
Friday, March 19, 2010

Five Lies About The American Economy

The Obama team’s favorite slices of fiscal baloney..

The ongoing recession has raised a troubling question for otherwise resurgent Keynesian economists: How can the American economy keep getting worse under the intensive care of an interventionist economic team almost universally praised for its brilliance? The answer may be that the Obama administration is dealing with a fictional economy, one that bears little resemblance to the economy the rest of us inhabit. And when the difference between fact and fiction becomes too apparent, they just make stuff up. Herewith, five big lies the administration loves to tell and the mainstream media (with some notable exceptions) love to repeat:

1. Bold government action staved off a Depression, saving or creating 1.5 million jobs.
...More Here


  1. Five lies about the American Economy:

    1. You will have a job
    2. You will get rich
    3. You will always have food to eat
    4. You will always have shelter
    5. The government gives a damn about you

  2. No body in the last life; this life or the next life can ever promised you anything.

    The "American" economy never said you'd have nuthin' either.

    Governments on the other hand - well; they've promised plenty.

    Guess we're all seeing how that's going.

  3. When you go into your next life, take time to think about who gets your soul next. Learn from your mistakes.

  4. Nixon said he was not a crook.

    Reagan didn't know anything about Iran contra.

    Bush Sr. said no more taxes.

    Clinton said he did not have sexual relations with that woman.

    Bush Jr. said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

    Bush Jr. said "Mission accomplished"

    Obama is change you can believe in and transparent.

    I'm still waiting for the Peace Dividend and the Trickle Down economics to pay off.

    Govenment is totally credible.

  5. I find it strange that Americans always pretend to not know what they are about: screwing each other over. Your leaders have the same predatory inclinations as the populace at large. America is quite the nasty, quite the "nature red in tooth and claw."


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