Wednesday, March 3, 2010

70% Of The Elderly Aren't Retiring Because They Can't Afford To Anymore

A new survey from Career Builder exposes what will be an increasingly common trend as America ages demographically -- older workers are being forced to keep working and postpone retirement for financial reasons.

More than seven-in-ten (72 percent) workers over the age of 60 who said they are putting off their retirement are doing so because they can't afford to retire financially, according to a new survey by CareerBuilder.
More Here..


  1. Oh you can bet Govt will be throwing all kinds of incentives to employers to keep the old farts on.
    Second childhood daycare.

  2. "Gov't ... incentives : free Depends, pureed meals, Hover-Rounds, weekly pill dispensers in closed proximity.

  3. I disagree. Our government is planning to liquidate the elderly at Soylent Green Camps.

  4. It is the little things that people need to pay attention to. In 2009 the US mint stopped selling American Eagle gold coins. Hmmmm?

    Here is the comment: Update: Due to the continued, sustained demand for American Eagle Gold Bullion Coins, 2009-dated American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins will not be produced.

    Now, does that make sense? "sustained demand" leads to "not" produce? Folks, the storm is coming, are you ready?

  5. 11:25 if anyone is a dumbass around here it is you; 10:04 makes a valid point. If you had more than that pee brain you'd be buying up any silver or gold you can RIGHT NOW.

  6. It is a little admirable how there is sustained resistance to the Federal takeover of healthcare. The sheep actually stopped for a second and said 'bahhhh.' It will eventually go through though because what the Oligarchs want, they get.

    Poor seniors are going to get screwed from every direction.

  7. There will be very cleverly manufactured reasons coming up over the next couple years designed to discourage people from holding or buying gold and silver as the price goes up up and up.

    The BS will flow, and it will be well presented.

    The Banksters are not stupid. They know real money will be the end of them and it is like a Crucifix to a vampire.

    Beware of anyone who tells you not to get physically held PMs. Especially those who tell you money in the bank is safer, or is a better 'investment.' Not all robbers wear masks.

  8. Boy I hope you are right about silver prices. My grandfather collected silver american eagles & bequethed to me the entire 850 pc. set

    hell if silver goes to a hundred bucks an oz. I
    can retire & just use 2 per month to barter with


  9. That type of campaign tricked many Argentinians into selling off their PMs. Big mistake. One gold coin was eventually like a lottery winning ticket as opposed to the currency.

  10. LOL 2:03, dream a little dream for me

  11. My father in law is 71 and he works 50-60 hours a week. He will not retire any time soon.

  12. The other 30% work for the government and have ridiculously generous pensions and benefits -- because we are paying for it, while we get NO retirement. I'm 37 years old and I already know that my wife and I, and my kids will all have to work until the day we die.

  13. hell if silver goes to a hundred bucks an oz. I can retire & just use 2 per month to barter with

    Keep in mind that if silver/gold rise dramatically, they may simply be maintaining your original purchasing power. There is a chance that they take off and become not only wealth preservers, but also wealth creators. However, you should approach them as preservers of purchasing power. I have 4000 of those little silver wealth preservers, myself. Cheers!

  14. The truth is that there's been so much hanky panky with the gold market that the Rothchild family departed from the business a few years ago.
    They don't want to be seen as being involved when the huge scandals hit about how much of the worlds 'gold' reserves are actually tungsten bars.

    In the real world, real gold and silver will most likely wind up going much higher than we've anticipated, those of us that have been investing in gold and silver as a means of preserving wealth, not making a profit.

    Allow me to remind many of you that in the last great depression, those that had stored away a few ounces of gold wound up owning the entire town 10 years later.


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