
Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Government Fraudulent Blunder To Collect More Fines: Shorten The Yellow Light Times

Short yellow light times at intersections have been shown to increase the number of traffic violations and accidents. Conversely, increasing the yellow light duration can dramatically reduce red-light violations at an intersection.

Some local governments have ignored the safety benefit of increasing the yellow light time and decided to install red-light cameras, shorten the yellow light duration, and collect the profits instead.

Here are some of the cities that have been caught with short yellow light times over the past few years:
Closing Notes:
These are only the cities that have been caught; it’s likely that this happens much more than the general public has been led to believe. Many cities avoid the bad publicity involved with shortening yellow lights by installing the cameras at intersections with inadequate yellow light times from the beginning.
More Here..

If you or a family member receive an unjustified red-light violation ticket, it may be worth your time to check the yellow light duration at the intersection where the ticket was given out.

Also, if you know of any city currently shortening yellow lights in your area, let everyone know by posting it in the comments of this post.


  1. To hell with safety! We need dough!!! - Typical globalist attitude. We are only subjects (cows) to milk for our produce.

  2. Wait for lawyers to start jumping all over this band wagon when someone was rear-ended with single or both party injuries/deaths and they point to these manipulated yellows as being the culprit. I think I know how the majority of juries will rule - how about slam-dunk unanimous for the plaintiff.

    Oh yeah. Talk about expensive lights.

  3. Yellow lights....we don't need no stinken yellow lights!

    And thank you for using the Ohio Turnpike...have a nice day!

  4. "But officer I never saw the yellow light...
    I'm color blind"
    "Aw I really didn't mean to say that officer it must be the booze talking"

  5. Yes the more they try to make money their short-sightedness will actually cause them to lose even more money.

    A few years ago Texas raised the prices on a designer license plate to get more money and they lost money.

    They raise taxes and people just leave or quit buying so less taxes are collected.

    Now there are the 15th of the Month protests that involve not buying anything and this will likely spread.

  6. "Oshiffer can you tell me how to get to
    Kenfucky Tried Chicken"

    sooner or later NWO gets it all.

  8. Las Vegas has shortened the Yellow Light times by alot, they also have the longest red lights anywhere, so people always try to make the yellow light, because they dont want to wait for a 4 minute red to turn green.

  9. Try buying a spray that diffuses what the camera can see. We bought ours online and no tickets so far.


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