
Friday, April 9, 2010


Social Collapse:

UK Telegraph: Street Battles Leave Kyrgyzstan on Brink of a Revolution
Thousands of protesters fought running battles with police in Kyrgyzstan in an uprising that left the former Soviet republic on the brink of revolution.
Reuters: Thai PM Faces Hard Choices as State of Emergency Declared
Thai anti-government protesters vowed to go ahead with a mass street rally on Friday in defiance of an emergency decree imposed in the capital to quell nearly a month of demonstrations demanding new elections.

Financial Collapse:
Yahoo: How Wall Street's Crash Has Changed Life in America Forever
"This was the collapse of an ethos that prevailed for a generation," Lowenstein says. "The idea that markets always have it right, that bankers knew when to set their own limits, that we didn't need government in Wall Street at all...that painful recessions were a thing of the past because the Fed had it all figured out -- that Wall Street I think we've seen the end of. "
Overseas Financial Collapse:
Class War Terror:
Bloomberg: 15 Million Americans Need Jobs, Only 2.7 Million Openings
Job openings in the U.S. fell in February for the first time in three months, a sign employers will be slow to expand staff even as firings subside.
Los Angeles Times: Employees Make Impassioned Plea Not to be Fired
Council members face a stream of workers addressing them in chambers and cornering them in hallways, and children sending in drawings on behalf of a favorite librarian. But not all jobs can be saved.
Detroit News: Detroit Bankruptcy Looms with $460 Million Budget Gap
Mayor Dave Bing and the City Council must reduce the size of government and slash the city's budget deficit to stave off bankruptcy or state receivership, according to a report released Monday.
ABC News: American Companies Hoarding Cash, Not Hiring Employees
"I talk to headhunters and they say the same thing," he says. "No one is hiring."


  1. Get ready to live in the global version of Nazi Germany just like David Icke talked about all these years.

    You brown shirt sympathizers who went along with all this and did nothing about it will be the first one offed in the second night of the long knives. Read About German History... It's happening again!

    Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it - Jim Jones, Gayana Tragedy

    Stop drinking the poisoned Kool-Aid people!

  2. Thanks for all of the links; Good Job!

  3. They can't help it. They have been put to sleep via TV, radio and religion. Apathy abounds.

    We have a helpless populace of neutered, feminized males. The 2% cannot get the job done.

    The battle is already lost on that front.

    Take care of yourself the best you can as an individual, not as some patriot defending a free America. That is a joke, long gone, if it was ever here in the first place.

    Study the works of Jordan Maxwell before worrying about Icke. Icke didn't know squat about anything until learning from Jordan. Icke was just a rambling loon. Jordan brought Icke to America in an act of sympathy only to have Icke use all his research and claim it as his own.

  4. Back a couple years ago I bet EA actually had to dig to find information and articles to support the theory that we are sinking into an economic sewer.

    When the main stream liars get the green light from their owners to start telling the truth about what is really happening THAT will be the major flashing red light that the implosion is to begin.

  5. What's a matter, 12:23? you afraid of something?

  6. David Icke FFS.. claimed to be son of god..then re invented himself as a speaker against the so called Lizard species which he says is the Rothschild bloodline... the guy should be drawing pictures with crayons in a padded cell.

    Yes everything is Fkd up but to think that the Jew Zionists, Rothschilds and FEMA camps will be in action is just scaremongering. Why is it that americans need to sensationalise everything.

    Obama is a socialist... get used to it. most western European countries embrace some level of socialist policies either through state health care or welfare. We pay over 40% income tax in most countries to pay for all this shit...not to mention other taxes for insurance and state pensions. The US has lived a charmed life spending money they dont have and burning through natural resources at twice the rate of everyone else.

    The solution to your problems are simple. Stop torturing and killing people in the name of democracy send your troops home and leave the rest of the world to sort out its own mess. Stop spending money you dont have and stop driving cars and pickup trucks that have min engine size of v6 3.2, your speed limits are some of the lowest in the world ffs.

  7. 12:23 you don't understand the difference between a Jew and a political Zionist. Others here don't understand that the 'Jews' in Israel are NOT biblical Jews. There is nothing holy about Israel, except for the stories, they are full of holes.

    As for Jordan Maxwell, if the sheep had 1% of his 40+ years of acquired knowledge the world wouldn't be in this mess. Of course the most truthful a messenger is, the more he is attacked.

    People that lie and manipulate get lavished with money and praise. All the scumbags in this world, from the Pope to Dick Cheney.

    Those that tell it like it is are banished to poverty as their reward. Jordan lives in a rented 2-bedroom apt. Enough said. If he towed the line he could have cash lavished on his like David Icke. Instead he doesn't tell people the things they want to hear, but rather the truth about government, religion, politics, and our Empire.

  8. EA would be included among that last group.

    If he ran a blog telling people how to get rich with no money down or some new fantastic multi-level scam, he could be very wealthy. Or if he just started a feel good about yourself church.

    But no, he distributes truthful articles. Therefore there will be no yacht in EA's future LOL.

  9. People don't want truth.

    People want to hear what makes them feel good. Any ridiculous story is fine, as long as it gives hope and is comforting.

    If a truth instills discomfort it is rejected out of hand. That is why most truths are ridiculed and rejected. Truth's message is rarely happy and joyful.

    When a person denies truth, they get a high from it. Literally like a drug. That is how the human mind works. That is how you can have someone with a high IQ that will believe in absolute nonsense. It gives him comfort.

    98% of Americans have no idea the party is already over and our standard of living is only being held up by corporate media lies.

    When those lies can no longer be rejected due to the reality of the situation, the 50% of the US population on mind altering pharm drugs will literally turn into desperate animals. Most of the remaining will collapse from starvation and dehydration regardless of their so-called current wealth.

