
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Prediction: Global Market Crash

"Can your family survive in the anarchy after the debt bomb explodes?
America's already descending into economic anarchy. We're all trapped in a historic economic supercycle, a turning point that must bleed through a no-man's land of lawless self-destructive anarchy before a neo-capitalistic world can re-emerge. Investors tell me they "feel" it at a deep level, "know" it's happening. They keep asking: "What's the best investment strategy to prepare now?"

This is no joke, folks. Are you prepared? Or preparing? Will your family survive in a post-apocalyptic world, when anarchy is rampant in America? Look at Washington, Wall Street and Corporate America today. You know it's already begun.

You are witnessing a fundamental breakdown of the American dream, a systemic breakdown of our democracy and our capitalism, a breakdown driven by the blind insatiable greed of Wall Street: Dysfunctional government, insane markets, economy on the brink. Multiply that many times over and see a world in total disarray. Ignore it now, tomorrow will be too late."

More Here


  1. The 20-something Americans can expect to have no real future. You will struggle till you die. I am 50 and I know I can expect nothing from Social Security. For me it's too late to start over, so I'm doing what I can to survive the 2nd American Civil war.

  2. Wow, most twenty and even thirty something can't find jobs right now to begin with. They have to also compete with illegal immigrants.

    What kind of future will these kids have? NONE.

  3. Every time I see a twenty something swinging a shopping bag I always think man if he ever knew what was coming.....

    Standing in a mall, or a bar, or a sporting event just take the time to look around. Seas of deluded lemmings.

  4. There has been good advice since the 70's to get out of the cities. For some time they have been war zones. areas the police would not go in the best of times. Get out of places like LA, New York, St Louis, Philly, Cleveland, and on and on.
    These places are crumbling rapidly. Can you imagine living in a 5th floor walk up apartment when crowds of gangs and rioters are at it in the street down there? You may survive by staying locked in, but no food, water, electricity, then what?
    Get out while you can to the countryside. Hard working farmers and country folks who can survive on the land they live on. Also, morally they will help their neighbors. I am speaking of the area I live in, but it rings true, as these people have thought it all out, and are the remaining Americans who cling to a wholesome and moral way of life. These people's grandparents passed down the talk of the first great depression to them, and instilled values and behavior that is needed for them to survive. They can build, grow, shoot, make a wood stove fire, and skin and preserve game. They can build shelters and can work as hard as they need to. Few of these have gym memberships or drive Lexus SUV's. They have equipment to live, and are ready for the bad times.
    I will take my shot at survival in the rural areas.

  5. 3:34 I cannot wait until all the gays, latino americans, puerto rican americans, japanese americans, chinese americans, idian americans, hawian americans, african americans, dwarf americans, hatian americans, and korean americans
    start to rip you a new A hole for stating the truth!

    Where they gonna go for their entitlement programs Bro ! Where they gonna extend the program dude! Where they gonna call uncle suga from muchacho where where where

    Happens to me ----- every time !!

  6. This article is not correct. Good investors are cleaning up right now. I know this personally. I am not a troll neither. The first idot who slams me for being
    a troll is stupid of markets and good invstors who know how to profit
    in the markets right now. This article kills me because it states something
    about these invstos being proffesionals.

  7. 3:34

    I couldn't agree with you more about getting out of the cities. I work in Philly and it is a toilet of the first degree. Instead of protecting citizens the fat, retarded cops are all on the take. The corruption is mind-blowing. God forbid you actually defend yourself from being mugged or murdered!!! The new DA and police Chief love to prosecute law-abiding citizens for defending themselves against violent scum. Defend you wife or girlfriend from attack? to jail you go!!! Google "Gerald Ung" if you don't believe me!!!

    Of course, the police are exempt from the laws. They are allowed to murder and rob at will. The DA never does a G*d Da## thing to them. That is why they have no respect from the public. They have lost all legitimacy as Philly is a Constitution free zone with the Police acting the part of the gestapo.

    This city will go up in flames when the collapse happens. I for one will be happy to see it.

  8. I believe 4:49 is a mindless troll idiot who comes here to stir up some noise by saying the most absurd and insuolting things to make it look bad. And because they are probably mentally ill.

  9. 'Escaping' to some fortified farm up on a hill is probably not a bad idea. It buys some time. But that's about all it buys. You see flaunting one's independence and self reliance by owning a 'survival' farm defacto does one thing very well: it attracts attention to you.

    While being under siege fighting against marauding intruders sounds heroic it is in fact near suicidal. The stress alone upon even the wealthy elite to defend that castle 24/7/365 will wear anyone down - even them.

