Monday, March 15, 2010

Banker Gets Arrested: Governments Do This Daily

According to the criminal complaint against Antonucci:
the defendant unlawfully, willfully and knowingly, did make false entries in books, reports, and statements of an insured bank with intent to defraud such bank, and individual persons, and to deceive officers of such bank, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation…
He’s also accused of “falsely representing that [he] had invested $6.5m of his own funds to provide additional capital to the Bank, when in truth and in fact, [he] devised an elaborate round-trip loan transaction so that the purported $6.5m investment was actually made with the Bank’s own funds.”

Antonucci made material false statements, and caused material false statements to be made, in connection with The Park Avenue Bank’s application for an $11,252,480 investment from the Capital Purchase Program of the [Tarp].
The, erm, issues with Antonucci’s bank pre-date the allegations in the complaint. For instance, in February 2009, the New York State Banking Department and FDIC jointly issued a cease and desist order to the bank, under which:

The Park Avenue Bank is required to take immediate action to correct apparent violations of Federal laws and regulations and other deficiencies discovered during a joint examination conducted by the Banking Department and the FDIC, and to take all necessary steps to prevent unsafe or unsound banking practices through the establishment and adoption of policies, procedures, and processes that address weaknesses found in the bank’s internal controls, independent testing, strategic planning, loan practices and compliance.
The regulators issued the order after conducting an examination into the bank in June 2008. Among the violations they found were:

(b) operating with management whose policies and practices are detrimental to the Bank and jeopardize the safety of its deposits;

(c) operating with inadequate capital in relation to the kind and quality of assets held by the Bank;

(e) operating without a current, comprehensive written business/strategic plan;

(f) operating with inadequate liquidity and funds management;

(j) operating with excessive concentrations of brokered deposits, commercial real estate and construction loans;

(k) operating with inadequate internal routine and controls and inadequate credit administration and loan underwriting;
As at pixel time, Charles Stillman, Antonucci’s attorney, was not available to comment.
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  1. Its who you blow not who you "know"

  2. Fraud, kickbacks, and fraudulent documents? Involving BANKS?

  3. Tell me it aint so joe

  4. Long time in preparation. Americans, you guys should now realize that despite your perception that only in the third world countries there is corruption it does exist in your country as well, only on a more gigantic scale. If you had only listened to Thomas Jefferson who warned you of these things (“If the American people ever allow….) you would not be in this position. Not to mock you though. The Europeans are not any better. Look at their central banks who sold tonnes and tonnes of gold while the prices were “low”. Nobody asks who bought the gold. It’s not the investment funds, since all the “indicators” were against gold. It’s not the joe blow investor, who follows “advises” of Shnoble Prize Laureates. You gotta ask yourselves who these people are, who bought into the “loosers” stuff. This is an interesting picture. While the “experienced investors” investors played the stock market casino, some “dorks” bought all the gold knowing that everybody else is looking the other way. Who could it be? Hmm?

  5. There is corruption within the USA? Who knew!?

    You mean our robbing banksters? Fraudulent tax system? Fake two-headed, one party politics? Criminal FDA pimping Ant poison in our soft drinks and bubble gum? Staged false flags? Phony War on terror? Phony war on drugs? Israeli-run military? Corporate/de-clawed media?

    Pretty much everyone knows by now that we have a completely corrupt government controlled by Corporate interests subservient to our Oligarch/owners.

  6. @4:57 PM
    Ok, ok...You are one of the few who still uses the grey cells as it was designed by nature or God. But the majority of people live in a dream world. Just stop people on the streets and ask them any simple question. Look at the dorks who consider themselves illuminated (not to confuse with illuminati)- I could not believe my own eyes when I saw them crying as Obama was inaugurated.

  7. Fuld has a $ half a billion in his pocket on retirement but "wasnt aware"the bank he headed was cooking the books and Geither then of the new york fed and the U.S. government certified the bank and its AAA loans and scams and did not see anything either.
    But ,the govt.Bush Obama and Mccain paulson and Geither all knew when SHTF that the banksters needed trillions just to prop the system and the scams up as it went belly up.

    Taxpayers pay o.k. the losses of capitalism
    were socialised.
    Fuld the other banksters like Geither and the rich are laughing and now declare belt tightening and Austerity are now needed by every body else.
    Americans love this sort of free enterprise and
    elect the rich and their corrupt hangers on
    to keep the system in place.Starting with Washington the richest man in america and therefore the best fighter for the free enterprise constitution america has ever known

  8. When I worked at a major lobbying organisation many years ago I realized that the entire political system was corrupt. Mind you the thieves operate within the law and that was when I new we were screwed. I hope when they put this bankster in prison they provide a rope secured to the ceiling for his convenience so I am not out the tax money for his incarceration.

  9. Thurston Howell, IIIMarch 17, 2010 at 4:06 PM

    Dear Lovey,

    This prison is dreadful! They're treating me like a slave! I've even been raped in the shower
    for crying out loud! Send me my soft blanket, you know the one with the embroidered teddy bears, and a fine bottle of wine. I'm so unhappy with the food here. My cell mate wants me to joing the Aryan Brotherhood but I'm not sure what they represent. I have come to understand what protection means. I had to shank two men yesterday and be subjected to this dreadful confinement today.
    Please don't forget to give my regards to Dudley!




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