
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Collapsed Societies and Chaos In The Streets


  1. Good video. I like the gutsy guest at the end on Faux News. "Isn't this just the propaganda channel?" "Go outside people!" "Hug your kids" "Don't listen to this propaganda 24/7"

  2. Ron Paul says that "ultimately the market will catch on and adjust." Bullshit!! This kind of free market clap trap is the nitrous that hastened this collapse.....started under Reagan, and, of course, we know Paul was a good buddies with Reagan.

    The Market is rigged. It is a scam. It's a centralized, planned economy designed to concentrate wealth. It's worked, and is working wonderfully if you're one of the select beneficiaries.

  3. Was that supposed to be an advertisement for FOX News? Give me a break, please. FOX News? Seriously? FOX News?

  4. I love the Outlivesheep name.

  5. 6:25 - wrong. It isn't the free market that failed because we never have had a free market. If the scum at the Federal Reserve would be banished away and we printed our own money, and we had a true free market THEN it would have been fine.

    It is all too late for that now though. The bankers hold all the cards. We have a populace of sheep willing to be sheared on a daily basis.

  6. Ron Paul's message of abolishing the Fed, killing the thug IRS, stopping the Imperial wars and bloodshed, chopping the Federal government down to where it should be --- what a wonderful message!! Too damn bad the Oligarchs control what message finally gets to the sheeple. Then, we just install another banker puppet instead.

  7. I guess the noose is tightening around all our necks. Thankfully, the only route to my ranch is a long winding dirt road, which I can view for about three miles. I believe that I will be able to pick off possibly a few hundred potential looters before I will be overrun and executed by them. Keep your weapons ready.

  8. 11:09, I don't disagree that there's never been a free market. Where you and I disagree is that the concept of a free market is delusionally unattainable. Wealth will seek to concentrate and that concentrated wealth will seek to block new entrants, thereby creating inefficiencies. Regulation doesn't prevent that, and neither does no regulation. You don't think Big Money was manipulating markets prior to the Federal Reserve? Are you that naive? Have you ever heard of the Railroad Trusts? The Cattlemen?

    Ron Paul is a form of engineered containment for faux Libertarians. Yes, faux Libertarians. Paul's purpose is to steer confused, faux Libertarians back to the Republican vote, or to divide it, depending on the Elite's agenda. He bedded himself with Ronald Reagan and caught the herpe. Don't you catch it, too.

  9. April 11, 2010 6:33 PM
    You must have a sheep fetish. Do you like the furry back? You silly goat!!

  10. Although it has its flaws, I found the Zeigeist Addendum movie fascinating because it hit on one solid truth. As long as we use a monetary system controlled by dominant men we will always be slaves.

  11. I was at a house party and everyone was blathering about how their work is picking up and things are getting a lot better.

    People believe in what gives them comfort, not truth.


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