
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Study: Retired Couple Will Need $250,000 for Health Care

BOSTON (AP) — Relief to seniors facing high prescription drug costs is one of the first changes to come under the health care overhaul. But that won't offset the relentless increase in retirees' medical expenses.

A couple retiring this year will need a quarter of a million dollars, on average, to cover medical expenses in retirement, according to a study to be released Thursday by Fidelity Investments.
The estimate is up 4.2% from Fidelity's projection last year. The financial services company has updated its estimate annually since 2002 as part of its business helping employers design workplace benefits programs.
The study is based on projections for a couple of 65-year-olds retiring this year with Medicare coverage. The estimate factors in the federal program's premiums, co-payments and deductibles, as well as out-of-pocket prescription costs. The study assumes no employer provided insurance in retirement, and a life expectancy of 85 for women and 82 for men.


  1. Stay away from Dr's all you can; eat right and use natural remedies, herbs, etc. Eat a mediterranean type diet (or So. Beach diet) and exercise, etc. Do research on ailments on the internet under various natural cures, etc. With this new health care bill, we won't get decent care anyway.

  2. MMS Water - cures all flus, even herpes, AIDs

    B17; Apricot seeds - preventative; you will be cancer free for life;

    Do the research.

    Don't be dependent on our completely corrupt medical system; FDA pimps and their Pharm co-conspirators.

    This is why the FDA is even trying to ban vitamins. They want you dependent and pleading with the Pharms for every drug.

    Anyone who gets cancer is ignorant and too lazy or programmed to not think outside the box.

  3. I take tons of vitamins and minerals daily but I still have problems. They help but I still need to go to a doctor. Also, cancer runs in my family; four of them died. None of them were lazy or ignorant--do not blame the victims for their diseases!

  4. 2:47 It is so nice to see a person with common sense... I believe in alternative medicine for minor issues.. If you have a serious disease such as cancer, diabetes etc. You need Drs care. It is not brought on by ignorance or laziness.

  5. You do NOT need a doctor's care for cancer whatsoever.

    There is a cure on this earth for EVERY ailment man can have. Cancer is EASILY beaten by Vitamin D. One reason cancer has become so prevalent is because our bodies are so toxic from all the chemicals in the foods we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and through vaccines.

    All of those toxic chemicals can be purged from your system by eating a healthy, earth-grown diet along with grass fed meats and raw diary.

    Coconut Oil is also very good for you and has anti-everything properties. Turmeric is the most potent anti-cancer spice.

    Check out and Dr Mercola's website for more information. The Weston A Price Foundation can also shed light on how to live great through eating properly.

    One will find that once you give the body what it was designed for, it will run well for many, many years and it will not break down nor will it succumb to disease.

    Ignorance is out biggest enemy.

  6. 5:19,

    I believe the biggest factor is the way people limit themselves consciously to the collective consciousness. This is the real ignorance. People can flood their systems with crap all they want it doesn't help them, that includes "natural" remedies. The greater the mind and the better connection it has with the Godsource (Deepest Consciousness) the better the body will be at all things it tries... even if society doesn't recognize these rare individuals. Know now that not all "geniuses" are geniuses, and likewise not all "spiritualists" are spritiual.

  7. 5;26 - Say ----- what ????
    To the rest; I agree with what you are saying and modern medicine sometimes forgets that mankind managed to get by without healthcare for thousands of years just fine without big pharma and it was the information age that got us to average 70+ years of life - not oncology.

  8. Anyone who would like the never have to worry about cancer at all please watch "World Without Cancer" video by G. Edward Griffin. Cancer was cured in the 50s. It is simply a deficiency caused illness. Smoking, etc, are merely triggers.

    Cancer has skyrocketed because the nutrients your body needs to protect itself have been strained out of your diet. There are would populations that have a ZERO cancer rate. Why? Because of their diet. In fact, Eskimos have a very minute rate of cancer for that reason also.

    Watch the video and learn the truth. Yes, believe it or not, the entire Cancer might be cured someday BS is just a fraud. Cancer = $$.

    Cancer is similar to Pelagra, which is also a deficiency decease (which killed hoards of people before the medical community pulled its head out of its ass).

    Ignorance is lack of knowledge, so YES, if you get cancer because you didn't bother to learn the truth you are indeed either just lazy or ignorance. Or of course unable to accept the just about everything you think you know is a lie.

    Once you learn the truth, hop on over to

  9. The Oligarchs don't want free people to know such things. You being dependent on their fraudulent medical system empowers them.

  10. JESUS cured many diseases.Praise GOD, and you will be cured.

  11. When Gen X and Y gets old, they will be living in tent cities, eating ketchup packet soup, and their healthcare will require $5 million that nobody has.

    You think Gen X cares about what happens to these people? When Gen X gets to power, guess what they'll be cutting? Guess. You think they are going to pay for baby boomers that ripped them off? Put all those impossible debts and taxes on them?

    And apricot seeds are a crock of shit. I did do the research, more than you did. In fact, they are dangerous, and some sellers are in huge trouble.

    Alternative medicine is a huge scam. First rule of pharmacology, in order for medicine to work, it has to have side effects. You can't get something for nothing, and that includes medicine. Alternative meds promise no side effects - which means they are useless.

    Only dumb Americans think they can get something for nothing, and why they believe in alt meds so much. Eat healthy, and that's enough.

  12. EA, it's your moral duty to prevent this apricotpower scam promoter from spamming your website. Do the research yourself and get rid of this quack. Do you really want this spammer on your site, using you?

  13. laura is the one hocking apricot power, get that loser off of here

  14. I eat apricot pits for years. I almost choked on one, then shat out a tumor. Am I cured?

  15. 10:13: I never promoted apricot seeds/pits. This is a bogus cure for anything. The letter below mine did, stupid dumb butt 10:13, get your eyes checked!


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