Sunday, March 28, 2010

Credit Crisis, Outrage, Far From Over


The big bad secret is that if banks and other financial companies reported their true financial positions they’d be out of business – insolvent. The Fed and the SEC are certainly well aware of these problems, but the game goes on. The fraud is intentional and conscience. They know there are two sets of books, that MBS on their books are virtually worthless, they just bought $1.1 trillion worth of the toxic waste and they are well aware that the shadow inventory on their books is at best worth $0.30 on the dollar. In fact, everyone within the beltway knows it, just like seven years ago they all knew Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were broke. As you can see, there is no law; it is only what these people want it to be. Faithfully all regulators and our elected representatives look the other way. They allow corruption to flourish. One thing that can be guaranteed is that if you report any of these frauds nothing is liable to happen. Today that is the American way – crime pays.
As we have said before the exposure of the problems in Greece, those of all the PIIGS and in the US, California, Arizona, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, open a whole new phase of the debt crisis. The world is in a sovereign debt crisis. In Europe and in the US there are talks regarding a reduction in leverage in currency, which will only cause a liquidity crisis. A rise in interest rates will only compound the problem.
In addition we believe mortgage debt, both commercial and residential, will be sucked into the vortex adding to the woes. This is a replay of what occurred in the 1930s in the debt markets. Do not forget the bond market is 10 times bigger than the stock market and if something has to be sacrificed it will be the stocks, not the bonds. The replay will find stocks falling first, followed by bonds. The bond problem is already very visible; 19 nations have had their credit ratings cut and the US and UK and others will soon follow. That is why we continue to say that the only safe haven is in gold and silver related assets. As we have said previously the only way to handle the problem is for nations to meet, have a multilateral official devaluation and debt default settlement. That will be followed by a deflationary depression, which will be accompanied by another worldwide war.

More Here..


  1. We already know we are screwed. I am interested in people ideas on who to prepare and flourish.

  2. Time to look at the world with new eyes.
    People are in a fight for their survival and their childrens future.
    I refuse to support a corrupt system and that means taking all my money out of the Casinos(banks)
    Time to stop supporting Govt and Wall Sreet's crack addiction.

  3. 8:30

    Looks like your only choice is to become a "home grown terrorist" after all, once you are arrested and sent to prison forever, that's what CNN will refer to you as...

  4. But the solution to our predicament is quite simple. One only needs to understand that their incredible power is based on our cooperation. It is dependent on it. We despise the system, but let's face it: we are working within it. Most of us are trying to get their share of the crumbs our masters leave on the table.

    1. Take your money out of the bank.
    2. Take immediate control of your health.
    3. Avoid Multinationals

    Read more at:

  5. Quote :
    “As we have said previously the only way to handle the problem is for nations to meet, have a multilateral official devaluation and debt default settlement. That will be followed by a deflationary depression, which will be accompanied by another worldwide war.”

    Its time for a World Jubilee Year!

    The whole world economy is weighed down by the need to keep up the usury interest on debt payments ,property rights claimed by invested accumulated value ,(dead past labour created value invested as capital )

    The banksters, Capitals representatives on earth demand its property rights be enforced and insist that those rights outweigh the rights of the living to a job and all the rest.
    If world poverty and war over defaults occur ,what matters that to the God that must be obeyed.

    Humanity has a contradiction with the debts imposed by the God
    capital as the economy cannot now function for the living.

    “Bring out your debts !bring out your debts !” The banksters cry .
    The pigs want their rents.
    Dead labour? Whats that?
    Define living labour and dead labour in terms of Karl Marx? - Yahoo! ...
    "Capital is dead labour, that, vampire-like, only lives by sucking living labour, - Cached

    Oh, sorry For that. It’s a bad link , the question is now deleted for ‘community reasons” at Yahoo.
    The bankster plague encircles the earth.
    Bring out your debts ! Bring out your debts!

  6. If we face a deflationary depression the gold and silver is not the ideal investment. It is dollars, is it not? In this scenario you are playing against yourself looking to insure a loss of value.

  7. Yes, many have quit voting , incl me. Retirees on fixed income have no choice but to shop at Wal Mart & Target for food. Some shop local stores when there is sales. Banks, Credit unions: people need interest to supplement income, pay utilities, etc. I tell people to avoid Drs. all you can. Stocks and bonds: some of us in the know own utility stocks for dividends. If things collapse, nothing will be any good anyway. Many of us are trapped in certain things because of income needs.

  8. Many of us have disconnected some; We quit voting decades ago. Some have money in credit unions to get interest to make ends meet. Many have to shop big box stores, because local guys overcharge. Stay away from Drs. if you can. Start prepping and keep a low profile; stay away from political rallies, group meetings, etc. they are useless and unproductive. Don't tell others what you're doing to prep. Many in the know own dividend paying stocks and bonds for retirement income. If there is a collapse nothing will be worth anything.

  9. open your eyes people and join the movement......

  10. zeitgeist is the new scientology. no thanks. there's so much propaganda and dissimulation going already. there needs to be fewer movements and more reliable information sources

  11. Bad advice about not connecting with others or telling anyone your plans, unless you want to live in your bunker til your food runs out and go on fearing the rest of the world.


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