Friday, April 30, 2010

Desperate And Unemployed: Thousands Beg For Unemployment Extensions

Karl Schafer says he has tried for hundreds of jobs since he was laid off from a truck factory more than two years ago. Still waiting to get hired, the 52-year-old Ohio man has suffered the indignity of applying for food stamps and asking his elderly mother for help.

Weary of her own job search, former customer service representative Wagma Omar, 40, of Mission Viejo is thinking about applying for a dangerous civilian job in Afghanistan.

And in California's wine country, Kay Stephens, 56, is frantically looking to cut her living expenses so her unemployment doesn't become a burden to her 30-year-old daughter.

Schafer, Omar and Stephens are among the increasing number of unemployed Americans whose burdens just got heavier: They've exhausted their 99 weeks of jobless benefits and must now figure out how to get by on ever more meager resources.

In California, state officials estimate there are nearly 100,000 people who are still looking for work but can no longer draw an unemployment check. Federal labor officials could not provide a number nationally, but private-sector experts say it could easily top 1 million.

What is certain is that, as the jobless rate remains stubbornly high, more Americans will have to face the challenge of making ends meet without a monthly check.

"People are going off a cliff and we're not really doing anything about it," said Andrew Stettner, deputy director of the National Employment Law Project. "That's not great public policy."

Once unemployment benefits run out, people are eligible for general relief — but that pays a maximum of $221 a month in Los Angeles County, compared with as much as nearly $2,000 a month for unemployment. Only workers with dependent children are eligible for welfare.

Worried that they could lose their homes and get put out on the street, thousands of "99ers," as they call themselves, are banding together to agitate for another extension. On Friday they're kicking off a "Mayday SOS" campaign, faxing and e-mailing Congress their resumes, along with pleas for more benefits.

More Here..


  1. Putting your faith in an incompetent govt is your downfall.

    Just because you voted for Obama doesn't mean you're going to survive this depression and he's not doing anything to help you.

    Face it, the govt lied and many died or are screwed!

    There you go, now you get it!

  2. 932
    sounds about right
    cant wait for the riots

  3. we tried to hire a 99er at my company and he turned us down.. said he was happy with his current situation...WTF was that all about.. why did he even come in for the interview.?? ..sure he just wanted a B card to show the state of taxifornia he is looking..


  4. maybe he didnt want to work for a bunch of a holes 1009
    because you sound like one
    if he was on 99
    he was out of benefits
    now go to bed before your mommy comes in and slaps the sht out of you
    to loser

  5. I thought we were recoverd. But thanks to people like the guy at he has been spot on with all of this. and worth a look.

    This employment issue is really important expecially because I have lost my job and havent been able to find another for the last 2 months. Sucks.

  6. Have faith In America
    the Invisible Hand will eventualy provide.
    just as it does now for Wall St .
    All in the Lords good time!
    Free enterprise is a great system besides
    its only a boom and bailout cycle,not one of your old style boom and bust cycles .
    The recovery is well underway and will come to a job near you anytime soon.
    Have faith and keep up your prayers.
    the lord will provide.

  7. I believe the November elections will tell the tale. Slouch toward Socialism or reassert Capitalism.

    Winston Churchill: The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries

  8. Did Winnie mean that Under capitalism the miseries are not shared by the capitalists too?
    Just the blessings in good AND bad times?
    Its no good everybody being miserable!

  9. 1:03 The corruption we have seen in elections and campaigning will be in full force this next time. I fear that the left will become violent if they feel they are loosing. They have a track record for it. Both sides will lie, cheat and steal to remain in power. We are one of the most corrupt nations in the world and have become masters at hiding and ignoring it. It is like a parent who pretends their child is perfect and is doing no wrong. Go back to sleep America. All of our politicians are angels... with black wings.

  10. 1:03,

    Socialism is what happens at the climax of a capitalist system.

    There is no other source to blame for the economy outside of what will naturally occur with capitalism... it leads to severe wealth imbalance (Socialism).

    Now with that I insist the only way we could have any hope in a future is with either a full blown crash which would reset the free market by putting everyone at ZERO, many will die whether they are poor now, rich now, or in between. The other is massive civil strife in which Tea Partiers and Progressives get into bad scuffles, also with lesser polarities like basic left versus basic right, and racial conflict... this will give everything a happy haste to the crash alongside all the other problems. Everything gets fucked faster when nobody is able to maintain it due to their problems with each other.

    Both are already in acceleration. If nothing were to "happen" (regardless of elections) the only future we would have is a Socialist one in which the elites are wealthier than ever before and the poor are more numerous than before with practically no middle class. Most people will be making between 10 to 50 grand a year and the taxes and prices of everything will be so high all that money will be put to food and bills and absolutely nothing else... not to mention people will be working 3 jobs or 80 hour weeks to support that.

    Pray for a crash people, no joke.

  11. Cry me a river. When a contractor runs out of work he/she is shit out of luck.

    I have watched the cabinet manufacturing business go to hell in the last 20 years due to a steady stream of cheap labor from the South. Now that all the mom and pop operations are destroyed we want to give illegal the boot. Now we (the clear thinking Americans) want to enforce the law. This press one for English bullshit has gone too far. If you raise a foreign flag in the USA you have declared war.

    Remember the Alamo!

    Good for you Arizona. Better late than never. Now TX. And CA. need to step up.

  12. 6:10-I agree...

    The economy is recovering and unemployment is going up? HUH?

    Remember, the moronic sheeple believe anything their tv's tell them.

    We are seeing only the tip of the iceberg, soon, mass unemployment will hit, no debt notes for the sheeple, dollar collapse and then what?

