
Sunday, March 21, 2010

German Central Bank Admits that Credit is Created Out of Thin Air

Private banks don't make loans because they have extra deposits lying around. The process is the exact opposite:

(1) Each private bank "creates" loans out of thin air by entering into binding loan commitments with borrowers (of course, corresponding liabilities are created on their books at the same time. But see below); then
(2) If the bank doesn't have the required level of reserves, it simply borrows themafter the fact from the central bank (or from another bank);
(3) The central bank, in turn, creates the money which it lends to the private banks out of thin air.
It's not just Bernanke ... the central banks and their owners - the private commercial banks - have been running the printing presses for hundreds of years.
Of course, as I pointed out Tuesday, Bernanke is pushing to eliminate all reserve requirements in the U.S. If Bernanke has his way, American banks won't even have to borrow from the Fed or other banks after the fact to have reserves. Instead, they can just enter into as many loans as they want and create endless money out of thin air (within Basel I and Basel II's capital requirements - but since governments are backstopping their giant banks by overtly and covertly throwing bailout money, guarantees and various insider opportunities at them, capital requirements are somewhat meaningless).
The system is no longer based on assets (and remember that the giant banks have repeatedly become insolvent) It is based on creating new debts, and then backfilling from there.It is - in fact - a monopoly system. Specifically, only private banks and their wholly-owned central banks can run printing presses. Governments and people do not have access to the printing presses (with some limited exceptions, like North Dakota), and thus have to pay the monopolists to run them (in the form of interest on the loans).
See this and this.
At the very least, the system must be changed so that it is not - by definition - perched atop a mountain of debt, and the monetary base must be maintained by an authority that is accountable to the people.

More Here.


  1. OT: I doesn't matter that the people gave a big thumbs down to Obamacare. When will the sheeple ever awaken and see that their desires mean -ZIP-. What the Oligarchs want, they get.

    House roll call: Health care bill
    The 219-212 roll call Sunday by which the House passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. A "yes" vote is a vote to pass the bill.

    Voting yes were 219 Democrats and 0 Republicans. Voting no were 34 Democrats and 178 Republicans. There are 4 vacancies in the 435-member House.

  2. These banks should hire that life lock scam guy:


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