
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

King World News: This Could Be The Biggest Fraud in The History Of The World

(This is a MUST LISTEN!)
In this interview with GATA we continue the saga after just having interviewed Andrew Maguire, the whistleblower out of London. This gives a short and long-term view down the rabbit hole through the eyes of 3 of the GATA board members. GATA was so heavily involved not only in breaking the news at the CFTC meeting about the the metals manipulation but also at the same time quite possibly uncovering the largest fraud in history. The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee was organized in January 1999 to advocate and undertake litigation against illegal collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial securities. The committee arose from essays by Bill Murphy, a financial commentator, and by Chris Powell, a newspaper editor in Connecticut, published at Murphy's Internet site, In this GATA Roundtable we will have Bill Murphy, Chris Powell and Adrian Douglas.
Bill Murphy, at 1:40:
"six years ago my car was stolen, my website was hacked,
and I was beat up with brass knuckles"
US Papers have been "bought". Mainstream news did not have one word of this historic fraud! "All my news and radio interviews have been cancelled when I stated I had a bombshell to explain".
Audio Listen Here..

Abu Dhabi Sheikh, Sovereign Fund Head, Found Dead
More Here..


  1. Audio link is bad.

  2. Of course anytime billions of dollars are involved there will always be corp terror, murder, manipulation.

    I find it entertaining that there are those that are so naive they don't believe there are elite Oligarch planners. They didn't become multi-trillionaires by leaving things to chance.

  3. The whole freaking system is rigged. There is no free market anymore. Stocks, bonds, precious metals, you name it, it is all rigged. But the next time it collapses it is gone. Down the tubes. The rich have gotten about all there is to take and commerce will be be finished except for local stuff. Salvage will be the next big thing, followed by food production. Junk and gardens. I love it.


  4. No more than one real ounce of gold in London trading for every 100+ ounces in paper.

    It will be most entertaining when all the fiat currencies go thud and the ETF holders demand their gold in physical form. Since there isn't any gold to cover, the various paper companies will just default and the ETF holders will be in no better position than the sheep who have their savings in fiat currency.

    If you own physical gold and silver, you will be master and the sheeple shall bow one knee to you, women will suddenly adore you, Mcmansions await you - you know the drill.

  5. This story would collapse everything. That is why no one is talking. They have to keep up the facade as long as they can while the fleecing and rewriting of government is complete. It seems that the Dems have decided to drill. I thought they were against it for the last several years??%$#@!@# They are opening it up because they are getting ready to bomb the crap out of Iran. When they do that the rest of the Arab nations will way we have had enough and will crush our oil deliveries. That is what will be a feeble attempt at trying to stabilize the dollar.

  6. yes time to wake up people, we have been had. The only thing to think about is that are these entities going to keep us wrapped up in the NWO cacoon or are we going to rise up and not let them win.

    Go and have a listen to the guy who called the market crash precisely in 2008 12 months before it occurred. He has some interesting thoughts on what is coming. his site is

  7. Nothing will change, this story will never make the MSN, not that it matters, as the dumbed down idotic mind controlled TV addicted sheeple would not have a clue.

    Now go back to watching your march madness and shut up!

  8. Whatever happened to the brother of the sultan of Brunei when the family “sovereign wealth” fund he managed was found to be near worthless a few years ago?
    Is he still alive?

  9. Every time I hand someone a fiat dollar and get handed something real in return I always think 'this can't last.'

  10. 6:27.

    lol. Everytime I reach into my wallet and pull out some Federal Reserve Notes I am glad to get rid of them for some reason.

    I hand them to the cashier and think, "What a sucker."

    I guess the fiat confidence has broken for us. Wait until the wildebeast herd starts thinking like that. Shouldnt be long now.

  11. After listening to that interview, I'm really glad my PM's are in my possession. The company I purchased my PM's through, asked for 40 business days (weekends and holidays did not count) to process my order. On day 48, I suggested I would use my Internet skills and publish a blog or a web site, or a video about my really bad experience. Eventually I did get the PM's. I no longer hear and radio ads for that company. I would not ever order from then again unless they could show me the PM's before I sent them any money.

  12. LMAO!!!

    "women will adore you" and then this one "sheeple will bow down"


    You all think your pm's will make ANY difference, or this story will make ANY difference? LOL......swept under the rug like so many others, so just go ahead and spend money on your coins. I would rather plant a garden or can some food. At least I can eat that stuff, coins are hard on teeth.


  13. I can't help but shake my head at the folks that think once the dollar blows up that commerce itself will simply cease and thus precious metals are pointless etc.

    It's the most naive position I've ever heard. People will still have needs and wants - thus "money" will still have a place in everyday life. Canned food and gardens won't become the focus of everyday life. The sheep will still have their daily needs. Your food reserves and canned goods you've put away won't become the center of the economy. "You can't eat metal." Yeah, and a can of baked beans isn't enough to get the doctor to treat your illness. Food spoils and has a finite life.

    Buying and selling isn't going to disappear simply because the dollar collapses. You'll still need something of value to trade the mechanic to fix your car, the construction workers to fix your roof, etc.

    We aren't going back to the stone age simply because fiat money is worthless.

    The "you can't eat gold or silver" crowd shouldn't worry about a food shortage. They'll have plenty of their own words to eat!

  14. 1:11 "Ed" has escaped from Shady Pines nuthouse, and his meds are wearing off. He thinks that pm's are the answers to all of our maladies, when in fact they only people trading them and using them will be the uber-elite. There there Ed, ok, put your arms in this straight jacket, that's a good boy, here are your pills. Red or blue?
    Now be a good boy and come along in the paddy wagon, you can go back to telling all your friends about how "women will adore you" when this imaginary shit will hit the fan

  15. At some point in time, there will be no bartering if the system collapes (by design)
    It will be controlled commerce...mark of the beast. We are considered to be insects by the elite and they will attempt to eliminate us by any means possible i.e. war, disease, famine, natural diasasters...

  16. Those who are anti-precious metals could be 100% right, but not right away. What if it takes a couple years for currency to inflate to worthlessness? Lok at 1975-1980, in that period of time PMs were increasing in value each day. If you could go back to 1975, would you have bought PMs then? It's the same now. THe next few years will be the time to own PMs. After that, who knows? Ultimately my PMs may be of no value compared to my garden... and anyone who has the capability to own some, should.

  17. Why the need to paint me like a lunatic because I say precious metals have value and can be used as money? Nobody takes you seriously when you hyperbolize and exaggerate another's position.

    There's really a Trinity, if you will, of goods that are needed IMO. PMs, food/water, and guns. All three are needed for where we are going. Yes, I say get the food/water and guns first, then with whats left over get PMs.

    The day when I take my silver coins and I go to trade them for something and the other party says "No, I only accept canned food" is the day I will eat my words. I highly doubt that all commerce and trade will go out the window simply because the dollar collapses. People will still have needs and wants to satisfy.

    Even before the dollar dies, Silver and Gold are a great play for your money because once the Comex paper trading explodes and people rush to get their hands on metals, there won't be any coins or bullion left.

    BTW I'm not the one who originally said that women will adore those with PMs and all that stuff. However I do agree that such people will be sitting in a very nice position.

  18. Unreal some views on here, pms cans and beans????
    Millions will be killed
    good luck each and everyone of you


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