
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Free For All: No Criminal Charges Seen in AIG's Collapse

NEW YORK (Reuters) - CBS News reported late Friday that Joseph Cassano, the former AIG executive closely linked with the giant insurer's near collapse in September 2008, will meet with U.S. Justice Department attorneys next week in what will probably end the two-year criminal investigation into the company -- with no criminal charges likely to be filed.

AIG received a $182 billion federal bailout during the height of Wall Street's liquidity crisis in September 2008, when regulators feared that AIG's massive losses from complex transactions could crash the global financial system.

"Sources tell CBS News that the criminal case against Cassano - once called 'the Man who Crashed the World' - has 'hit a brick wall,'" the network said in an exclusive story published on its website.

Federal investigators have found no evidence that Cassano lied to his bosses or shareholders about AIG's financial problems, sources told CBS News, according to the exclusive story posted online.

That means no one is likely to be held criminally liable for the company's downfall, CBS News reported.
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Pay Garnishments Rise as Debtors Fall Behind
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  1. AIG will NOT ever be prosecuted for anything.

    In case you have not figured it out yet, IT'S ALL BY DESIGN!

    Bush, Clinton, Bush, Satero, Greenspan, Cheney, Kissinger, fill in the blank-they will never be prosecuted for ANYTHING. In fact, they will be heralded as "HEROES", good americans..patriotic americans...

    Now have you figured it out?

    The sheeple don't care they have been raped and pillaged, they care about their sports program or NOT missing their Wheel of Fortune.

    We are screwed people, the elite run things, the sheeple do not care.

    If you make an error on your income tax or if your 16 yo kid is caught with a joint, your lives will be turned upside down.

    Screw the American sheeple out of trillions, NO PROBLEM.

  2. Well sure it's by design - if you had access to 300 Million idiots with Gadzillions of dollars
    just waiting to be fleeced wouldn't you get a pair of shears ( or two )

  3. if they garnished a quarter of my pay, i would just not work simple as that.

  4. The next big screw job will be the working publics 401K and IRA funds. If they don't start the process in 2010 it will for sure be in 2011. There are trillions in retirement to steal from The American Idiot who is to busy watching Idol and Dancing....

  5. Pathetic and ironic! How interesting that the bailput money was so close to the amount of bonuses paid out.

    This just pisses me off to no end. No bailout the company survives, barely, but no bonuses paid out!

    Well the precendent has been set. Every year the bankstas can claim TBTF or the universe will collapse, or Armageddon and the taxpayers will be on the hook.

    Man, I love this country, but some things need to be wiped off the face of the universe!

  6. Smirks, HY the lines are getting shorter over at the electronics store :) you can get in line for that NEW Ipad now!

    It should fill that void between that blue tooth cell, that text cell, and the MP3 player. And of course don't let that high speed ISP fall behind in their monthly payment.

    BTW I use cheap ass dialup if your in the above catagory, don't cry about things to me.

  7. The Dems will want to limit bonuses and the republicans will want them to have all they want because it is true capitalism. Bless our wonderful politicians. They all just want what is best for the people of America. How bout we just take all the money back from the greedy sods and put it back in the treasury to cover new democratic spending. I love politics I just hate politicians.

  8. When a credit card company sues you... always go to court. Tell the judge you want to see your signature card on the account. It will take a month to get it. They may not have it and have to drop the suit. If they have it the judge will make arrangements for payments you can afford.

  9. File bankruptcy. The attorneys have raised the price for bankruptcy for a 15.00 an hour employee to over 2,000.00. They know they can get it because their phone is ringing off the hook. They adjust the price on their fees for basic bankruptcy based upon how much they think you may be able to come up with. Basically they are your friends and they just want to help you. They are like your mom, just have your best intentions at heart. I can't stand the greedy psychopaths.

  10. More of nitty gritty , dirty, details Starting with the Bear Sterns bank robbery are beginning to emerge on the cost of the financial “coup d etat” (takeover of the state) carried out in America by a corrupt cabal of the financial elite in order to cover up the bankruptcy of huge Ponzi schemes . The coup arranged vast handouts from the corparatised state to bail out their insolvency , using the “governments” revenues and by mortgaging any future government revenues to save american capitalism from immanent collapse . The Coup d Etat was triggered by the collapse of the money markets out of fear of tens or hundreds of trillions in derivative bets going bad, starting with sub- prime and other ponzi scheme bonds sold by the banksters

    Massive amounts of private debts, losses in the trillions , were socialised in the biggest robbery in world history . As well as socialising their losses trillions in immediate cash handouts were arranged.In order to save the corrupt system and “save America”.
    This coup d etat, was a secret conspiracy against the american people for seizing trillions in government revenues , was led by Paulson an appointed UNELECTED representative of the Bush sem-Monarchial american Presidency conspiring with Bernanke of The US Fed , Geither of the NY Fed and the heads of the “too big to fail banks” of Wall St. Casino capitalism . Including Golem Sach and other bankster representative of the the Oil companies and the establishment .The J.P. Morgans, Rothchilds and the like. And to save the bacon ,bets and profits of others of the super rich like Buffet and Gates .
    All the rich class conspiring together with the members of the US congress and Senate under the control of the lobbyists or “brown bag men” of the financial system.
    Many of these congressmen and senators being themselves big shareholders in the big companies.
    The newly elected ,“Yellow” President coward refuses to investigate or prosecute the conspirators and beneficiaries and blesses and continues the robbery . After all the brown bag men and the yellow press of the financial elite made him “acting” President . He is their “leftwing” man. Bought and paid for.

  11. $182B here, $182B there, wake me up when it gets into the Trillions.

    In the meantime, 1oz of gold each month.

    Here is a simple letter from 1997 as food for thought. How the BIS might unseat the dollar as the world's reserve currency... The Sting.


  12. so basicaly
    the congress and the presidents are guilty of treason
    like george bushes grandfather
    why am i not surprised
    until these men and congress
    the treasurey are indited and thrown in prison
    america will collapse
    because people know and soon they will have no choice but to face the truth
    our goverment has failed and has gone mad
    with intitlements wars taxes
    and has lost control of its basic rights
    which was to just serve and protect
    like rome we are masssive and corrupt
    and i think have gone mad with power
    obama on april fools gave that speach which was like wacthing a lunatic speak of jobs that dont exsit and top article in bloomberg all weekend the recsssion is over
    there insanitey has no bounds
    like the greeks 2 thousand years ago
    there freedom was turned from men loveing justice
    to men acting like animals
    you are free to act either way madness

  13. america suffers from delusion of granduer
    thinking we will save the world
    against everything george washington beleived in
    we are sowing the seeds of our own destruction
    as the people in power self glorifying
    are hell bent on destroying what america really stands for
    there is a reason our children are dumed down
    do you think it is a mistake
    this will all end miserably and all the while they will blame the pepole that warned them
    like the greeks blamed socrates and killed him then glorified him the history reapeating itself

  14. America never really stood for anything other than oligarchs herding the masses this way and that way, whatever it took to get them hooked on paying tribute to the whore. Your already in the trash bin of history. Big deal, you went to the moon for no purpose other than your egos. You've probably dropped more bombs and napalm than any other country, ever. You really stink. Yes, you do. Rotten to the core and full of useless excess. The world is going to cheer when you finally fall into the gutter where you belong. Good-bye, good riddance.

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