

  33. some people are drug addict for jesus, too much of anything is no good, especially a fake sky fairy

  34. 6:52 7:08 & 7:34
    Did I do any Jesus Bible thumping on my post ?

    No !

    You atheists are constantly doing the same thing

    I simply stated a few FACTS - do not rip me a new one based on conjecture - it's in really poor taste.

    Can you see the Oxygen you breathe ? How do you know it's there then ?
    Can you see Galaxy A 1689-zD1 ? Do you know it's distance is so great as to be unmeasurable in miles but the light transmitted from it that is
    now visible thru the Hubble started here when our universe was 1/3 it's current age.

    There is so much we do not know and there is so much we cannot explain - we think we humans are so damn intelligent to have conquered our own little planet and made it work for us.

    In the grand scheme of things - we know nothing
    and that's why on previous post I said - you believe what you want - I'll believe some people who are a whole helluva lot smarter than you or I will ever be.

  35. 6:27,

    Not to mention science now knows, thanks to quantum physics, that everything the brain thinks is actually a hypnotic trance, a delusion. This does not just imply beliefs based on nothing, but also what we think is physical reality and even the very things science establishes as facts.

    To put it short: If one is looking for Truth or Reality then they should try to abandon their brain which will also mean abandoning the world and everything one has ever "learned" in it.

    The brain, no matter how clever it becomes, is incapable of knowing anything - the ones we prize as geniuses in history were as blind as anyone else. We exist today in the form of a stacked pile of cards; continuously piling up cards without ever refocusing... eventually they will fall and we will be forced to return to ourselves and know reality again.


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