
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Yet? Hedge Funds Stole Over 25 Billion From Public

The top 25 managers of US hedge funds took home a record $25.33 billion in 2009, according to the new issue of the industry journal AR: Absolute Return+Alpha. The unchecked moneymaking in 2009 marked a dramatic reversal from the crisis year of 2008, when the top 25 took home “only” $11.6 billion. It surpassed even the heady days of 2007, when they combined for $22 billion.
This almost unfathomable level of personal enrichment exposes President Barack Obama’s Wall Street bailout. With the official unemployment rate near 10 percent, and with every level of government slashing jobs, education, and social programs, a small handful of individuals have—through sheer financial manipulation—reaped one-year profits counted in the billions.
The biggest gainer in 2009 was David Tepper, head of Appaloosa Management, who took home $4 billion. In late 2008, when the share values of the major banks were crashing, Tepper correctly wagered that Obama would carry on the Bush administration’s efforts to prop up the finance industry. Tepper invested heavily in the twice-bailed out insurance giant, American International Group (AIG), which the Treasury Department determined could not be allowed to collapse because of the threat posed to its politically-connected counter-party, Goldman Sachs.
Buying into the big finance houses on the cheap, Tepper has benefited enormously. Of course, “it did not hurt that the Treasury Department was a fellow investor,” as a New York Times analysis notes. Undoubtedly Tepper’s ties to his former employer, Goldman Sachs, were also beneficial. The most powerful investment bank’s former executives, one-time colleagues of Tepper’s, populated key economic posts in the Obama and Bush administrations.
More Here..


  1. Yes, I'm happy as hell !

    Get what you can and hold what you get.

    These times are not so much different than when Ben Frankiln penned those words after giving advice to a crowd gathered at an auction bitching about high taxes.

    I listened to Bill Gates do an interview at Columbia Univ. recently - this guy has more money
    than dirt and he sees problems yes; but he also sees enormous opportunities in tech, energy and
    health care.

    Instead of bitching about what evrybody else is earning - let's get busy and get what's ours.

    It's called hard work

  2. 5:44-Work hard like the hedge fund managers?

    Unfortunately, the american sheeple have been so dumbed down, they haven't clue as to what a hedge fund is or for that matter, a hedge fund manager, nor do they care.

    The tv addicted idiotic american sheeple care about what games are on tv this week end or who is on dancing with the stars?

    The PTB did an excellent job of dumbing down the sheeple, utilizing the supposed "education" system, sports, tv, fluoride, fill in the blank.

    For those few of us "Realist", we cry for our once beloved country.

  3. So 544 you think being a bloodsucker is hard work? Opportunity for those in healthcare? Only for the top dogs. And then to force people to pay for something they may not want. Opportunity in energy? Again only for a handful of people. The EPA czar will be the only money maker in energy and he's Obama's buddy. Opportunity in technology? It will all be controlled by the government real soon. If sucking the life out of people by conning them out of their hard earned money is the way to make a lot of money I pass.

  4. 544 I listened to Bill Gates do an interview at Columbia Univ. recently - this guy has more money
    than dirt and he sees problems yes; but he also sees enormous opportunities in tech, energy and
    health care.

    you mean by selling out america and hireing cheap foregin labor
    by making billions off of americans then saying there lazy and get more visas for foreigners to come to america
    yea buddy you got it straight you should go to congress and hang out with your treasones buddies and tell me how i got paid
    3600 hundred in one week and took home 1700 bucks yea
    we work to bomb and kill people america is great
    i cant wait until this country collapses
    what a bunch of crap
    bill gates is the biggest piece of sht
    anti american globilst scum and ranks up there with bush bendeict arnold and warren buffet
    you pick the poison
    the day america fails freedom will ring around the world like rome we have become the slave empire

  5. 20 million out of work 38 million on food stamps
    30 million factory jobs gone in the last 20 years
    obama got 160 thousand jobs last month
    april fools they were goverment jobs
    irs and census
    obama 2 more years and we get to vote you out
    shovel ready jobs
    working at the horse farm in louisana

  6. "obama 2 more years and we get to vote you out" You're kidding aren't you? Like a VOTE is going to count? Don't you get that voting is FIXED? VIEW THIS VIDEO, Proven: Here

  7. One hedge fund tycoon, Mr. Steve Cohen owns a 35000 square foot house.

  8. So what

    maybe he likes big houses

    It's his money; he can spend it anyway he wishes can't he/

    Look at all the people and business he supported building that behemoth - carpenters; electricians, plumbers, roofers, landscapers etc. & let's not forget a 35,0000 sq ft. home does not just support itself; he probably has a small army taking care of it and the grounds.

    As for these people bashing Bill Gates - I hope they all realize that he and his wife give more money thru their foundation each year to Charity
    around the world than everybody that ever read this blog will make in their lifetimes COMBINED.

  9. 11:45 I was robbed a week ago at gun point. Got away with my life for $156.00

    The crook probably spent it on crank or meth, but that's OK, its his money now. He can spend it anyway he wants, right?

  10. it is ALL a bullshit scam!!! the fed. reserve started with $48 million dollars, their charter says they get 6% interest a year, 97 years, can some one do the math, I went to a public school!

  11. The banksters, hedge fund managers, Greenspan, Paulson, and Bernanke should all be lynched!

  12. Your link is broken where it says more here


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