
Friday, February 26, 2010

Trauma Of Job Loss: Heart Attacks and Suicides

The first to have a heart attack was George Kull Jr., 56, a millwright who worked for three decades at the steel mills in Lackawanna, N.Y. Three weeks after learning that his plant was closing, he suddenly collapsed at home.
Bob Smith had a heart attack.
Several workers had heart attacks after learning their steel plant in Lackawanna, N.Y., was closing. Darlene Turner, right, found her husband, Don, at home.
Less than two hours later, he was pronounced dead.

A few weeks after that, a co-worker, Bob Smith, 42, a forklift operator with four young children, started having chest pains. He learned at the doctor’s office that he was having a heart attack. Surgeons inserted three stents, saving his life.

Less than a month later, Don Turner, 55, a crane operator who had started at the mills as a teenager, was found by his wife, Darlene, slumped on a love seat, stricken by a fatal heart attack.

It is impossible to say exactly why these men, all in relatively good health, had heart attacks within weeks of one another. But interviews with friends and relatives of Mr. Kull and Mr. Turner, and with Mr. Smith, suggest that the trauma of losing their jobs might have played a role.

“He was really, really worried,” George Kull III said of his father. “With his age, he didn’t know where he would get another job, or if he would get another job.”
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  1. Imagine how Americans are going to react after the Dollar is revalued and food and gas go through the roof.

    Very tragic it has come to this.

  2. @3:26

    On the plus side the Brain Deads are finally going to wake up from their Big Pharma/Floride/MSM programming fog...

    That cannot be good for the government! :)

  3. 3:26, well, where those stop, I am sure the Splenda, Aspartame and vaccines will take over.

    With all the poisons they are pouring into the sheep daily, it is a wonder people are living past 30.

  4. Is it possible for the zombies taking Effexor, Prozac and who knows what to actually function once those poisons are withdrawn?

  5. 3:37, 4:40 and 4:41 you all must be the same person. Please stop what you are doing and take your meds. I don't disagree with you much, but your radical behavior means you may need to get back on them.

  6. People in good health don't need three stents. I think these people would eventually have had heart attacks. It was just coincidental that it happened this way.

  7. @5:17,

    Isn't it scary when different people all wake up to the same truth ? Their answers are mostly similar. If I were an elite banker I would be quaking in my shoes at the possibility that many people are waking up and seeing that the White Collar Crimials are in Wall Street and the Big Banks like Goldman Sachs.. .

    Pitchforks at the ready... Will work to eventually make them all eat lead!
    Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, The IMF, JP. Morgan Chase, and Others are the Financial Terrorist Enemy here.

    That's a real cause for concern isn't it? Maybe these Bankers all need a Gun permit now... The good it'll do them walking around being a target and all....

    So what's wrong with giving million dollar bonuses at the expense of many families being homeless and going hungry in freezing weather ?

    Dood, It's just business.... So Tough Sh#t if their morals are in the toilet. They would sell their own grandmothers for another stock tip that would bring them millions.... It's the same in Vegas. Gambling has always been a mental problem there too! :)

  8. Clean your weapons.

  9. Just in case EA doesn't know yet, unemployment benefits WILL NOT BE EXTENDED. If you are on unemployment, this weekend will be your last check that you get in the mail, and for most, it is only a partial check. Let's see how a million plus people are going to survive on $1oo.00 to $600.00 for the rest of the year.

  10. the employers must be happy claiming from their dead employees' group term insurance

  11. There are plenty of videos on line of the LA Riots of 1992. Take some time and view them, then you'll see what's gonna happen when the population finally "loses it".

    When you see banks and federal buildings burning, you'll know the people have had enough. Wall Street will be easy to burn, since it's all in one place. There is a Federal Reserve bank in San Francisco, I live near LA, and I look forward to seeing that burn with a Pacific Coast sunset in the background.

  12. I feel really excited about all of this; almost ecstatic.

    I feel like something cool is going to happen to the world for the first time since... mmm... not sure, it has been a while.

    I trust we all will become a big family - it will be great; unity at last... the world will finally begin and we will get to know ourselves again.

    Prepare though since there won't be a peaceful transition.

    Whoever and however many dies don't worry - all things will merge together in the end... no one becomes lost that would be like saying God could kill himself.

  13. EA, can we get some kind of confirmation or refutation of 1:08's assertion that unemployment is not being extended?

    Thanks for the great work, EA.

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