
Friday, March 5, 2010

Lies Spread to Kids and Adults Our Entire Lives

 According to Graham, the biggest, most recent lie told to children is how special and smart and savvy they are:  "and every year you get a new crop of 18 year olds who think they know how to run the world." And so, the child becomes an adult, accustomed to flattery, shielded from the truth, and ready to believe that government is obligated to take care of everyone. Genuine self esteem attends the acceptance of responsibility and the fulfillment of duty, while today's false self esteem correlates with the government accepting more and more responsibility for the individual.
Speaking of school, Graham noted that children are taught "a complex of lies" in school. "Public school textbooks represent a compromise between what various powerful groups want kids to be told. The lies are rarely overt." He then offers compelling examples, such as the inclusion of various ethnic nobodies placed side by side with notable geniuses. "As subjects got softer," he explained, tracking the degenerative spiral of suburban coddling, "the lies got more frequent. By the time you got to politics and recent history, what we were taught was pretty much pure propaganda." And perhaps the most shocking statement in the whole of Graham's essay touches on "the biggest lie told in schools"; namely, that people succeed by following "the rules." Sadly, the rules of our day are mostly concocted -- as Graham says -- "to manage large groups effectively."
And who are the managers of these large groups? Well, they are government bureaucrats. It so happens that the use of lies to manage behavior isn't limited to children. Propagandists use lies to manage adults. That awesome manipulative wonder, the government of Russia, following established Soviet practice, spreads lies throughout the world to this day -- lies about America, lies about terrorism, lies about the balance of power. Those who would advance the cause of socialism (i.e., the cause of government control), resemble those proficient Soviet practitioners, who conceived and developed a sophisticated form of strategy known as "active measures" (Активные мероприятия). Here the lies are told in layers, and spread in every direction, on every conceivable topic. The Kremlin lies even when there isn't any apparent reason to lie, and tells the truth only when everyone is bound to think it a lie (for example, when Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said he believes in "global cooling" rather than "global warming.")
More Here..


  1. We are indeed living in a Matrix of Government and structured societal lies. The old saying that everything you believe is a lie pretty much sums it up.

    We are ants in an ant farm. They drop a crumb in now and then, but manipulate us most of the time via manufactured false fears (they shake the ant farm).

    A good place to start would be the Century of Self videos on Google. Another great video would be Jordan Maxwell's Matrix of Power.

    They (the Oligarchs that control our government), with the help of top psychologists like Freud and his daughter, learned how to manipulate us like little children based on our collective fears and wants.

    That is why 98% give the government a free pass on all sorts of things that any reasonable, rational, free thinking adult would see as blatant lies and manipulations.

    We are given the right to vote only to give us the false impression that we decide something. We do not. That is all a facade. The people decide nothing important. Our owners decide and then use our fake political two-headed one-party system to their own ends, with the help of their controlled media.

    We are a nation of non-thinking drones. Those that wish to deceive us, control us, own us, do not have to be very creative at all. The groundwork was laid out long ago. They control and lead, we follow.

    Unfortunately, countless lives have been lost and destroyed because Americans believe in a fake war on terror, which is just a fabricated fairly tale. Now we are a killing machine Empire, where torture, napalm (white phosphorus), depleted uranium, secret jails, rape, genocide, and destruction is made possible via propaganda and fear.

    Our apathy will come back to haunt us when all this wrath is turned inward, against the people here domestically. After all, the terrorist that the war on terror has really been about since day one is YOU, the rational, thinking, caring person.

  2. I believe it. The Republican lie machine ensures that you really have to have a great education and solid critical thinking skills to achieve escape velocity from the propaganda.

  3. All it takes is just a personal decision to think for yourself. Stop being told what to think. Assume everything is a lie until you validate things yourself. Ask yourself as a freedom loving person why we are rampaging through Afghanistan right now. To chase a manufactured boogieman? Because the poor people there living in huts and caves want to lash out at us from thousands of miles away?

    Or could it be the oil/gas pipelines, poppy fields, strategic location?

    The easiest way to justify atrocities is to create a myth that the people you are slaughtering 'attacked you' or are a threat and you are simply defending yourself.

    Problem, reaction, solution. Same crap, different decade. The staged false flag thing is as old as WWI, even as old as the Roman Empire. It has been used time and time again.

    Imagine how prosperous every American would be if our resources didn't go for these fake wars and threats, if the Federal Reserve and IRS were gone and exposed as robbing banksters. If government was really for the people and reduced to 1/10th its current size. Health issues would be gone is our fraudulent FDA and corrupt system were exposed. (MMS Water cures just about all virus; AIDs; Cancers for pennies).

    Of course, it all bowls down to the mighty dollar and corp greed. But if Americans could awaken they could live at 2x the standard of living they are at right now. But no, we must flush ourselves down the sewer of ignorance.

  4. Afganistan of course is a strategic location along with Iraq. The Afganistan people were not just roaming the desert one day and decide that they wanted to get the US. Wonder what lie our government will come up with next. Perhaps send a nuclear bomb in the direction of a large group of American soldiers and blame it om Iran? This way they can eliminate a large portion of Americans that they would find to be a threat to whatever plans they have. This also would rally up the people to stand behind the government. They would need some kind of tradgedy because the people are becoming disenchanted. Becoming aware of their lies.

  5. The title was true but the rest was mostly lies. Nyquist believes in global warming... which is not a lie? He does not understand the connection between "war on terror" and the expansion of global capitalism, which contains the biggest lie of all. IMHO opinionators with no original viewpoint are good at parroting nice phrases but nothing else. BTW he thinks "commununists" are a bigger threat than wall st and the us military.


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