
Friday, March 26, 2010

"I'll Do Anything": Thousand Apply For Construction Jobs In Tampa

TAMPA - Thousands of people who showed up today looking for work - any work at all - were vivid indicators of how hard the flailing economy has hit the Tampa Bay area. The line of applicants began forming soon after 5 a.m. though the job fair wasn't scheduled to begin until five hours later.

Glenn Lawson, 52, was third in line at the Encore construction site, waiting in the pre-dawn darkness. The crowd grew rapidly until, by 10 a.m., some 2,000 people had showed up. They all had stories of job losses, seemingly endless job searches and piecing together ways to survive without paychecks in a city with 13 percent unemployment.

"I'm out there every day," said Lawson, who lost his construction job two years ago. "I'm hoping to get a job. I don't care what kind. Anything I can do to get a steady check coming in, I'll do."
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State Police Plan Massive Layoffs, HQ closures
The Illinois State Police will lay off more than 460 troopers and close five regional headquarters by this fall, acting State Police director Jonathon Monken said Tuesday.
More Here..


  1. Right below this is 'Moody's Fears Social Unrest'

  2. Yeah ... some of the Ex-police will be among the people causing social unrest.

    Pretty soon the "I'll doing anything!!" will apply to more than just trying to get a job.

    Look at your local, state, and federal politicians and leaders do you honestly think they will solve this problem?

    They are probably corrupt idiots making the problems worse.

  3. My neighbor is a 30-yr master remodel contractor. He now is hauling people's construction garbage away as a living.

  4. Good, less parasitic state patrol cops the better.

  5. The good jobs that americans where supposed to have in hi-tech went overseas.

    The good jobs that americans where supposed to have in manufacturing went overseas.

    The good jobs that americans where supposed to have in clerical work went overseas.

    The good jobs that americans where supposed to have in the banking and financial industries have largely gone away.

    The good jobs that americans where supposed to have in the banking and financial industry management sector has paid incredibly well in the past year or so.

    Fancy that.

    That's about 30 or 40 million hi paying jobs that buy a house, raise a family, and invigorate the rest of the economy gone and a few hundred thousand richie rich types riding the LIRR talking bullshit with their office buddies.

  6. I remember reading the "8th Habit of Highly Effective People", the first chapter mentioned we were moving from a manufacturing based economy to an information based economy. I guess that means we are so smart, that the whole world is willing to purchase our knowledge.

    I can tell you how much 100 rounds of .223 will weigh.

  7. Well, the Republicans won't admit it, because they want to stay rich and in power, but we started going downhill when Reagan cut in half the taxes on the wealthy. To make up for that loss of revenue, the middle class has been paying through the nose. The conservatives like having millions of illegals who will work for low wages and no benefits. And then the corporate whores in Washington give tax breaks to companies that off shored and outsourced. You won't hear this on the media--not because it's liberal but because it is controlled by big business. I don't see a solution unless we start the revolution.

  8. Perhaps China did purchase the secret plans to all our most sophisticated nuclear weapons that some chinese national stole on a laptop from Lawrence Livermore national labs while Clinton was president. Perhaps the chinese paid Clinton personally several billion dollars to some offshore account somewhere.
    Perhaps it means nothing that the information they stole took the equivalent of trillions of American taxpayer dollars to develop.

    hundreds of trillions of dollars.

  9. Swipper, no swipping!

  10. All these dreams about super-productive and super-smart americans inventing everything that is stolen by others!
    Thats the past american dumbos.
    Its a practical thing, manufacturing and productive work and actualy applying the technologies in a real world way to produce wealth. Engineers must be educated and they find in practice ways to improve the technology.
    That no longer happens in america except in military inustry and war production plots.
    China for one country is educationg lots of engineers, educated practicals, as well as having cheap exploited labour.
    America educates Masters of business ,Banksters clerks and salespeople for wallmart and whiners .
    The americans want to live and think they have the right to live high forever, consuming the value created in the rest of the world on credit , because they have printed green paper and once exported capital investment .
    But,now the god Capital does not want to employ US overpaid workers they cannot exploit for profit -thats capitalism the system that delivers the good life for some and moves on to where it can make a profit and grow .
    Its a practical not a personal thing thing or a plot by banksters. If american subsidised workers can produce no new wealth +profit in US industry there is nothing for capital to make a profit from.
    You wantefd capitalism and free trade ?
    Then stop whining about the results when capital moves on.

  11. The problem with Americans is that they have to stop buying foreign-made goods. Now I realise this is not possible sometimes, because the widget is not made in America. However, why on Earth are you people still buying foreign-made cars?

    There's no reason why Toyota should be the number one automaker in the world. Think about it.

    Think how much lower your unemployment rate would be if all cars on the road were made in America.


  12. Think how much lower your unemployment rate would be if all cars on the road were made in America.

    That is way too advanced for the average american to understand. Their brains are too full of propaganda to grasp the truth.

  13. America used to be a great nation. I made millions by printing money and selling it to immigrants who couldn't figure fake from real. Wasn't me smart?

  14. Dear 11:33pm:

    "Aren't I smart?" current tense preposition


    "Weren't I smart?" past tense rhetorical.

    Please report to the principle orifice for discipline.

  15. @7:12 Toyota produces in the US! Many US brands, however, are having factories overseas. Therefore it really is a "wash" in a globalized world


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