
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gold Money: Power to the People

Before I explain the title of this report, I want to prove to you that Americans are losing their liberties, day by relentless day. I also want to prove to you why it is that, unless there is an economic breakdown so severe that Washington D.C. goes broke, we will not get back these surrendered liberties. My demonstration will take approximately three minutes. For skeptics, it may take five minutes.
The United States Government Printing Office publishes the Federal Register. Each issue is a 275-page book, three columns per page. There are about 250 issues published each year, totaling approximately 69,000 pages. These are pages of incoherent rules that apply to every area of our lives. They are written by government lawyers to be interpreted by lawyers and debated by lawyers. Unless the public, including Congress, demands a hearing on a rule within 15 days of publication, the rule becomes the law of the land.
Congress rarely protests. It is too busy with its infighting to pay attention to the Federal Register. The public rarely protests. It takes a team of lawyers to gain a hearing. Only if the rule generates a huge outcry from the media or the public is a rule repealed.
I have been involved in only one such protest, which was successful: the IRS's 1979 rule to withdraw tax exemption from any private school founded after 1960 that did not have the same racial percentages of students and faculty as prevailed in the community in which it operated. It took 125,000 letters of protest in 30 days, plus Congressional hearings, to get that rule reversed. The public buried the IRS in written protests – the most it had ever received on a ruling. I generated this protest by pulling copyright on my Remnant Review report on that ruling. This led to the letters of protest generated by the second newsletter after mine went out. The snowballing effect took over.
To head off such protests by the public, the limit was cut to 15 days. We would have failed in 1979 under this limit. Almost no voter has ever heard of the Federal Register. Of those who have, only a tiny percentage have ever read a single page.
I am asking you to spend three minutes reading one column of one page. Read it carefully. See if you understand it. Pick your page here.
After you read that column, ask yourself this question: "At 69,000 pages per year, meaning 207,000 columns just like this one, what is happening to Americans' freedom of choice?"

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1 comment:

  1. I took the challenge with a random pick.

    So DHS gives the Coast Guard 5.5 million bucks a year to promote recreational boating safety. I guess that explains all the radio spots I hear about the girl who died after getting plowed over by a boater.

    How about saving a ton of money and keep the boater safety reminders confined to the boat launch area!

    Oh yea, I also read the one about cows with tuberculosis and the need for Federal oversight. How about killing the cow!

    This shit has gone too far.


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