
Friday, February 19, 2010

Winter Olympics in Foreclosure This Week?

The Whistler-Blackcombe resort, where the Alpine events such as snowboarding and ski-jumping are being held, could go into foreclosure this week, smack dab in the middle of the Olympics, and be owned in part by the now defunct Lehman Brothers, one of its creditors.
Whistler Blackcombe is one of several ski resort properties owned by Intrawest. Others include Steamboat and Stratton. The company is in deep financial straits and missed a debt payment of more than $500 million in December. The lenders have given Intrawest a deadline of this Friday to come up with the money, or they say they will foreclose.


  1. My thought on this is:

    A. The Olympics will go on no matter what happens to some resort owners. Who cares?

    B. If I were having a BBQ party at my house, and the bank threatened foreclosure, I would still BBQ.

    C. Pick someone more financially stable to host the thing next time. Who Cares?

  2. And that Finacial Stability would come from ----
    where ?? Uh huh - oh yeah --- them hmm right O.

    Bottom line up front - if this country is to circumvent a complete and utter meltdown of
    monumental proportions - we had best get our priorites straight.

    These friggin' "games" costs BILLIONS to operate

    and they MAKE what ?

    Yeah - that's right

    Alot of garbage to pick up at the end.

    Oh My we are in deep - deep shit.

    ALL of "us"

  3. Maybe the owners will BULLLDOZE the Resort like the guy bulldozed his house.

    I can see it now "Bulldozing Parties" one way to deal with the housing glut.

  4. The story of the economy and where we are at now.

  5. I saw red and white signs plattered all over the Blockbuster video by my house. The franchisee must have a great sense of humor. One said "No the economy is great, we are just tired of you" LOL!!

    Gotta go back for a pic.

  6. Glad Obama didn't get his way and have the Olympics in Chicago.

  7. this is an OLD story

  8. @7:32 PM
    I disagree. Now we stuck with paying the bill. Although, most of the dorks in BC do not realize that. They still believe in Santa Claus and “free” medical care. Well, for some it is indeed free. The less you work the more you get for free. But the party is coming to an end. They do not understand that for more than 6 billion dollars (I also saw 8 billions in the media) they could have bought a way more gold medals-it actually works out to 6,488,082 Oz of gold. 1.46 Oz per every living British Columbian. Sad story. But the banksters are very smart. They wait until the nation is totally brain dead, then they move in and loot it.

  9. The point of the olympics wasn't about securing such and such amount of gold - I thought that much was evident. Gold medals only have .21 ounces of goat plating in them and are silver beneath anyway.

    The olympics have become just another part of the grand spectacle aimed at entertaining the masses and congratulating ourselves on all our human glory. Yes, it is entertaining, but it is also over-done. And the bankrupcty and over-expenses have spoken for themselves.

  10. Gold, not goat, but maybe they should switch to goat hoof medals instead.

  11. @6:39

    ROFL-I love it!!

    Having similar sign made for my Apartment Complex Office tomorrow.

  12. 7:56 isn't telling you the entire story.

    Much of that $6 billion (actually $7) was spent in infrastructure. We, in BC, actually got something for that money. For one, a significant extension to our electric-powered light rail transportation system. You can now go from the airport to Downtown in record time without use a gas-powered vehicles. Perfect in an era of Peak Oil.

    We also got a much improved highway system and several buildings.

    Unlike the rest of North America, Vancouver is growing. People actually like to come here to live. We expect another 1,000,000 people over the next 15 years.

    As for the expense, currency devaluation and/or hyper-inflation will take care of it.

    Everybody in the West is going to revalue his currency, Olympics or not. So, at the end of the day, WHO CARES? BC receive much construction work and economic benefits from the games. We don't even have a depression, much less a recession.

