
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Understanding The Economic Depression

The people have been lulled into a false sense of safety under the ruse of a perceived “economic recovery.” Unfortunately, what the majority of people think does not make it so, especially when the people making the key decisions think and act to the contrary. The sovereign debt crises that have been unfolding in the past couple years and more recently in Greece, are canaries in the coal mine for the rest of Western “civilization.” The crisis threatens to spread to Spain, Portugal and Ireland; like dominoes, one country after another will collapse into a debt and currency crisis, all the way to America.

In October 2008, the mainstream media and politicians of the Western world were warning of an impending depression if actions were not taken to quickly prevent this. The problem was that this crisis had been a long-time coming, and what’s worse, is that the actions governments took did not address any of the core, systemic issues and problems with the global economy; they merely set out to save the banking industry from collapse. To do this, governments around the world implemented massive “stimulus” and “bailout” packages, plunging their countries deeper into debt to save the banks from themselves, while charging it to people of the world.

Then an uproar of stock market speculation followed, as money was pumped into the stocks, but not the real economy. This recovery has been nothing but a complete and utter illusion, and within the next two years, the illusion will likely come to a complete collapse.

The governments gave the banks a blank check, charged it to the public, and now it’s time to pay; through drastic tax increases, social spending cuts, privatization of state industries and services, dismantling of any protective tariffs and trade regulations, and raising interest rates. The effect that this will have is to rapidly accelerate, both in the speed and volume, the unemployment rate, globally. The stock market would crash to record lows, where governments would be forced to freeze them altogether.

When the crisis is over, the middle classes of the western world will have been liquidated of their economic, political and social status. The global economy will have gone through the greatest consolidation of industry and banking in world history leading to a system in which only a few corporations and banks control the global economy and its resources; governments will have lost that right. The people of the western world will be treated by the financial oligarchs as they have treated the ‘global South’ and in particular, Africa; they will remove our social structures and foundations so that we become entirely subservient to their dominance over the economic and political structures of our society.
More Here..


  1. I am an unemployed American like a lot of people these days. I am going to offer my story so some of you who do have a job, savings, etc... don't follow my example and end up in the "poor house" like I did.

    I worked as a truck driver and driving trucks is all I knew. I started my career at age 26 right after service. My wife was a manager at Wal-Mart. I got my pink slip in December and my wife will no longer be a manager but become a cashier again because Wal-Mart is eliminating her job.

    The hours were long and I was away from my house. But the money was good. I made damn good money. M wife also made a decent buck as a manager.

    We live in a suburb outside of Oklahoma City. Plus our rent was $0 because the house was given to me by my mother. So despite all of that, what did we do with all of our money? We spent it. We spent it all! Every single dime and thin red cent. All those years we lived paycheck to paycheck. My wife bought whatever she pleased. I bought every single electronic gadget that came out. We ate out at fancy restaurants. Our kids wore the most expensive clothes.

    My advice to some of you on this board is: 1. Save your money for a rainy day. Discipline yourself and save your money. Don't get into the habit of spending it all and thinking "I will just wait till next pay date". 2. Learn a valuable skill. I only wished that during the good times, both of us went to school to learn a valuable job/skill like nursing, accounting, finance, business, medical specialty, etc... 3. Teach your kids about money and how to save it and grow it. Discipline your kids about basic finances. 4. Don't be so materialistic. I look at all the material stuff I have and guess what? It didn't make my life better!

    Not all is gloom and doom. I have a great wife and kids. I will bounce back with the help of God. Plus, I have learned from my foolish mistakes.

  2. Roger thank you for sharing your story and advice.

    Saving is important and also knowing that your family, friends, and other people are more important than things of material possession.

    I will pray for you and your family.

  3. Great advice Roger, if only these basic values were taught in schools and handed down by parents, my parents grew up in the Great Depression and were always frugal to the extreme and thankfully some of it rubbed off on us. More than anything Im attempting to instill in my kids the value of money, all comments about the DOLLAR aside... Your children will likely be my parents generation by necessity... Good luck to you, I believe that a person who is not afraid of work will be able to find work, keep looking... There are always opportunities around it's just a matter of finding them.

  4. Robert, thanks for the story and your candid actions. It's too bad more were not like you, instead having the hand outstretched for more freebies from uncle sugar who will "pay my gas and mortgage"(stupid bitch)

    Have you thought of moving? I know it might be hard, but there are some regions where hiring is still taking place. I live in Iowa near the Missouri River area, and I can tell you there are places that are hiring truckers, long and short haul.
    Godspeed to you and the family, your attitude will pull you through

  5. Wow - that's quite a long read! Even though many hanging around this forum already know most of this, it's still shocking to see it all laid out in print chronologically. Certain middle East countries, religions, etc. refer to Western goverments and civilizations as "the great satan". Now, after reading this article, tell me on what grounds I can disagree? Damn, are we screwed.