    Those finally left, waiting for a man on a horsey to save them flying through the sky will also eventually come to terms that they were deceived also and whither away.

    Only people that can process information due to logic and rationality, and therefore are prepared, will have a slight chance of surviving the coming Depression (emotional and economic).

  10. 12:57 you got that right. With 12,000 hits a day 7 days a week, over 350, 000 hits this month, over 3.5 million hits this year a guy making $5 an hour makes FOUR TIMES AS MUCH AS I DO..thats no lie. Not sure how long to keep this dead end job OPEN!

  11. EA - Please keep up the blog!

  12. All of you arguing as the Titanic goes down remember all these conversations when you're in an internment camp chow line ready to get your 1 meal a day so you can finally tell the truth to yourself about your complicity. That is if you have the strength to even think on 1 meal a day and 12 hours of back breaking work... No times for manicures here.

    The New Stalag camp's mission is to wear you down to ashes while squeezing every possible hour of labor out of you because profits will still be king!

    Prepare your children for slavery and look into their eyes while you tell them that they will not ever have what we have today because we squandered it by our apathy.

  13. 12:57 is obviously dead on.

    If you ever wondered why people at work look at you like you are from Mars, there is your answer.

    Tell them that their home prices will once again skyrocket and that America is the land of the free instead of gloom and doom. Then they will form around you like a soft nurturing blanket.

    The most recent and blatant example are the 9/11 researchers. They may not have all the answers, but they know that the answers given are absolute bullshit, so they say so. That is not what the sheeple want to hear, so it is rejected and ridiculed. It makes no difference that the BS story is scientifically impossible and full of holes. The LIE makes people feel comforted, therefore the lie is accepted as truth.

    Readers here who share knowledge with the 98% need to be aware of that this is the way it works.

    The overall message of this blog is discomforting to say the least. It MUST be rejected by the 98% because they cannot process a truth that does not provide security and happiness.

    Well, not completely. If an authority figure like government or MSM press forward a lie to instill FEAR, that is the exception to the rule. Ie, Bin Laden, Man Made global warming, etc, etc.

    Our Oligarch owners have taken full advantage of human psychology. They are masters of manipulation.

  14. 2:13 that is all water under the bridge. The battle has already been lost. Look around you. The free thinking person has no chance against decades of manipulation and brainwashing. As for the camps, I doubt if food would be served. There will be no theatre, board games, and paid work services like the German camps. They will be all about orderly death and disposal. That is what all the coffins and 4x6 cages are all about.

    Some of us plan on not going though. Roundups that you hear about will be a moot point and totally unnecessary.

    Most of the sheep will not only go, but they will fight for a place in line. They will run for the waiting arms of mommy government. It will be the Hotel California for them unfortunately.

  15. You say you want a revolution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the world
    You tell me that it's evolution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the world
    But when you talk about destruction
    Don't you know that you can count me out
    Don't you know it's gonna be all right
    all right, all right

    You say you got a real solution
    Well, you know
    We'd all love to see the plan
    You ask me for a contribution
    Well, you know
    We're doing what we can
    But when you want money
    for people with minds that hate
    All I can tell is brother you have to wait
    Don't you know it's gonna be all right
    all right, all right

    ah, ah, ah, ah, ah...

    You say you'll change the constitution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change your head
    You tell me it's the institution
    Well, you know
    You better free you mind instead
    But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
    You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
    Don't you know it's gonna be all right
    all right, all right
    all right, all right, all right
    all right, all right, all right


  16. @ 2:23 PM

    I think you are right.. Its curtains rocky, curtains!!

    Like moths to an electric fly swatter! ZZZZZZZZZZZap!

    Fried to a crackly crunch! Soylent Green anyone ?

    - Anon @ 2:13

  17. It's so unnecessary for mass starvation in even collapsing modern society when you could have Soylent Green factories running 24/7/365 - which as an added bonus btw would also keep many gainfully employed.

    We have to start thinking outside of the pine box here folks. [sarc]

  18. It's so unnecessary for mass starvation in even collapsing modern society when you could have Soylent Green factories running 24/7/365 - which as an added bonus btw would also keep many gainfully employed.

    We have to start thinking outside of the pine box here folks. [sarc]

  19. Well unless that Soylent is certified 100% organic I'm not eating it....

    Have you seen what some Americans are wolfing down these days ? Geez all that Monsanto pesticide has made them obese and toxic...

    Do you really want to eat that and risk getting a disease they haven't even named yet ? Yuck!

    No thanks!


  20. Just ignore the vile Jew hater.

    My husband just found out he's been laid off again, this afternoon. Right before Shabbat service.

  21. In "Truther" School they taught us we should never reply to posts that start out with "hey morons" because it shows the person is seeking to attack you instead of the argument which means they have little to stand on but their empty facts tool kit which they carry around their crack berries for such occasions...

    To think that a perfect stranger is a moron is a matter of opinion because that person already has a preformed opinion and can't think straight to approach the conversation with truth.

    I graduated Beta Cum Harder in Truther School! Isn't that great ?

  22. 10:30 -

    Not to mention the emotional charge that is delivered means they won't be able to offer a critical stance, a conclusive mind can't learn much more.

    Though, in regards to others who do this at others posting pro-Obama rants or how great the economy is going to get it can be understandable especially when they got laid off or can't find work.

  23. I'm not even remotedly worried. I am prepared to eat the flesh of fat people, of which there is a virtually unlimited supply.

  24. People like Ed who blame the Jews make me ill. Actually, people named Ed make me ill. I've never met an Ed I like, not even Mr. Ed.

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