
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Martin Weiss: 9 Predictions

Prediction #1
Starting this year, most U.S. stocks are likely to fall in a zigzag pattern for nearly three long years!
Prediction #2
Gold will skyrocket far higher than $2,000 per ounce by the end of 2011.
Prediction #3 
The U.S. Dollar Index will begin to sink in 2010 and will not hit bottom until early 2012.
Prediction #4 
Most commodities will not make new, all-time highs!
Prediction #5
 The U.S. economy will suffer a severe double-dip recession in 2011!
Prediction #6
 The U.S. budget deficit will surpass $2 trillion in 2012!
Prediction #7 
Bond prices will plunge because of out-of-control deficits and a sinking dollar!
Prediction #8 
2012 will be the year of maximum turmoil in markets and peak tension in society!
Prediction #9
 2012 will bring a massive wealth shift from old fortunes that are destroyed to new ones that are created!
More Here


  1. Ya Ya Ya..I remember this guy saying the U.S. was going to declare bankruptcy in 2009. I predict Martin Weiss is a tool

  2. and my number 1 prediction!

    Martin Weiss is murdered by a group of starving anti semitic cannibals while mowing his lawn , FEb 12th, 2011 in Poughkipsie, NY.


  3. Blah! It's all fodder for the cannon. He must ne trying to sell more newletters

  4. Interesting how his predictions are always 1 to 2 years out. No real measurements by which he could be judged as right or wrong. I have recorded and collected the "big predictions" of the various self-professed forecasters such as Weiss, Celente, Alex Jones, Peter Schiff for a few years now. Anybody interested in the evaluation of their forecasts for 2009 and 2010? It is not pretty! Amost all the "exact" forecasts are wrong and the less precise ones ("we will see a great change in the economy") seem utterly true for every given year due to their general nature.

  5. Weiss is under investigation from the SEC; scamming, giving bad advice, ripping off people. Hope he goes to jail. Many have lost money following his advice. I used to read his free news/info. But no more!

  6. Weiss is the man. I made so much money SHORTING US banks . He said to sell and short US banks months before Bearstearns went busts and sell and short ALL mortgage companies Like AIG , Citibank, and many of these stock were in the $30 , $60 and all went to either ZERO or pennies or a few dollars. You can bad mouth that guy all you like but he was 100% BANG on about credit problems well before the MSM or CNBC was talking about. I remember bearstearns CEO was on the news telling people not to worry. Weiss said sell and short when BS was $60 a few days later was history. Oh ya he was 100% right about housing crash, stock market crash and on and on. Go ahead bash someone who tells the truth since many of you can't handle the truth. Go watch your MSM you puppets

  7. Prediction #10

    Barry Soetoro's birth certicate will be disclosed and America will discover they also have the first female president ever elected.

  8. I could make those predictions. I think most people could. RIP USA

  9. Two far in the future Black Swan Predictions,

    1)Yours and Mine Taxes shall go up and up and up.

    2)Business as usual.

  10. My predictions for 2011 and 2012 and beyond:

    Commodities, energy, and food will skyrocket.

    Peoples will consume less.

    Many idle housewives will go to work, if they can find it!

    Movie prices will fall.

    Cable TV will eventually go back to only 2 or 3 channels.

    Chocolate may become the new currency in lieu of a stable, valuable dollar.

    Rusted shacks will be the new "in thing", not the McMansion or the spendy urban Condo.

    They will remake the film the Wolfman a few more times and by 2014 Hollywood will be bankrupt.

    The UFC will host gladiator style events in an effort to win the attention of broke, dejected audiences. This is the preliminary stage towards a Mad Max Apocalypse or Post Apocalypse.

    Some people will live underground and have miniature golf courses. When their oxygen runs and out food supplies dwindle they will die like rats in sewers.

    The United States will break apart into 5 domains:

    Broke, Dejected, Confused, Desperate, and I Told You So.

  11. 9:24 that last line was in essence f*cking awesome...(Tips hat).

  12. Weiss has no credibility, and there are 10 other countries that are going to collapse LONG before the US will. When you see Greece, Spain, Japan, Lebanon, Lithuania, and others collapse first, then you can really start to worry. Until then and probably after, the grind into poverty will be slow, arduous and painful. Like trying to cut through a cinderblock with spoon.

    Ive been waiting, predicting and buying gold since 2004. Everyone thought I was crazy, then I got rich and they still made excuses.

    Folks, I've read 1,000s of doom and gloom articles & books (since 2004) and they often hit the panic button because: A. Their anxiety drives them to it, B. They want the depression to happen so they can get it over with and restart the economy without the socialism, C. Because they have histrionic personality disorder.

    No doubt, bad times are coming, but society always band aids itself together, and never doubt the will of people to build community and a foundation level of civilization. The US will slowly sink into third world status, with a collapse similar to argentina but forget about this Jim Rawles "Mad Max Road Warrior" garbage.

    The world is changing. It always does. Always has. But be skeptical of everyone you read, even the gary norths and peter schiffs, and discount writers who make claims from no annotated sources. Too many make a claim that has no documentation or source jmaterial. If they won't tell you where that info came from, it's hysterical speculation and paranoia.

    Use common sense and be reasonable when preparing yourself for America's decline.

    My prediction: Housewife Hookers. No joke.

  13. 12:22PM You are 100 percent correct. Life will go on although it will seem rough. Pay attention to current third world countries, they are not running around like mad max, yet they are broke. I have grown up in ghettos and worked in the prison system, what I have learned is that people need some form of structure. Nobody wants to live in chaos, no matter how bad the situations are. In the end it will be the haves and the have nots as it has been for thousands of years!

  14. No use having to hire a hooker

    When they's plenty of Sheep out back

    Very very nervous Sheep

  15. Ha ha, grow up mutha fucka.

    If it were pure anarchy the "minions" would fall out of power. Therefore they want control, not total freedom, or even chaos.

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