  13. intrawest also killed Mammoth Lakes calif... greed at it's best

  14. 9:09 you're in la la land. VANOC spent tens of millions of dollars on TENTS! Tents that will be coming down after the Olympics. They gave 10 million dollars to a Chicago company to put a tent up! OVER 1 billion on security..BILLIONS on the olympic village that they will not be able to recuperate their money back! MILLIONS will be going into the BC roof and millions more on a science center repair. Everyone's taxes will be skyrocketing to pay for this 8-10 BILLION dollar bill. It will take a 100 years to pay off .They built a skytrain above ground so when it snows it closes down or rusts away! ONLY country in the world that did this, all others are UBDERGROUND!. They built a bridge with 3 LANES! ( Lions Gate Bridge) The restaurants and stores will be closing down in droves after the OLYMPICS. How do I know? I KNOW THEM ALL! They are on ALL the brink of bankruptcy! HST is coming look out!

  15. 9:46,

    Quit being a little bitch. Sure there's corruption. There ALWAYS is.

    We got the games and forestallment of the great depression. If we're lucky, they'll revalue the Canadian currency concurrently with the U.S. buck decline, and inflation will take care of the rest.

    Meantime, ENJOY the lack of depression and recession, and buy PMs and survival supplies.

    There are ten of millions of Americans who would LOVE to trade places with us right now.

    Truth is, Canada can support 33.6 million people with our current industries and resources. We make and harvest products that the rest of the World wants BADLY. America, on the other hand, cannot support 320 million people (illegals included) with its current business model, UNLESS it begins opening up the Gulf in Alaska and/or switches to renewable and free energy devices (they exist).

    Again. Count your blessings and ENJOY.

    P.S. You are never ever going to get righteousness with human government. The only thing you can hope for is damage control, because the population is too damn stupid to educate itself, organise and take the bull by the horns.

  16. 3:36 your badly misinformed AGAIN. CANADA gave up all its resource rights in 1994. If the lights go out in Georgia the US grabs CANADA's electricity/OIL/GAS at no cost. CANADA has NOTHING. When the switch is off in the US the lights are out in CANADA. Before you babble you better do some homework. CANADA is screwed the bigger depression will hit ALL of the 33 million because of their IGNORANCE. FORGET the ALASKA oil it takes 10 YEARS to get to a refinery. MR. CANADIAN IGNORANCE.

  17. For the last couple of years our family has been trying to move to B.C. to be closer to my husbands mother (made it as far as Alberta). We would 2-3 times a year go visit B.C.and make contacts, talk to owners and succeeded in a few job offers.

    Why then are we still in Alberta? The wages were too low compared to the cost of living there to justify the expense of moving again. Plus because my husband is in the lumber/hardware industry we have found that the employers are giving less hours by way of 4 work days so they do not have to lay people off.

    I think it would be okay to move there if we were hobo's who like living in shanty motels because the job's available barely would cover the rent.

  18. 3:36,

    Wrong again.

    Firstly, it doesn't take 10 years to bring oil from the Gulf to refinery. Everything can be up and running within a year (i.e. pumps + pipeline feeds to main existing trunk line). Where do you get this 10 year fictional dream from? "They" already know where the oil is, because... much of it was drilled during exploration activity.

    Secondly, your fantasy America nation is an economic colony of the City of London (hereafter "City") through principally Jewish-owned and controlled, corporate shareholders of the Federal Reserve System. Fact is, Washington D.C. has the same status as the City and the Vatican City. It's no longer America as you know it. It's a city state as to law.

    The corporation that you know as "America" is a chattel of the City through bankruptcy proceedings stemming from Depression I, as is the case with several other nations of the West. The City decides who gets what and when. Your Navy is technically the City's Navy, as is the rest of your armed forces. Your oil is technically the City's oil. All corporations of America are technically the City's corporations. Do you want me to go on? I can, you know.

    Canada is 100% BRITISH EMPIRE, as is Australia, New Zealand and the U.K. (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales; Great Britain excludes Northern Ireland); America is not (yet, that is; they're working on is, i.e. Depression II). Why do you think British Petroleum and TotalElfFina (French) are developers of the Tarsands in Alberta? Because you Americans say so? Give me a break.