  6. Hey, Robert, cool story, but not everyone even makes enough right now to store any away. You are one of the luckier ones for the time being. Soon, we will all be in this together.

  7. 5:51, that kind of mind-set, that there is always something out there if you keep looking, is really naive and self-destructive in the end. It's called not facing reality.

  8. 5:51's comment sounds like superstitious thinking:

    "I believe that a person who is not afraid of work will be able to find work"

    You BELIEVE, but where is the damned proof of this? Your claim is ridiculous. Just ask those who haven't found work for two years or more.

  9. i live in ny
    and a blind man could see this coming
    the sheep will be sheerd
    before 2001 people payed in cash alot
    after 2001 its was check
    by 2004 it was all from the banks form home loans
    i went on a job in ny
    2005 50 illegals working threw the winter breaking rock for an inground pool
    the hoemowner was all happy with himself
    worked these people like slaves
    this is america this is george bushes glory
    and the last3 lame ducks
    i cryed and closed my buisness
    the usa is doomed we deserve whats coming
    i saved every penny buy food gold
    payed off bills
    i beleived this women i was there
    when what she said came true i knew
    take from it what you can
    we are all in gods hands
    but we were once the nation were you were proud to say
    im an american we know whats right and will change it
    greed lust covet is are creed now
    like i said a blind man can see it
    why cant we
    feb 28 uenployment runs out another 1 million
    im sure there be no tears in congress

  10. I'm on the other end of the extreme compared to Roger. I've earned $41K with my OT for the first two months of the year. While my friends and family don't know exactly what I earn, they know I make good money, so they used to tell me to buy a new car, buy this, buy that. I would invariably ask, "Why?". Answer: "Because you can afford it." What they couldn't comprehend is that I had no need for these things; they were transferring their "want" to me, not understanding the fundamental difference between "need" and "want". Sadly, now many Americans will learn firsthand what "need" is.

    Got Gold?

    p.s. I'm lucky to have this job, and every day it continues is simply another lucky day--knock on wood.

  11. 742
    Isn't it funny how other nitwits can spend your money or tell you how to invest? Just like politicians. Next time they have some goofy "advice" for you on spending what is yours let them know they sound like politicians.

  12. I was a teenage mom and now a single mother of 4, well I have a nice man in my life, but anyhow, I did a few deals a few yrs ago and saved the money, no credit debt , no car payments, I felt sad seeing the neighbor ordering out , big house and parties, now they forclosed, I still have 4 kids in a 5 bedroom and a few rentals paid in full. I don't know what I'd do if I had to find a job, there are no jobs, not even mc donalds, I have noticed people are nicer and we are returning to basics. Our economy is in for a beating, we have seen nothing yet. buy what you need,,,, need, not want. Live lean,,,,,,,,,,,,
    cheryl in California

  13. 7:42 Mr. $40,000 for two months OT, I've seen you post the same exact quote on other posts. What is the point you're getting at? Trying to make people feel bad who are visiting this blog? Why do you repeatedly post this in the same way all the time?

  14. 7:42 suffers from a narcissistic complex.

  15. 6:26/6:27 Ok everyone should just give up even trying, the world will end and you should not even try because we should all have the same fatalist attitude as you. There is no hope, all is black and death is upon us, why do you even come to this site at all... From 5:51, I will never give up until I take my last breath...

  16. I do not believe in luck or that someone is more lucky or more blessed than someone else to have a job, or a job that pays well. At this point, if you still have a job or even a higher-paying job, it's all a matter of CHANCE.

    CHANCE. Please people, repeat after me, CHANCE.

    No, you are not more special or more talented or more divine or loved by God or Goddess than any other person out there, you are just a statistic in the game of CHANCE. Got it?

    I'm so tired of hearing people say they are more blessed or lucky. If that's the case, then God must REALLY LOVE all the banksters and Wall St. crooks huh? He must also love all those politicians?

    No sir, in this day and age I am more inclined to believe that those who are prospering RIGHT NOW are more so blessed by the devil than any good or benevolent God.

    Ever heard of how some people have the devil's luck when they gamble? Hmm.

    Anyhow, think what you want, in the end, we're all in this TOGETHER.

