Monday, March 8, 2010

State Tax Revenues Plummet By $87 Billion, Biggest Year Over Year Decline In History

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has released a report "State Tax Changes in Response to the Recession" in which the center notes that "national recession has had such a devastating effect on state finances that states took in $87 billion less in tax revenue from October 2008 through September 2009 than they collected in the previous 12 months. This 11 percent decline, the steepest on record, resulted from the impact on tax collections of lost jobs, reduced wages, and lowered economic activity." And here we are, missing the forest for the Greek tree, and discussing evil CDS speculators' role in Greece barely able to make a €5 billion bond auction, when we should be all over the evil Municipal CDS speculators wreaking havoc in our own back yard.

And it actually gets worse: as we have pointed out, states are now running on fiscal fumes, as record unemployment insurance claims bleed the vast majority of state not only dry, but well in credit to the Federal government. "At the same time, the recession has driven up the number of people needing various state services. This, along with the requirement that states have balanced budgets, has increased the pressure on states to deal with the unprecedented revenue shortfalls in a variety of ways. Nearly all states have cut spending. In addition, most have opted for a balanced approach that includes revenue."

So while Obama is about to break all campaign promises about taxing everyone, let alone those who make under $250,000, individual states have already raised taxes by substantial amounts in an unprecedentedly short period of time.
More Here..

NY Soda Tax: Ready to Pop
More Here..


  1. No free wheeling printing press for the states. Perfectly manipulated federal takeover of everything.

  2. In Ga there is a 600M budget deficit, and our state legislature can't stop the bleeding. I have a teacher friend who lost 3K in salary last year. She may lose more this year. We are still furloughing and the bleeding continues. The USG college system has been asked to cut programs and jobs up to 300M, but that is only half. Oh did I say that the 600M is for education not the other areas /dept of the state. The real tsunami is 1B!

  3. LOL, they will NOT tax diet sodas? Ha Ha, encourage people to drink diet sodas, which contain Aspartame, a well known poison. Maybe a faster way to kill of the population by encouraging people to drink poison drinks.

    Oh, the sheeple are so stupid...

  4. "Oh, the sheeple are so stupid...

    March 8, 2010 12:02 PM"

    Yes indeed!

  5. Don't forget the cleverly worded "Sucratose" to fool people into believing it is just Sucrose. A licensed name for Splenda, which is every bit the poison Aspertame is - look for drinks sweetened with Stevia if a diet drink/chewing gum is your thing. Stevia drinks, ZAPP! gum.

  6. Well 12:13pm, Splenda is Sucrose (cane sugar) with three clorine atoms substituted for hydroxy groups. We all know clorine is not good for the body, and there is strong evidence Sucralose (the active ingredient in Splenda) causes liver damage and probably other problems.
    I personally will not ingest a clorinated sugar of any type as my chemistry background tells me this is not a good idea.
    Aspartame is actually, IMHO, much worse than Splena because aspartame when metabolized by the body produces Methanol (wood alchohol) which the body turns into Formic acid which is closely related to Formaldehyde. I've seen studies showing how the brains of lab animals developed 'plasticity' from the reaction of formic acid with cell membrane libids.
    Anything that turns your brain to plastic is not good.
    Plus , there are substantial anecdotal reports that the slow poisoning with Aspartame leads to an eventual systemic nervous collapse and death, as some of us suspect that George Carlin is an example of an Aspartame victim.

  7. Well 12:13pm, Splenda is Sucrose (cane sugar) with three clorine atoms substituted for hydroxy groups. We all know clorine is not good for the body, and there is strong evidence Sucralose (the active ingredient in Splenda) causes liver damage and probably other problems.
    I personally will not ingest a clorinated sugar of any type as my chemistry background tells me this is not a good idea.
    Aspartame is actually, IMHO, much worse than Splena because aspartame when metabolized by the body produces Methanol (wood alchohol) which the body turns into Formic acid which is closely related to Formaldehyde. I've seen studies showing how the brains of lab animals developed 'plasticity' from the reaction of formic acid with cell membrane libids.
    Anything that turns your brain to plastic is not good.
    Plus , there are substantial anecdotal reports that the slow poisoning with Aspartame leads to an eventual systemic nervous collapse and death, as some of us suspect that George Carlin is an example of an Aspartame victim.

  8. Once again we need to heed to the Roman Empire. We as citizens are not fit nor intelligent enough to make proper decisions on our own. We need to have a tax or law for every possible situation that may arrive in life. Please just tear up the Constitution and make like it never existed. I am not my own master, I submit to the Elitists, oh have mercy on us Ceasar.

  9. It is in our DNA to believe and look up to authority figures. Accepting that government and social engineers are actively poisoning us to cull the herd or weaken us is a big step, but facts are facts, they are indeed doing just that.

    From all sorts of poisons and toxins (especially vaccines) to deadly earthquakes (HAARP), to staged wars (pretty much all wars), they love to have us ants as fodder for their entertainment.

  10. They loved killed 3000 Americans on 9/11. No big deal to them at all. They were even deliberately sloppy about it. Sort of an extra FU thrown in for good measure.

  11. What about the hundreds of thousands of Gulf War veterans with Gulf War syndrome caused by the squalene in the vaccine shots they got?


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