
Monday, March 22, 2010

15 New Healthcare Taxes Ready to Be Signed

Below are 15 new taxes ready to be implemented by Congress in the coming months. Where do you fit in?

Bill: H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
1. Description: A 40% tax on health insurance plans exceeding determined levels. Those levels are projected for 2013 to be $8,500 for self only and $23,000 for any other level
Status: Awaiting President's signature
2. Description: An increase from 10% to 20% on taxes of money in a health savings account not used for qualified medical expenses. For Archer medical savings accounts, an increase from 15% to 20%.
Status: Awaiting President's signature
3. Description: A $50,000 tax on hospital organizations, which fail to meet described quality requirements.
Status: Awaiting President's signature
4. Description: A fee based upon the sales of pharmaceutical companies in relation to the total sale of such pharmaceutical products to the public.
Status: Awaiting President's signature
5. Description: Medical device manufacturers must pay a fee in relation to the sales of their product in the marketplace and the total sales of devices.
Status: Awaiting President's signature
6. Description: A fee applied to all health insurance providers based upon net premiums and any third party fees associated with the administration of those programs.
Status: Awaiting President's signature
7. Description: High income tax payers, making on a joint return over $250,000 and a standard return over $200,000, are required to pay an additional 0.5% of wages. This applies to both self-employed, and regularly employed individuals.
Status: Awaiting President's signature
8. Description: A tax of 5% is levied upon the am mount paid for any cosmetic surgery. This does not include the need for such surgeries created by trauma or a disfiguring disease. If the tax is not collected by that professional completing the procedure, their business is still liable for the requirement.
Status: Yet to be approved by the Senate
9. Description: A 2.5% income tax on individuals who do not have health care coverage, limited to a cost less than the average national health care premium.
Status: Yet to be approved by the Senate
10. Description: For self-insured plans, a fee on the the sponsor whether that is the employer or the employee organization. Also, a fee on the issuer of every health care plan imposed.
Status: Yet to be approved by the Senate
11. Description: A tax of 10% on the amount paid for any tanning service.
Status: Awaiting President's signature

12. Description: For firms refusing to pay health insurance, but not meeting required exclusions, an 8% tax on wages will be applied.
Status: Yet to be approved by the Senate
13. Description: A 1% tax increase for individuals making between $350,000 and $500,000.
Status: Yet to be approved by the Senate
14. Description: A 1.5% tax increase for individuals making between $500,000 and $1 million.
Status: Yet to be approved by the Senate
Description: A 5.4% increase for individuals making more than $1 million.
Status: Awaiting President's signature
Link Here..

10 States to File Law Suits To Protect Citizens From Health Bill

More Here..


  1. Can you post the original link?

  2. Bye Bye, America!

    We had a nice run, but all good things come to an end.

    It was nice knowin' ya!

  3. States filing lawsuits is equivalent to crying
    "I'm telling mommy"
    Obama owns the courts. Good luck with that.

    To hell with that. The only salvation is for States to grow some balls and declare independence.

  4. Yes and add to that the printing press equation. The Feds had unlimited Monopoly money while the States do not.

    The states are slowly being neutered and will have to agree to anything. Remember when the States said no to the Gestapo National ID card? No more of that shit will be tolerated.

  5. Tax and spend! Taz and spend! Tax and spend! It is all the congresscritters know how to do. Sure, with the exception of maybe 5 of them, they are all corrupt, but you'd think that every once and a while, one of the remaining 500+ would come up with something other than tax and spend!

  6. Huge taxes and then the real killer tax, hyperinflation.

  7. All good things ....

  8. I am so happy this passed, so know I can go two dr;s for bad teeth too? doez anyone now if dental is free two? alsom, thansk for demcrats to those who pased these bills so we kan have bettur futere for imigrunts

  9. All of this voting nonsense is just window dressing. Our elected officials are nothing more than cardboard standees. Bought and paid for by the banks and corporate interests. What we want means nothing. Ditch the illusion that you have freedom of choice or a say as to where this country/corporation is going. You don't.

  10. 10:58 only through a SUCCESSFUL revolution does one have any say..but thats another matter

  11. Well the Oligarchs will determine when America gets tossed in the dumpster. The fact that they are working on this is actually good news. Why? Because they wouldn't be working on something three years out if they planned on pulling the plug next month.

    I would say we have 2-3 years left of these great times (sarcasm) before we start wearing baskets on our heads and clubbing rats for our dinner.

    Just a guess. Not a prophet.

    They could just as easily decide to decimate us tomorrow. The Oligarchs love the power game. I think they would rather pull the wings off a fly then just step on it outright.

    Remember, one of their fingernails is of more importance than a million of us. We are thought of as worthless insects.

    It is difficult for someone who formally thought that they were free to think this way, but understanding that we are indeed living in a clandestine Empire which enslaves us is the first step.

    There are the 2% that see through all the BS but we are no match for the 98% of non-thinking drone Hitler-youth types that cover this country's demographic.

    The battle is lost. Focus on yourself. The bankers have a lock down on everything. Media. Government. Military. Police. Courts. Food. Drugs. Everything.

    It is all about YOU now. Work on your happiness and survival. Reject the corrupt system outright. If you still think about right vs left, voting, and such nonsense you are a tool.

  12. Mmmmm.....clubbed rats.

  13. I've been watching all of this unfold from up here in Canada for a long time. I had hoped this could, somehow, have been stopped from being rammed through. I just feel so terribly bad for the American people. It's a very sad day indeed. With what has just happened, it will now be oh so easy for this administration to just "deem" anything they want into existence. I fear a terrible amount of damage could yet be done before your mid term elections. My god, I still can't believe this is actually happening in America.

  14. & 12:07, I think deep down the folks of both our countries have a certain unmentioned respect for each other, as people, not so much gov't, and it's scary what either one of our gov'ts are capable of if you think about it. We are all in this together, one way or another. Now as for the wetties down south, they can kiss my ass since they will probably get more freebies from my hard work, if the Dems have thier way.Not that I like the repubs all that much


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