    The bottomline is this: the ones that will survive with the least amount of stress will be the ones that are able to lie low and yet still be able to obtain the things they need whether they live in the urban centers or rural areas. Street smarts outweighs even wealth when anarchy reigns. Above all else one must also still have the capacity to remain mobile at a moment's notice. To abandon ship as it were and have alternate Plan B's ready in the wings. The truly wealthy will have thought this out already and will leave any 'safe' enclave that then puts them in jeopardy for the hoardes to divide among themselves. They will be on the run just like everyone else to keep surviving - fugitives as it were.

    In the end, it's one hell of a life for everyone, rich or poor. No one escapes this kind of cataclysmic hell. All you can do is just postpone it maybe a bit longer than for others. And even then perhaps the day will come where it gets so bad you'll rue you had been quite so clever.

  10. Paul Farrell is a good writer with insight. But his solution of another "American Revolution" will NOT solve our problems as a nation and world.

    The only solution is deep, spiritual repentance and getting back to God and His laws!

    There is NO other solution for this sinning nation!

  11. racialist speech
    and you're to blame
    you give whitey
    a bad name!


    You pay your taxes
    and you take your blame
    you give whitey
    a bad name!

  12. After 234 years, It's hard to believe the USA will collapse, the same way the Romans and the Greeks did. Nero partied while Rome burned. All the bastards on Wall Street and D.C. are stealing all they can get before the end.

  13. you guys need to realize the Feds want you arguing amongst yourselves. it makes it easier to bring in the troops to smash everyone. They know exactly what they are doing.

    Concentrate on taking care of your own business. Stop worrying about who did what to who, or when someone did this or that. In a short time, all your focus will be on surviving. All this petty crap won't matter. Spend your time getting your preps in order. Time is running out. What matters is can you provide for your family when the crap hits the fan?? That's all that matters.

    In the end, when everything falls apart, and it will, does it really make any difference who did what??

  14. 7:32
    Not the whole world mate; just this country and it's about damn time somebody out their in welfare land starts telling the plain, honest. factual truth.

    That all starts with the underlying ills of our country.

    Truthfully now - I want you to research where the money for your food pantry comes from - you can do this from either your coop or county extension offices.

    I already know the answer

  15. From the article, he states:
    His advice: Make tons of money. Buy an isolated farm in the mountains. Protect family against the barbarians: "Your safe haven must be self-sufficient and capable of growing some kind of food ... It should be well-stocked with seed, fertilizer, canned food, wine, medicine, clothes, etc. Think Swiss Family Robinson."

    I've been telling people to follow the lead of our government and corporate america... LOOT. In other words, do exactly as he states--"Make tons of money". This has been my strategy for the last two years. This year to date, I've grossed $32K. Loot, Loot, Loot! And use the fiat wisely.

  16. I'm 6o some years old. I get $2,600 a month from the Veterans Administration for PTSD from Vietnam. I get $880 a month from Social Security. I know it won't last and Uncle Sugar will shut me off so the Goldman Sachs bloodsuckers can have yet more. When I'm shut off I'm not going to sleep on concrete and beg at soup kitchens and be harrassed by cops. I shot NVA in Vietnam and I'll know what to do when my time comes. We'll see more guys flying airplanes into buildings and going postal at work assault rifles. Better a fun 10 minutes at the end than sleeping on concrete and being harrassed by cops. And no, I'm not a troll.

  17. Its coming soon, and the big brown men are coming to the south west after the volcano erupts. There's nothing anyone will be able to do.. Then the war with the yellow man will begin...

  18. ...whew......reading all this "insight" can really
    wear ya have to come to your OWN
    conclusions as to what your coarse of action MUST
    be to give yourself & family peace of mind...
    "A S F O R M E"....give me the ability to prep
    my "castle/home" with food ; water/purification
    filters ; extensive camping gear ; off-grid light
    and cooking ; self-protection ; first aid/meds ;
    excess barter inventory ; and a good wife and i'll have as much peace of mind as i'm gonn get i'll do more preppin.
    So for the Love of Country and your American way
    of life...get PREPPIN...time is short.
    God Speed the return of the CONBSTITUTION !!!

  19. Multi-Tier Readiness for all citizens who desire
    to survive in America !
    code- WHITE
    Be able to hunker down for 1-5 day disruption
    of electric and ability to travel freely due to
    mother-nature events (snow ; rain etc)
    code- BLUE
    S.N.A.F.U.- loss of job ; unexpected expenses ;
    ilness ; and semi-catastrophic events.
    Major National events by Government or un-friendlies which affect your ability to live
    the life you are accustomed to..could be epidemics ; collapse of authority ; total collapse of your immediate security
    code- RED
    GRAB YOUR BugOutBag's and make ready for all out
    frontal assault of thugs and gangs coming to take your stash and everything else you have..
    "Lock & Load" ! be ready to take a last stand.
    Note: Point of this post is to assist in maintaining FOCUS on what every American should be doing every day at home- GET READY and prep
    as that you may
    have to become a RAMBO..and SURVIVE whatever comes ...YOUR...WAY !


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