
Monday, March 22, 2010

A Ruinous Meltdown

A story that is not getting nearly enough attention is the ruinous fiscal meltdown occurring in state after state, all across the country.
Bob Herbert

Taxes are being raised. Draconian cuts in services are being made. Public employees are being fired. The tissue-thin national economic recovery is being undermined. And in many cases, the most vulnerable populations — the sick, the elderly, the young and the poor — are getting badly hurt.
Arizona, struggling with a projected $2.6 billion budget shortfall, took the drastic step of scrapping its Children’s Health Insurance Program. That left nearly 47,000 low-income children with no coverage at all. Gov. Jan Brewer is also calling for an increase in the sales tax. She said, “Arizona is navigating its way through the largest state budget deficit in its long history.”
In New Jersey, the newly elected governor, Chris Christie, has proposed a series of budget cuts that, among other things, would result in public schools receiving $820 million less in state aid than they had received in the prior school year. Some well-off districts would have their direct school aid cut off altogether. Poorer districts that rely almost entirely on state aid would absorb the biggest losses in terms of dollars. They’re bracing for a terrible hit.
For all the happy talk about “no child left behind,” the truth is that in Arizona and New Jersey and dozens of other states trying to cope with the fiscal disaster brought on by the Great Recession, millions of children are being left far behind, and many millions of adults as well.
More Here..


  1. Except for Arizona and Florida to a certain extent (because their tax base was built on snowbirds moving there)the states in the most trouble are the ones that spent like drunken sailors while taking the taxpayers to the cleaners during the housing bubble (California, Illinois, New Jersey, New York etc.) and they need to get their house in order and stop exepecting handouts.

  2. As a former Arizona resident, one of the problems are California transplants who voted in numerous entitlements. My mother's property taxes went from $500 for a 2600 sq ft house to over $2,000 when the neighborhood expanded and the new residents voted in all the conveniences they left behind in California. They overextended themselves in overpriced new houses and have bled the food banks dry as times have down turned. Military people at Luke/DM who bought during the bubble and then forced to move are finding themselves in financial ruin. Illegals are only part of the problem. The change for AZ is in the new attitude. "I want what I left behind, even though I had to leave there when I couldn't afford it anymore"

  3. Clinton happened to be Prez during the expansion, he was not the cause of it. There hasnt been a real Prez since maybe IKE, everyone else has just been a spokesman for the power grabbers. Our only possible solice is the natural laws of death are inescapable for the elite as much as they are for the rst of us, but I dont think that there is any justice awaiting them in some afterlife. YOLO, You Only Live Once, so live it up baby.

  4. Jesus I usually can't stand Republicans but you people still crying about Bus Jr. need to shut up...True things did get bad under Bush and were white washed but at this point Obama has done the opposite of everything he swore he was going to do...And to top it off every major financial move has been totally stupid to the point that I do believe him to be a Machurian candidate of sorts.

    No one f*cks up so bad unless they're doing it on purpose.

  5. so bush ruined the usa on purpose? I agree with that, obama did what he said, healthcare reform, he said it and did it, so choke on that freak. Your messiah w bush really ruined the country and set it up so obama could become president, choke on that too, you racist POS

  6. Division division division...

    Insult insult insult...

    Meanwhile America burns.

  7. No kidding. Quit arguing Puppet vs Puppet, that is all they are or were. My dog has more say about the course we take than the President of this corporation/country. W, B.O. - doesn't matter - both are/were merely puppets directed by the Oligarch bankers.

  8. it's good that these schools are getting less money. Most kids don't want to learn anyways. Schools are just a place for your kids to pick up bad habits from other kids. They mix kids with bad behavior with kids that are good and of course this dirupts classrooms so the kids learn nothing of value. If kids go to a predominately black school all they will learn about is MLK. My child came home one day when she was in the second grade and asked me if MLK was the first president. She looked bewildered when I told her no. She said "but he had done so much for our country". So of course I had to buy some books for her on presidents and teach her about American history. They taught her nothing about white people. They focused on nothing but reading. There was no math or science taught. When I confronted the teachers about this they told me the had to make sure all the kids could read first. Never mind the kids who could already read they had to hold them back for those who couldn't. The smartest of kids are given the basics to learn from while the mentally challenged have thousands of dollars per student spent on them just to teach them how to use the toilet which never really learn how to do in the end anyways. Thank God I moved to an all white school district where my child was finally able to get a real education. And the white school has less money from taxes coming into it and less federal help. Less money, better education.

  9. The Great Recession will keep going at full speed while on Party has all the power:

  10. Get guns and learn how to use them.
    You will be the law.
    Everyone will be the enemy.
    Even the cop will be untrustable.

    Shoot everyone and anything that moves on sight.

    This is the new american creed.

    There are many countries but this one is mine.

    I will kill for my country
    I will die for my country

    If my country cannot rule the world I will destroy EVERYONE and EVERYTHING and you WILL ALL DIE.


  11. 941 makes me smile, he thinks he is a eugenist like hitler was, he thinks he can judge who can be here or not, probably a welfare punk his whole life, never gave to anyone, just a taker.

  12. 2:30pm I reckon yall could give him a freebie.
    A .308 Full metal jacket freebee! AHehahahehAHEHAHEA.

    Go ahead get some windage n elevation on that sucker. Look at that stupid red hat. What a marker. Got him dialed in yet?

    Here's your bullet, now this one here is special cuz I spit on it n awl, but I'm only giving you one for this and if you miss I'm sending you in there to club him like a baby seal and I know what a soft hearted cry baby you'n is n awl so don't miss.

  13. 357 you are right on. Another proof of this is look at our president and look what he has done to our country. Obama was not the first president to have black blood. Eisenhower had black blood too. They photographed him with bright lights to lighten his skin because people would not have excepted any black blood in any president back in his time. I believe he was 1/4 black. So what is the big deal about Obama being black. He's nothing new.


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