    If you Americans had any real power, the oil from the Gulf would flow to your refineries in the South in about a year's time, and gasoline would fall to about $1 a gallon.

    While I'm not part of the Syndicate. I do know some rather pertinent details that the vast majority don't.

    Consider yourself bitch slapped. (In friendly gesture, that is. :-) )

  19. Notation to 9:02 post:

    Quebec is the exception in "Canada."

    Unlike the rest of the territories, that are under Common Law (U.K.), Quebec is under Napoleonic Code (same as France). Quebec is NOT a signatory of the Canadian Constitution and reserves the right to secede at any time. Quebec also maintains a separate embassy in Paris. Immigration from abroad to Quebec must go through Quebec City, not Ottawa. French is the only official language in Quebec. English AND French are the only official languages in the other territories.

    Guess who's the bitch in this scenario?

    And, believe me, if Quebec ever where to secede, say due to a collapse of its main export market, the United States of America, it wouldn't be long before French nuclear armed ships would be plying the St. Lawrence, if it so desired.

    Incidentally, you must go by Montreal to access U.S. ports in the Great Lakes, including the City of Toronto.

    English-speaking only "Canadians" are, as a whole, ridiculously ignorant of these facts.

    Prediction: The City will destroy itself by trying to take down the United States of America. Result: Germany and France will pick up the pieces and rule the world in its stead. They will also tell the City and rest of U.K. to go to Hell. In other words, the U.K. will be shut out from a new European union.

  20. These comments are just plain boring without a good religious argument.
    Nothing to get people screaming and pounding fists like Religion!


  21. "Where do you get this 10 year fictional dream from?" Here are the facts JUNIOR: It takes about 8 to 10 years to bring mining projects into production. This includes the time required to complete engineering feasibility studies, to gain regulatory approval, to complete construction and to start up production facilities.
     Ongoing oil sands projects must receive renewed government operating approval at least every 10 years.

    Source: Here Junior

    Learn the facts before you spout your big mouth off...

  22. @9:09 PM
    When was the last time you had your head checked. I guess the deal in Whistle is falling through because of that 1,000,000 people coming to live here. They sleep and dream to come here and pay tonnes of taxes and pay 500,000 for a one bedroom condo, as if they cannot come to Costa Rica, Panama or for that matter to Argentina or Uruguay. And later, when they sell their condos, they would pay taxes on all the so called "gains" from disposition of the property as foreigners. Speaking of the infrastructure. People usually afford such projects, when they have budget surpluses, not deficits, like China. They can build 12000 km of Magdalen roads, since they don't know what to do with their dollar reserves. But our government just cut 148 million dollars from the Fraser Valley Health due to lack of money. I guess if you just stop smoking weed for a couple of days, things will become more clear.

  23. 7:44pm I've heard that rumour before. Do you have some concrete proof of this.

  24. 1:10,

    Really, you don't get it. Sure it takes 8 to 10 years to bring oil online from scratch. HOWEVER, Big Oil spent more than 25 years exploring and drilling the Gulf region. The wells are capped, ready to go, if you will. Therefore, it would not take the aforesaid 8 to 10 years.

    You just might want to read the Oil Non-Crisis by Lindsey Williams. The man knows first-hand.


    Peak Oil as a concept is only real because the Syndicate makes it so. Reality is, the planet is awash in oil. It's what God used to lubricate the tectonic plates. Natural gas is the coolant.

  25. 1:45 I am in the OIL business in Dubai, you DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT. Enough.

  26. 12:02
    I'm in the oil business in Lubbock, Texas

    We have enough OIL in a 500 mile radius of Lubbock Texas to run NORTH AMERICA for 250 YEARS

    And I don't give a crap what Boone Pickens says !

    Or you for that matter ---- Dubai ! Ha ! what ajoke - you idiots amuse me


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