Saturday, April 17, 2010

10 Collapsing Cities In A Free Fall

Miami boasts a popular South Beach club scene, Art Deco Architecture, and perhaps the best Cuban food in the country. But residents don't have much else to celebrate.

More than three years after the economy started its downward slide, the Miami metro area, like a handful of Sun Belt cities, still hasn't begun to recover. Median home prices in Miami have fallen 38% since its market peaked in the second quarter of 2007; the city's 11% unemployment rate is above the national average and has grown more than most of the 40 cities we surveyed.

Cities in the "Sand States" of Florida, California, Arizona and Nevada, where overbuilding was rampant, are also in trouble, claiming nine of the top 10 spots in our list of cities in free fall. In Las Vegas, Riverside, Calif., and Phoenix, median home prices have fallen 50%, 44% and 37% from their respective peaks. Jobs are vanishing. Though country-wide, employers added 162,00 jobs last month, Riverside gained 13% fewer jobs in February 2010 (the latest numbers available by metro) than it did the same month three years earlier. Tampa, Fla., saw a 10% drop, and Los Angeles added 9% fewer jobs over the same time period.

These cities are also slow to absorb their glut of unsold foreclosed homes, keeping recovery at bay.

"These were highly speculative housing markets," says Jonathan Miller, president of Miller Samuel, a Manhattan-based real estate appraisal firm. "In the markets that have unloaded a lot of foreclosed housing stock there's still a lot more coming."
More Here..


  1. Funny how the article mentions "recovery" while reporting on those cities fake high unemployment rates and housing bubble issues. Basically, it's saying there is a recovery and unemployment is going up. And where did "Though country-wide, employers added 162,00 jobs last month" come from? More fake news and lies from the MSN.

    Of course the dumbed down idiotic mind controlled tv addicted sheeple believe we are in a recovery, "a jobless recovery" LOL! The sheeple believe anything their tv's tell them.

    The playoffs are coming, that's whats important.


  2. This is fucked up. My city is 6th on the list. I am living in Los Angeles area and I can feel the economic recession.

  3. Many people here took the red pill but it got stuck in their throat.

    They can't accept that everything around them is carefully crafted for their control.

    Politics, nationalism, religion, money/monetarism, racism, and many other isms designed to turn an otherwise free thinking person into a caged slave.

    Step back to the day before you were told what and how to think. All the days MSM headlines are there to keep you busy thinking about a carefully crafted stage show. You have nothing to do with what the actors on that stage say and do, but for some odd reason you believe that you do.

    We live within a Clandestine Empire. Everything within our society is directed at one goal. Your deception and enslavement. To use human psychology as a weapon against you. You want acceptance and want to be like other people. The same. Not a freak.

    So you actually turn off rationality and believe the ridiculous. Such people can proudly proclaim they are among the 98%, the normal people.

    To learn how psychology has been used to completely enslave 49 out of 50 people, watch the Century of Self videos online.


    Had to watch it again.

  5. Private enterprise, corporate expansion, any means available, even murder, for profit.

  6. It makes me want to go out and kick the crap out of those that caused this mess.

  7. I am a little high on wine right now, sorry if I might sound incoherent it is hard to notice.

    You guys should not just classify people under 98% sheeple, I think it should be a bit more spectrum based.

    This is just a random but slightly thoughtful classification thing:

    20% - Zonked out on still thinking there is a good president who they voted for... bogus, but the kind of things they post on CNN or MSN highlites.

    20% - Kind of smarter, more conservative approach yet still think we should put in John McCain, almost as trashy. Still insists America is America.

    20% Starting to think about shit but yet not really; they could care less, they just want to get on with their fucking day as everything gets worse and worse. Has some sense.

    20% - Starting to demand a third party come in, hates the left versus right. Sensible.

    10% - Mentally ill or incarcerated so doesn't count.

    3% - Lesser Nobles helping carry out the orders of the 2% fuckasses.

    2% - Helping create the problems... fuckers running things.

    5% - Geniuses who are so advanced for this timeline it is sad; can't get an audience if they tried, has more of a solution than many of the other guys including the alternative conspiracists yet can't seem to have anyone hear them. Fuck it anyway they usually end up homeless trying to sell their artwork.

  8. Out of 8 homes on my block 3 have been empty for over a year due to foreclosures.

  9. Wall Street tried to do the same thing before the first depression. They tried to survive without Main Street. It failed and the market tanked.

    It is happening again like clockwork. The Wall Street Gangsters once again think they can survive without Main Street.

    Wrong again junior. Depression 2 coming fast...

    Again, you can't screw with historical fact...

  10. Let's neuter the banksters!

  11. 4:35 you are exactually right. Too few have too much. Nobody left to buy anyting

  12. Millions of Americans are now qualify as a “surplus population” as they are
    now surplus to the needs or ability of capitalism to make a profit and have therefore been thrown on the trash heap . Where, they happily chew on food stamps government charity, sitting in their mobile home shacks while they cheer for a jobless “recovery” for the American dream,as is shown on their T.V. daily. Surplus population and, as a consequence, unemployment are produced by the existing capitalist relations of production. Production, is for the purpose of making a profit ,not to hand out unproductive for capital jobs.

    The Christian Parson Malthus and many other supporters of the system since , assert that the existence of surplus population is a biological law of nature and suggest that this “surplus” population should be “eliminated” in various ways to avoid poverty .
    In some of the hate comments being posted here we can see ideological propaganda justifying a pogrom. A Cull of The excess population. That bribed and subsidised caste of now permanently, lazy, unemployed, no hoper,poor,both Blacks and Whites .The 40 million on food stamp handouts etc. that no longer can be profitably employed by capital.

