Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Forget 10% Unemployment, The Real Job Loss Pain Number Is 54%

A March survey from Pew shows just how broad the unemployment pain has been felt. When you hear of 10% unemployment, you might imagine 1/10th of Americans experiencing extreme financial stress from the recent recession.
Yet given the unemployment rate's odd methodology whereby it drops people who stop looking for work out of the data, and the fact that American households usually have more than one person, the real 'pain' number is 54% -- over half of American households felt the direct impact of job losses:
A majority now says that someone in their household has been without a job or looking for work (54%); just 39% said this in February 2009. Only a quarter reports receiving a pay raise or a better job in the past year (24%), while almost an equal number say they have been laid off or lost a job (21%).
Basically, if your household didn't experience un- or under-employment, then you are in the minority. Moreover, as shown above, fully 70% of American households experienced one of the serious financial problems above. Basically, the vast majority of American households was hit extremely hard.

 More Here..


  1. The economy is in recovery according to Wall Street, so and just like 1933 Wall Street thinks they can survive without Main Street.

    This is going to end badly dudes and dudettes... very badly!

  2. LMAO, 54%.......if that was the case there would be a soup kitchen in every f'ing town, and I have yet to see any around here,lol.

    Just more fear mongering here folks

  3. 907
    you are dum
    food stamps are at 40 million
    thats 1 in 8
    out of 300 million
    and numbers are riseing fast
    also they use a card like a cedit card so someone in front of you could be useing it and you dont notice
    and good luck to you because by the time you realize it will be to late
    this is going down again soon
    im right so i just feel sorry for your ignorance

  4. 9:07 you're just another dumb hick playing on a posting board. If you walked through a crowd of people would you know who is sick and who isn't? Would you know their credit card debt? Their financial problems? If they are employed or not? No. Just because you see people walking around in stores you believe the economy is robust. They are used to doing it. Years of shopping and spending. Its like being fat you're just used to it.

  5. Numbers are always skewed...But I guess if you count all the people over 18 and include students who don't work, single moms who don't work, the handicap, the retirees, the ones on worker's comp and the ones in jail/prison then yeah 54% of adults that should be working aren't.

    To those who say BS...Just look at the #s coming out of the California Central Valley...In the 40 percetile and that's using the weird system they use that doesn't take into account underworked or those who have run out of benefits!

    In the end we'll know who's right when it blows up or fixes itself...I don't see it fixing itself so that leaves.......X?

    Time to deport, cancel work visas, deny benefits to illegals raise tariffs for certain items.

  6. 40 percent in California Central Valley?

    Hook us up with some statistics man.

    Let's see the real unemployment figures around this country right now.

    Man, they said Detroit is over 50% unemployment ?

    They ain't telling us what's going on man.

    Everybody and their mom is on unemployment and food stamp.

    Food stamp. I need to get me some food stamp too. Hep me out with some food stamp.

  7. 9:07, you don't see soup lines now because they are provided with food stamps instead. And the food charities were already overwhelmed at this time in 2009.

  8. Oh go grab a big ole bar of reality you douchbags - the guy is just stating what he sees
    you fuckdroids think that anybody on the planet that doesn't see armageddon 3 days away is a friggin' raving lunatic.

    I got a newsflash fro you end of the world hopefuls - better find a new end game scenario - this one is gettin' a little long in the tooth.

    Yesterday I went to get new tires put on my son's truck ( 1998 Chevy Z71 ) I have to take it back Friday ! Too busy to sell me 4 brand new Goodyears at $135/each.

    Oh yeah - things is bad . NOT !

  9. 551 ohhhhh 1998, that is new by you I guess, a 12 years old truck, oh yeah things in really good NOT

  10. @9:07 am 5:51pm...As always some parts are getting hit worse than others but the worst ones are on both coasts at least we can all agree on that...So if NY/Ca/FL/NJ/Ma go and Ia/Nv and Oh are teetering that's like the domino effect that tumbles everything.

    It's not a made up apocalypse fantasy...It's what almost happened in late 2008...All that's happen up to this point is MORE made up money from the FED that's kept this charade going.

    Look no one will have money to pay the taxes needed...Unemployment is shooting up no matter how they hide the real number...People have almost zero coping and survival skills...The government seems to only make horrible decisions even if 90% of the people are against it...Most governments around the world no longer want to touch our dollars...Only the Fed buys our debt...Hmmmm how will this end? I wonder.

    If you buy the arguement great prep up...If you think it's all bullshit then cool don't prep and in 2 yaers we'll see who's right or wrong.

    I mean seriously look back in 2 year increments and notice the difference in lifestyle/social/economical times in 2008/2006/2004...HUGE difference and if you still don't believe that something REALLY BAD is coming...Then best of luck you are a stronger man than I.

  11. 11:29
    I see and understand your points & you didn't even call me an idiot for mine ( imagine that )

    The mentality here is amazing at times - 7:30 busted my stones because my son drives a truck that's almost 13 years old ( he obviously believes that if I don't buy my 17 year old a new beemer that I'm stupid, broke and just plain rude)

    That kind of thinking got us where we are today. How the hell can a bank make money off you if you do not use their services? 13 years ago I paid $12,950.00 for that truck & still runs just fine & no payments.

    And regarding survival - gee whiz people - we kicked the native peoples off this land who lived here for thousands of years with no electric and Waslmart and your storing water?

    Are you trying to tell me with all our knowledge and technology you think I cannot come up with water in the continental U.S. ?

    Same with food - It's everywhere; you just have to get the hell off the pavement to find it that's all.

  12. 4:31

    Currently food is everywhere, but just the same, when people in the south east know a hurricane is on the way, they all rush to Home Depot and buy up all the plywood, batteries, nails, water storage cans, and portable generators. They they flood the grocery stores to buy up all the non-perishables they can load into their cars and trucks and the last thing is to full up the gas tanks and extra gas cans. Those who fail to react immideately bring home little or nothing.

    The first sign of economic collapse will trigger all the above. People will no longer be polite and civilized. Wile you are in the grocery store, they will be stealing the newly purchased portable generator from your car.

    My suggestion to everyone, buy a handgun and don't leave home without it.

  13. @11:29 You are right on the food aspect but have you given thought to the logistics to bring food in around the country after a semi melt down?

    If money is seemed suspect and truckers can't get gas then it all pretty much becomes a horror movie...We're probably at 300 million...300 hundred fucking million people! Most living in the cities...No coping/survival skills!

    At first the governement will try to feed the major cities being that's a power base and let the small towns fend for themselves.

    Most cities even in warehouses have less than 3 days supply of food...Most city dwellers have less than 3 days of food...As 6:41 stated in emergency people hoard and steal...Happens EVERYTIME there's a hurricane or big storm here in the US.

    Imagine 200 million hungry Americans roaming the cities first then heading off to the rural areas looking for food...Central governement collapsing...No control for awhile...Maybe a few weeks maybe a few months.

    Never happen?...Look to Czech Republic, Slovania, Slovankia, Ukraine, Georgia, Greece etc etc etc...Or hell look at Detroit/East St. Louis/Parts of Atlanta etc...Cities have pretty much given up on those cities or large parts of them...Cops ride in pairs and murders go unsolved.

    Soooooooo things are a hell of alot better than I thought they should be BUT we are on the edge of some major bullshit BECAUSE Americans are no longer principled, smart and tough...As a whole they have become selfish, stupid and weak with a "Victim's Mentality."

    Only one's still have a halfway decent head on their shoulders are military and some people in the midwest and mountain cold states.


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