    Hello Camp fema!

    Got it? If you don't, then go back to watching your tv and SHUT-UP!

  13. I can't believe these silly 99ers couldn't figure out how to hire themselves and start a simple street-type business selling stuff people want, like snacks, cold beverages, flowers, etc.

    Heck, why couldn't these brainless people set up a charity (society) to collect relief for a totally useless country that suckers keep funding, like haiti, and appoint themselves as the director. Donations would pore in and they could pay themselves a salary from the proceeds while serving their "cause."

    Or how about collecting clothes for a used clothing store and given some of the proceeds to a charity. You can tell people your donating for that charity.

    Do landscaping, house cleaning, mobile oil, filter & lube changes, etc. There are a lot of things people can do. You can even collect scrap metal and sell it to a recycler.

    THINK people and most importantly... DO!!

    To hell with the job market. HIRE YOURSELF. If the area in which you live is too small to support one of these business ideas, move where there are more opportunities, like NORTH DAKOTA.

  14. It is only a frighteningly low collective IQ that causes people to be so unaware that they would mass-protest to bring in illegal aliens and low tuition in colleges (expecting states to pay) when state gov'ts don't even have the funds to pay benefits for the people WHO TRULY NEED THEM and that are here legallly. THESE PROTESTERS ARE TOTALLY INSANE - THE MONEY IS GONE AND THEY DON'T SEE IT. THE US IS NO LONGER A DEEP POCKET OF ENDLESS BUCKS FOR ILLEGALS. They are just hastening the process of this countries poverty. It is over...and oh, yes I almost forgot "U.S. Economy Grows 2.3%" --false numbers are becoming more and more bold.

  15. The GDP for April is 3.2%. At least that is the estimate. Someone is lying to improve their position or it seems that this has nothing to do with the recovery as it moves through the real numbers.

  16. My Fellow Americans:

    As a country based predominantly on immigrants (mine came via Ellis as I’m sure many of yours as well) all I ask is come “LEGALLY”. Our forefathers were kicked out of every decent nation in the world, we are the “Mutts” of the world and the Oligarchs can’t stand that a nation of “Immi’s” and “Mutts” defied them and became the envy off the world. Now the Elite and PTB are using our very instruments of finance and law to destroy us…we must protest and take every measure to return to the foundation our forefathers established…the constitution. I know recently turned citizens and those waiting in Ohio willing to help us in this endeavor. They see the “Shining City n the Hill” is losing its luster and decaying and understand the value our Constitution has…that is why they left oppression! Besides…I tend to favor the Mutt…as I am one too!


  17. There will be a Tipping Point when that key number of people who are completely out of hope, finally "lose it" as Gerald Celente has said many times.

    That "girly man" in Sacramento refuses to rid our state of 5-10 million illegals, after all, they are simply undocumented Republicans. Perhaps when people finally "lose it", they will attack the illegals and blame them for all our problems.

    As a young white man, I cleared tables and washed dishes in the kitchen of a Mexican restraunt in Newport Beach. All of us in the kitchen spoke English. I earned extra money cutting grass in my neighborhood. The illegals took away those opportunities for our young people.

    Pay back's a bitch.

  18. This country is finished! Time to load up on guns, ammo and food. Stop paying your taxes and starve the beast any way you can. We have a hellish future ahead of us and it's time to get your houses in order ( spiritually and physically). Civil War II is coming!!!

  19. It will take angry mobs civil disobedience before our masters take action.

  20. Too many girly men in US.Its all over,no one is going to fight.

  21. Obama touted his $787 billion stimulus would create 3.5 million jobs, and that 90% of the jobs would be in the private sector.

    In January, the CBO said the stimulus package, will cost $862 billion over 10 years because of the added unemployment-related costs. Some of the increased costs come from higher unemployment payments and SNAP payments.

    It also includes increased federal payments to help states and localities pay interest on taxable government bonds they issued. Money not spent on job creation...

  22. Typos at 12:24 PM: Obama touted his $787 billion stimulus at creating 3.5 million jobs with 90% of the jobs being in the private sector.

  23. bush did a big stimulus before he left office, but you hypocrits never mention it, I wonder why?

  24. Bush's big stimulus? Was the $900.00 I got? $900.00 of my own tax money? Yep, big stimulus...

    Perhaps if every American got a $50,000.00 check, that would be a nice stimulus! But gee, if that happened, the economy would actually recover and that's not what Barry wants.

  25. It wasn’t Bush’s stimulus. It was an Act of Congress. Bernake testified before Congress that action was needed to stimulate the economy. The stimulus came in the form of tax rebates to low and middle class "taxpayers." Congress hoped that the individual rebates would boost consumer spending.

    The cost of the 2008 bill was projected at $152 billion whereas Obama’s stimulus cost $787 billion with a promise of 3.5 million jobs and that 90% of the jobs would be in the private sector.

    12:45 PM: This article demonstrates a lack of the promised private sector jobs…

  26. 224 you are a parasite of the system, you probably never paid in a cent, and are just there for the taking, blaming someone in office for 1 year and forgetting about the 8 previous robbery years under bush

  27. Apparently 7:00 PM can’t dispute the facts and resorts to an ad hominem attack.

    The true robbery has been occurring over the last year-and-a-half. Obama has forecasted a $1.3 trillion budget deficit for 2011. Obama’s 2011 budget doesn’t include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They’re off the balance sheet, along with their corporate debt and mortgage obligations which run in the trillions of dollars.

    It’s been predicted that Obama’s spending will bring the country’s debt to $22 trillion by 2020. That doesn’t include Fannie and Freddie and other numerous spending bills.



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