    The Law of Population of Capitalism, is an economic law expressing the relationship between the accumulation of capital and the growth of its organic structure, on the one hand, and the appearance of relatively surplus population compared with the requirements of functioning capital and the formation of an industrial reserve army of labour, on the other. According to Karls analysis; "The labouring population therefore produces, along with the accumulation of capital produced by it, the means by which it itself is made relatively superfluous, is turned into a relative surplus population; and it does this to an always increasing extent. This is a law of population peculiar to the capitalist mode of production"
    (Karl Marx, Capital, Vol. I, pp. 591–92).
    Or ,as Karl might also have said if he were still alive;
    “American Ponzi E-con- omy, inevitably Kuput! It’s the law of the falling rate of profit at work”.

  13. Anonymous said above.
    Let's neuter the banksters!

    Preaching a revolutionary but half hearted one sided clean up of the Kingdom for the common good.

    Well that’s one thing, as the corrupt banksters are in control of treasury and the state. So that may be necessary.

    But ,How did they do that?
    Perhaps its all those corrupt lawyers in congress we need to clean up too?


    “The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.”

  14. Los Angeles a powder keg?

  15. I wonder what people who live in LA do after dark?
    Do they get any sleep? Is that why they all have the high chain link fences around their properties? I wonder if giving out free road maps showing how to get out of LA would help anything? Also, why do the gangstas like to hold their pistols sideways and why do they wear their pants so low down? If chasing someone to kill or mob, isn't it too dangerous that they may trip over the pants legs? Why do these gangstas prefer old 1964 Chevys that bounce up and down? I don't see that making for a very comfortable ride.

  16. The gangsters wear their pants low down because West Hollywood is the town next door.

  17. Reporting from the eye in the storm (Riverside, Ca). The housing market is dead as far as im concerned. They can play with numbers, but I see houses sitting empty for extremely long periods of time and virtually no open houses or newspaper listings.

    Walmart stores and various other stores around here are having stocking issues. They are spreading their merchandise around to make it look like they have more items but still looks empty to me. I have also noticed WIC priced items start to % skyrocket meaning retail numbers might get better for big chains thanks to food stamps.

    Small business is in a dire situation throughout the Inland Empire. Constant closings, sales and sign twirlers everywhere. The job market is very tight with very minimal classified job openings in the local paper. Massage Parlors are booming though, as well as Pawn Shops and Buy Gold shops.

    This is the worst I have ever seen it around here. San Bernardino is in worse shape. Their downtown looks like an empty war zone.

    I know many people that have been unemployed over 2 years already yet still getting benefits. There are also alot of people who have not been paying mortgages and still have not been contacted by banks.

    IBEW electrical union has at least a 1 year wait on their book.

    The city of Riverside is also throwing money away like a drunken sailor on useless projects.

    Riverside school district is cutting 20% of their employees this summer.

    Homeless population ramping up.

    Community Gardens popping up.

    Law enforcement and City enforcement crackdowns. Speed traps everywhere. The city traffic police actually follow behind the street sweepers everyday just to cite vehicles. They also have cars parked in front of schools waiting before and after to give citations.

    I could go on and on......

  18. 6:26 Thank you for your excursion on surplus population and it's definition.

    Allow me to say that there is no one in the world that should be denied a basic living standard as provided by the work of the greater population.
    Note that it literally would only take 10% of mankind 'working' to support the other 90% of mankind in a rather decent lifestyle.

    The capitalist system worked in a natural law chaotic method for whaat, 200 or 300 years now but finally we have reached the point when work should be defined and allocated by a more global network of understanding and planet geo zones for farming etc.

    However, the present system will fail to the degree that inadequate food supply will become the norm in a year or two, and this inadequacy could grow extremely severe rapidly.

    I was not aware of any Christian that promoted some kind of population control agenda such a thing being inherently incompatible with Christianity.

  19. penis, vagina, mini mes, more advanced pets.

    thanks for referring to Christianity psychopath-newb, because Christianity (or any religion) is definately fundamental truth written down by the creator himself.

    even though you choose your inverse genital target from the general population to create a family, like weird psychopaths you were still unable to grasp that in fact the entire planet is 1 family and all of you psychopaths had a bizzare fetish to make your own family units and overpopulate the planet which was designed as a ball by the creator on purpose to teach you a bit of restraint psychopaths which is evidentely too dificult for you to restrain your semen shooting or swallowing (should you be sporting a vagina this round)

    PS. Genitals. Important stuff.

  20. Funny how you never complain that you're here, 10:27am.

    It seems to me that a man and a woman should do what comes naturally to them, the world be damned.

  21. Helter skelter is coming down fast. Believe it.

  22. 6:26 Thank you for your excursion on surplus population and it's definition.

    Allow me to say that there is no one in the world that should be denied a basic living standard as provided by the work of the greater population.
    Note that it literally would only take 10% of mankind 'working' to support the other 90% of mankind in a rather decent lifestyle.

    Thank you for defending jesus and your best wishes for humanity in having access to the
    resources on 'gods planet"in an ideal world.

    However as pointed out above, jobs and income and what is now a surplus population in America are determined by the need for profits of the God Capital not by religious feeling.
    Right now That god in control is busy transferring wealth between the classes via handouts to his agents like GEE.S . Not via Jeesus?

  23. Jesus doesn't need any 'defending'.
    What does need defending is the actions commited by people on planet earth and their lawyer took a long vacation to a very hot place.

    Religious feeling aside, mankind is being run by an extremely stupid and incompetant management team that will be replaced in due time.

    And that's all there is to say about that at this time.



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