
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Obama Administration: Protect the Citizens By Controlling The Internet

Under the guise of “protecting Americans” and choosing itself in so-called “national security,” the current Obama administration wants to be able to control the ability of people and organizations to access the Internet.
This concept on its face seems very harmless and in the best interest of the country, however, having the ability to “turn the Internet off or shutting down sites that Obama considers “dangerous” including particular political groups, individuals or organizations who espouse differing views has far reaching political, financial, moral and legal implications.
Such a policy imposed under Executive Order to control what enters Internet sites and what is shared daily would stifle free speech in direct violation of the First Amendment rights of all Americans.
During the elections in Iran, its citizens using Facebook and Twitter got out 95% of the news from Iran. In America would our social sites be shut down if enough people using them “dared” to question the current political regime in power at any given time? Sitting ominously in the Senate is the Rockefeller Bill S. 773 to takeover the Internet in emergencies. As we all know, once taken over, we will never get it back the way it was before. This is what elitists have in mind for us.
America’s brightest minds and taxpayers funds made the Internet happen, and now there are indications that the Obama administration is moving quietly to allow control of the web to move from the US to foreign powers. Such a transfer of power and control would change the future of mankind. This would be affected via our Department of Commerce.
America controls the Internet via the Domain name System (DNS), and the servers that serve the Internet. They are managed by IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, which operates via the Department of Commerce, being responsible for global cooperation and coordination of the DNS, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol sources. Without these elements one would not have access to the Internet.
Over the years, the UN and others internationally have been pressing the US to give away control and management to an international body. Those thirsting for this power are the UN and the International Telecommunications Union, which coordinates international telephone communications. Their argument is that the Internet has become a powerful and dependent form of communications, that is dangerous and inequitable for one nation to control and manage.


  1. Eliminating the ability for the public to remain informed by internet sources will be advantageous to their objectives. It is difficult to subjugate an informed populace. Therefore, from their viewpoint, it is strategically intelligent.

    At this time, government is still dependant on the popular vote. I suggest you elect candidates that uphold your values.

    Just remember. The same candidates that favor redistribution of wealth will also be the same candidate that needs an uninformed voter base to usher in such destructive shifts in public policy.

    Act with honor in all things.

  2. We've already come to the point where the internet is almost the only place left to find truthful news. Of course, no intelligent person believes everything on the net, lots of crap there too, but if you know where to look you CAN find the truth. The MSM, television and newsprint, is now so utterly, completely, and obviously propaganda you will not find the truth there. Only what the government wants you believe. The economy is improving, unemployment down to 9.7% - yah, right. Give us a break! And, if you'be been following the global warming hoax, that would not have come to light either if not for the internet. If the government controls the internet you might as well be living in Russia during the cold war with Pravda as your only source of news. If it should ever come to that, you'd only be able to assume that everything you hear and read is just propaganda. This is hope and change?

  3. The internet is loaded with truthful videos, articles, and sources like this blog. Sheeple will still run to FAUX news though because they still see it as an authority figure; not a goverment propaganda mouthpiece. People believe the ridiculous official 9/11 story, man-made global warming, etc, etc, because the authority figures say so.

    Once the free internet is gone - and it will be gone - they sources of real information will be shut down. Download and save everything you can. Every good Google vid can be downloaded into MP4 for instance.

  4. This site promotes dangerous economic views. It should be shut down immediately.

    Oh, wait, for a second I thought I was Hank Paulson on the telephone to Rahm 'Little Himler' Emmanuel and Barry 'The Obamachurian Candidate' Soweto formely of the CIA front company BIS, Bank of International Settlements and now the acting CEO of America, Inc.

    Here's a joke I just thought up:

    What's the differance between communism and fascism?

    Communism doesn't pretend that there's a differance between the government and the military and pharmaceutical corporations it serves.

  5. Calling Mr Goebells


  7. Hmmm wasn't this what Google was all uppity about with China?

    Wonder if they will act the same here now?

  8. Calling Edward Bernais would be more appropriate here in the good old Empire.

  9. 9:24 Wow, do not blame average Americans for the sins of the Elite. The Elite protect their way of life and the poor and Fox News are easily manipulated into hand. The majority made mistakes by being so ignorant as to let the Media choose the Presidential (R) candidate, John McCain and Palin. The libs new he couldn't win especially with her by his side that a frog could have been elected president. Hey, wait a minute... We are stupid... Never mind... You were right!

  10. We must stop any and all regulation of the Internet. If we allow this to happen and a regulation of the media; radio and tv, we will have no more information and will become enslaved to the Elitism ideals.

  11. This is so typical. The government is having a hard time lying to us when we have the Internet to go to for the truth.

    We don't here much about the Underwear Bomber, thanks to an intelligent eye witness who speaks the truth loud and clear on the Internet. How many times was the "official version" changed, 5 or 6 times? Yep, the Internet is a potent weapon for getting out the truth, so it's no surprise to know Obama wants to turn it off. Obama has no use for a free-thinking society that questions "official versions" of any story.

    You'll never convince me an airplane hit the Pentagon and for Shanksville, I refuse to believe a commercial airplane belly flopped in a field and completely vaporized; no wreckage, no loose seats, no luggage, no engines, no cockpit, no wires or hydraulics no jackscrews( remember Alaska Air crashed into the Pacific because of a stuck jackscrew in the tail? A jackscrew made of solid steel) and last but not least, NO BODIES.

    Yea, go ahead Barry, shut it down. I suppose only your corporate buddies will get access while the common people get nothing.

  12. 7:31 so true. The sheeple will believe any lie as long as the word OFFICIAL is stamped on it.

  13. I thought the internet was to be replaced by CERN.

    Hiel CERN?!

  14. Research DARPA and the coming Global Information Grid (GIG). The future of information is a controlled, contained format.

    Half the reason we don't have analog TV anymore. You can't have some 'nut' broadcasting truth via an authorized garage transmitter.

    Radio will be next.

  15. The French resistance used clandestine radio broadcasts as did other freedom fighters. No more of that shit.

  16. The news medias all lie,and never tell you what is REALLY going on in Washington.The majority of U.S. citizens are unaware of the fact that communism already has been implemented here,and Obama is doing all that he can to see that it stays.Go to have bought into the lies of 'global warming,' a fear tactic used to promote 'going green' and 'protecting Earth,' which in reality is a communist takover,stealing our properties,and jamming us in 'sustainable living' villages where they can control our every move.The scary part is,people aren't aware of the real agenda behind 'going green,' because it is promoted as a good thing.
    I get most info from the mail.Many patriots are still fighting to save our Constitution.You should be one of them,if you are an american.

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