  17. 8:52 you are missing the point. The point is not to be naive and optimistic, but to be realistic, and to put the blame where it belongs, namely, on the banks and Wall. St. Hoping and praying for a job that one might get laid off from again doesn't fix the real problem.

  18. The people who post comments here aren't exactly intelligent or critical thinkers are they. I give up. Argue away until the sun goes down about insignificant things, it won't change the root of the problem, which is the love of money and power that a certain group of people are demonstrating, whether "elite" or "average Joe," the love of money has destroyed the country. Wall St. prospers while the common folk are going on food stamps.

    What a world huh? And yet, argue all you want, it won't change A DAMN THING!

  19. Anon @ 8:56,
    Luck was the correct word. Use a dictionary.

    NOUN: 1a. The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause. b. A force assumed to cause events that cannot be foreseen or controlled; luck: Chance will determine the outcome.

    NOUN: 1. The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events; fortune: They met one day out of pure luck.

    Entry Word: luck
    Function: noun
    Meaning: 1 success that is partly the result of chance

    Synonyms fortunateness, fortune, luckiness
    Related Words break, fluke, godsend, hit, serendipity, strike, windfall; chance, opportunity; coup, stroke

  20. Those of us that read the constant God comments and know it is delusion have decided not to argue anymore because there is no point and the deluded will stay that way anyway.

    Nothing is sadder than people talking about survival, life and death, then they place their bets on a cartoon. Wise up, take care of yourself, there is no God coming to help you.

  21. 12:27,

    God may not be coming to help you. However, that, in of itself, is not lack of proof of God.

    CREATION is proof of God.

    To all you Evolution nut cases out there, chew on this for a while:


    Leading Evolutionists claim birds descended from crocodiles. Okay...

    1. Unlike other birds, the woodpecker is the only bird out there with a unique shock absorber between its bill and skull. Rather handy when it smashes its beak against a tree. Now picture the bird "evolving" "gradually" from a crocodile and smashing its beak with no shock absorber, because this hasn't yet "evolved," OUTCH!

    2. Birds require strong, light bones to reduce weight for flight. Now the question is, how many crocodiles/crocodile-birds/birds died (from failed take-offs) before the bones of one said creatures finally morphed into porous state?

    3. Unlike other creatures, birds also require a rapid digestion system, so as to minimise weight for, I don't know,,. FLIGHT. How long did it take the crock to evolve to that condition??? Come on you Evolutionists, you have all the answers, don't you?

    4. Then there's migration. WHO did the programming? And in case you think all birds migrate to warmer climates, I've got news for you. NOT! How do you explain that?

    5. Now for the woodpecker. The creature has a special long tongue for reaching and whisking out termites from trees. Reason being: it's what it eats and keeps trees from being rotted out by those insects. To help it accomplish this task, it also has one-of-kind honing capability. WHO designed that? Otherwise, how long did it have to wait to eat before this capability had "evolved" completely.

    Truly, it's damn inconvenient and IMPOSSIBLE to morph from a crocodile to a woodpecker. Common sense clearly shows that the path of least resistance is the most likely route in virtually all endeavours and course of actions.

    Evolution is not only wrong, it's plain EVIL and the ultimate disrespect to the Almighty Creator. IT'S S-A-T-A-N-I-C.

    Perhaps that's what's wrong with America. Too many satanic doubters.

    P.S. Frankly, it's FAR to EASY to whip the asses of Evolutionists.

    P.P.S. The Bible does NOT deny dinosaurs, nor does it state that the Earth is merely 6,000 or so years.

    God, people are INSANE.

  22. @Robert Major: Thanks for sharing your story! Good luck to you and your family as you journey down your personal road to economic recovery.
    Remember that you can always make your own job doing *something* beneficial, productive, enouraging, and profitable. My first step was ripping out the TeeVee antenna, literally, off the roof. That single act will liberate and heal your mind of the all the stupidity, distraction, irrelevance, depression, oppressiveness and mind numbing info-propaganda-tainment spewed forth by the media puppet masters. Their time suddenly becomes *your* time with which you can rebuild your skills and build a real life. Turn off the TeeVee. Cancel the cable/satellite services and use that subscription money for something else. Buy and sell silver coins to folks. Or assemble and sell personal fishing kits and survival kits. Buy canning equipment and rent out its use. Make and sell loaves of high quality bread. Mend shoes. Learn how to fabricate small parts. Learn how to suture a wound. Learn how to cut an old fallen tree into lumber with a chainsaw and small sawmill jig. Bottle and sell your own water. Melt metals into bricks and sell them. Make and sell homemade pasta. Don't just sell your labor - be your own boss. INVEST IN YOURSELF instead of the banksters, wall street, corporations, etc.

