
Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Great American Bank Heist

In fact, they didn’t want the bailouts if you remember the massive anger from both aisles calling their representatives.  But the cronies didn’t listen since they receive millions in lobbying dollars and $13 trillion went to Wall Street in the biggest wealth transfer witnessed by the disgruntled American public.
It should be obvious the real economy is still a mess.  The latest foreclosure data is merely a reflection of failed government programs but more importantly, the absolute greed and robbery committed by Wall Street:
Just look at that chart.  We’ve had an 80 percent stock market rally in one year and today, we are at the peak of foreclosure filings.  That is, Americans getting kicked out of their homes because they are unable to pay their mortgages.  So much for banks using that money to help people stay in their homes and keeping the credit markets open as they preached.  JP Morgan announced stunning profits for the first quarter.  How did they make their money?
“(Yahoo!) NEW YORK – JPMorgan Chase & Co. reported a $3.3 billion first-quarter profit on big gains in the financial markets even as the Obama administration pressed for limits on banks’ trading of risky but lucrative investments.”
$3.3 billion is fantastic.  But how did they make that money?
Investment banking, especially bond trading, generated the bulk of JPMorgan’s profits. The bank said that division earned $2.5 billion, up 50 percent from a year earlier.”
So their gambling division made up the bulk of their profits.  How are they helping out consumers with those billions in taxpayer dollars?
A 3.87 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit- Largest Fraud Case In Human History Against...
More Here..


  1. The US Govt owns this mess. Hook line and sinker...

    If they would have listened to the people the market would have corrected by now and those too big to fails would have failed and NOT taken the whole of America with it...

    So the US Govt owns this disaster. You can't blame the American people who were dead set against the bailouts...


  2. True, but the American sheeple have no say. We are not living in a democracy or a republic. We are living in a Oligarchy run by Euro elite bankers. (The same bankster families that own the private Federal Reserve)

    So, our wishes and desires mean nothing and they will do as they please.

    It made no difference that the vast majority of the US populace were against the bailouts in spite of the banker-MSM campaigns to support it. Our 'vote' means nothing.

  3. i think the goverment has gone mad
    there evil has no bounds
    they are bendict arnolds
    but this is still the begining
    bushs clinton and know obama

  4. Yep. While the sheeple fret over all the fake enemies like Al-CIA-duh and Iran, the traitors within our borders are systematically destroying what is left of the USA.

    That is just how deluded the sheeple have become. They can be broke, living in a cardboard box, and TPTB could still convince them that terrorists are lurking and that should be their top fear.

    Edward Bernays would be very proud.

  5. In regard to the diamond scams above , these are probably simply good American Christians. Who , Like Goldman Sash are now being persecuted by a communist run state.
    They are not doing anything wrong but like the G.S.bankers getting free money legal like, have traditional american values . Doing the work of God and collecting a just reward for hard work.

    Greed Is Christian Duty, Says Gilded Age Gospel: Lewis Lapham
    April 17 (Bloomberg) -- Entering the Kingdom of God, as Jesus noted, has usually been tough for the rich. During America’s Gilded Age, however, some ministers saw the capitalist light and started preaching the gospel of wealth. Adoring money is not a sin but a virtue, and the more you accumulate, the better you are.
    “Love is the grandest thing on God’s earth, but fortunate the lover who has plenty of money. Money is power,” pointed out Philadelphia Baptist minister Russell Conwell and first president of Temple University. His upbeat sermon, “Acres of Diamonds,” delivered more than 5,000 times between 1900 and 1925, explained that it’s every Christian’s duty to get rich.
    Some American churches still prosper by preaching the gospel of Mammon.

  6. This is the gospel truth ! That Goldman Sach’s boss was silly enough to openly declare that G.S. profits and his bonuses were for ‘Doing gods Work”.
    This was unfortunate statement he made ,because it led to an enraged communist anti-religious persecution by the state ,doing the devils work.
    On the other hand Satan lies and sneakily tries to claim the credit !
    ‘NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) - Goldman Sachs' Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein's comment that bankers are doing "God's work" came under fire today from one of the longest-standing allies of the firm, Satan, the Prince of Darkness.
    In a rare press conference, the usually reclusive Beelzebub blasted Mr. Blankfein for his remark, telling reporters, "Lloyd Blankfein needs to remember who he works for."

  7. The stock market rally is being faked to give people a false sense of security. Everything is fixin to collapse. Time is running out. The government, the economy is out of control.

  8. The trouble is the elite believe they deserve to be on this earth more than us working class.
    I have met people under bridges with more character than these G----D elistist.

  9. 5:28 you are correct.."Blessd are the meek" and I can assure you those bridge dwellers are better off with a clear conscience than those rat bastids who try to make our lives all a living hell

  10. The government is simply printing money at this point, ala Zimbabwe or Wiemar republic.
    There's not one iota of differance.
    The massive concentration of real physical wealth into the hands of the government (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac owning the houses), all the CRE the gov will wind up owning, all the other things the government will own, put it all together and america has no choice but to become a fully socialist country ASAP.

    There is no other possibility.

    However, this won't be functional Socialism such as France had at times, this will be highly disfunctional corporate theocracy with plenty of corporate fascism thrown in for good measure.

    "and that's what's the deal we be dealin' in"
    - Frank Zappa


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