  23. 243 is Correct, GOD PEOPLE ARE INSANE!

  24. Jesus loves all of youFebruary 24, 2010 at 6:36 PM

    Get reaady for the 10 to 1 devaluation. It will be the day the "dollar died."

  25. I'll go with the scientists, the Creationists believe in make believe sante claus, tooth fairy and a fake sky being, that No One can prove exists

  26. 7:14,

    READ my ARGUMENTS very c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y. Actually THINK critically. If you do, you quickly realise there anything but fairy tales!

    There is an invisible, spirit world, and a visible, physical one that humans can touch and see.

    Scientists believe in gravity, yet they can't see it. They believe in protons, neutrons, electrons and quarks, yet they can't see the forces that keep them in their orbits.

    WHY is it so DIFFICULT to understand that everything that was, is, and is to be, collectively, is within a great System called GOD?

    No wonder God is fed up with the rabbis, Christian ministers and naysayers in America and Britain.

    As for a concept of Evolution, it's not that God couldn't use such a method, He simply didn't with this world. Everything is PROGRAMMED. DNA is biological SOFTWARE that is incomparably more sophisticated than anything Silicon Valley produces or will ever produce.

    What the Bible CLEARLY reveals in the Old Testament is that prior to the current human race, 1/3 of the angelic realm inhabited this planet. The fossils we dig up today are the life forms these morons ruled over. I call them morons, because these are the same fools who followed Lucifer in rebellion against the Government of God. Part of the rebellion led to the destruction of those ancient life forms. (I can actually tell you why Lucifer rebelled, but this is not the place, and most of you are children when it comes to matters of God and spirit, so there's no point.)

    To give Darwin credibility is a leap in folly. The man erred.

    The Woodpecker did NOT evolve. It was CREATED, for it required immediate use of all its unique features just to exist.

    Anyway. Disbelief in the true God is ILLOGICAL, and just because He may choose not to intervene or reply to you doesn't negate His existence. (Did it ever occur to many of you that God is allowing humanity to go its own way, make mistakes and learn valuable lessons in the process? Then before we completely destroy ourselves, intervene in full force and take back total control. Perhaps He wants human beings to learn that human, by themselves, are INCOMPETENT to run this planet, thus the lesson is HUMILITY.)

    P.S. I agree with those people who say there are A LOT of money-motivated maggots who masquerade as Christian ministers, teaching fairy tales and nonsense. I TOTALLY agree. However, that in itself, doesn't preclude the existence of God one iota. The design and scope of this planet, including its varied life forms, in the millions of species, is EXTREMELY complicated.

    To say a man and woman evolved precisely at the same time as the necessary fruits, vegetables, dairy products, including healing herbs, with precise mixture of air, temperature and sun light is a RIDICULOUS stretch of common sense, mathematics and LOGIC.

    The real God states the way it is, "none but a fool has said, 'there is no God.'"

    P.P.S. Apology to Economic Analyst. I'm just sick and tire of unthinking people who blather about things they know little or nothing about or those who forward concepts and/or ideas that have precious little in basis.

    Lack of understanding in the true God, including morality and courage, are the reasons WHY the Syndicate is able to SCREW the United States of America at this time, and WHY this blog even exists in the first place!

    America doesn't have an economic problem (effect). America has a spiritual problem (cause).

  27. I love in Canada.....i am retired and in fair question is simply how can the world continue to allow itself to be forced into economic slavery by the world bank and it's affiliates. The issuance of printed money with no true asets ( gold standard) to back up it's value is the basis for the troubles of the U.S and other global trade countries. By creating indebtedness these finical masters force the average citizen into a state of finical slavery and servitude. The end result is not the elected government running the country but the all powerful banking system. The fed bank in the states is a good example. It is privately owned and operated and thus in the position of being the master in relation to the economic sytrm of the U.S. It even has an organization that is under it's umbrella. Designed to keep the working indebted slaves in line....this organization , located in Porto Rico is none other than the IRS . 100 percent of the income taxes collected by the IRS are returned to the Federal bank . Non of the said taxes go to causes and needs of real America . The citizens of the world will only return to economic freeddom when each and every country nationalizes their finical institutions and regains true governmental countol of funds printed with a physical asset ( again gold standard) backed economy....there is a very serious storm coming in the near future....that storm is the result of the negative manipulation of the worlds population by lenders of credit....the privately owned banks of the world....that's the way I sees it


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