Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Teachers To Be Laid Off

Hundreds of thousands of public school teachers across the United States are facing possible layoffs this coming academic year.

Confronting massive budget deficits, school districts throughout the country have been sending out notices (“pink slips”) to employees this spring, warning them that they are unlikely to have a job in the fall. The bloodletting is worst in California, Illinois, New York, Michigan, and New Jersey, but nearly every region in the country is affected.
Pink slips were sent out to 22,000 teachers in California, 17,000 in Illinois, and 15,000 in New York. The jobs of 8,000 school employees in Michigan, 6,000 in New Jersey, and 5,000 in Oklahoma may also be axed.
These numbers are expected to increase in coming months. Officials in Illinois report that as many as 20,000 educators could lose their jobs in the state. In California, an additional 4,000 people may be put on notice.

US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan stated earlier this week that between 100,000 to 300,000 public education positions in the US are in danger. A study conducted by the American Association of School Administrators found that ninety percent of the nation’s school superintendents plan to cut jobs in the fall. This represents an increase of about 30 percent over the previous year.
The mass layoffs have the Obama administration’s stamp of approval.

On March 1, Obama publicly supported the firing of the entire faculty and staff at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island. He hailed the action as an example of what should be done at schools around the country in order to hold educators “accountable” for so-called “poor performance.” In doing so, Obama gave a green light to a nationwide attack on teachers.
The Obama administration has also tied meager federal funds to the implementation of such measures, as well as the expansion of charter schools. The crisis facing school districts in the coming school year is exacerbated by the fact that most states have used up whatever portion of the $100 billion in federal stimulus money they received from Washington in 2009.

Democratic Senator Tom Harkin has proposed a paltry $23 billion education bailout. The allocation of such a sum, which is only $6 billion more than the cuts made to public education in California in the past two years alone, would be inadequate to rescue the public school system in the US.
In any case, the Iowa congressman’s proposed legislation is largely for show. As the New York Times observed in an April 21 article, “Senior Democratic aides said that because Mr. Harkin’s would add to the deficit, it was unlikely to pass.”
Major metropolitan areas are being particularly hard hit by teacher layoffs. Detroit has warned 2,000 educators—40 percent of its total teaching staff—they might be out of a job come September. News of the pink slips follows an announcement that the city plans to permanently close 41 schools in June and another 13 within the next two years.
More Here..


  1. Education is not necessary for a population you already control and will not be needed for anything in the foreseeable future.

    Education was used to condition the people to be empty, deranged, and devoid of moral, spiritual and intellectual direction.

    Job Accomplished.

  2. goodbye teachers, goodbye america, Hello more stupid people. Like we dont have enough of those already!

  3. bush said the iraq war was over, Mission Accomplished, 7 years later we are still there, Haliburton and cheney are Laughing all the way to the bank!

  4. Education in America will never change because the school systems pumps out what the government wants - obedient drones. People just smart enough to work for slave wages but not smart enough to think for themselves.


  6. Did you hear about the FEMA camp girl that got her period?

    She had FEMA Cramps.

    *bradang dang splish*

  7. hello third world country
    weee a race to the bottom
    until americans figure out that we have been betrayed
    corperations threw free trade sold out our technoligy to china that massed poduced it and in the end destroy usa
    just like japan in world war 2 and germeny bought the rocket from gotter
    we in america have become feebile and love our
    sin and have sowed the seeds of our own destruction
    it was all fortold
    our leaders are idiots induced by self glorifying self fufiliing ideas on the road to delusion
    china is building a navy
    what do we do with our navy
    and britian what did they do with there navy
    history repeats itself though the names have changed
    im sorry for you that dont beleive
    but christ is real
    and prophecy will come to pass
    i still cant beleive we rebuilt russia nd china
    communist countrys we in the usa are idiots
    and all we do is fight never ending wars
    and rumors of wars
    how elese will it end
    the taliban quit iran gives up nukes and china lays down there arms and we all sing koombaiya
    thats why they close the schools
    thats why they looted the banks
    thats why our leaders are drones who party like its 1999 because they live in the past
    the nwo will exist but will fail and collapse
    insaneity rules the masses
    like 1933 in germany they will fall to sleep
    in arizona they finally closed the border
    its to late we are done
    weres the jobs
    the lies flow from there mouths like honey
    for you who dont beleive in god
    you will
    the atheist is weakest man i ever met
    and is the first to cower in combat
    iim just a man who cant denie what i see.

  8. you should read the story of sodom
    what happened to them.
    but of coarse you would have to beleive in god
    to understand this is his world and you are just here for the ride
    also your point is that we should be worthless as a cow not bad
    then you will be happy with the antichrist he will fill your ears with honey and your heart with power that you are god until you realize
    you are the slave and will bedesired to rid yourself from this world to save it
    were i am the servant to the christ
    and i will serve the one true god until the end of times for he has shown me his love and compasion witch no man can give me or take from me you can have your milk and chesse
    for man cant live by bread alone
    but only by the word of the son of god

  9. Damn... It get's worse and worse. Check out my new blog. I think you will like it. Thought Swirl

    It's a mix of economics and global affairs.

  10. Uh...well, look at it this way...

    If all of these teachers agreed to pay cuts and more reasonable benefit and pension plans, it would go a long way to help this situation...maybe not solve it outright...but it would help.

    Yeah, yeah...I know - what a ridiculous idea.

    However, the fact of the matter is that millions of Americans have lost their jobs over the past two years...and many others have seen their income reduced and their "wealth" destroyed.

    Why should teachers be any different?

    It's very simple - they take a hit just like everyone else...

    ...and if they don't, states simply don't have the money to pay, they get canned. Period.

    Then, many of the positions can be filled by people who are willing to work for less money and benefits - there are millions of them out there right now.

  11. The Oligarchs are masters of creating distractions away from themselves. This week it is the illegal immigrants.

    When Cassius Clay was asked why he wouldn't go fight the Vietnamese he said because not one of them had ever done anything bad to him.

    I feel the same way about Mexicans.

    Pick your opponent. The Oligarchs have them all lined up for you. Just don't focus on them.

  12. What can these teachers do if they are laid off?

  13. We don't know 'cause they ain't laid off yet. EA is running out of gloom and doom today so now he's reading tarot cards into the future & everybody here is more than willing to jump on that bandwagon

  14. Before the Presidential election, ALL of my kid's teachers were singing Obama's praises saying, "We're voting for him because he will give all teachers a raise!"

    They got what they voted for.

  15. Now now brown cow
    don't go saying bad shit in front of your creator, talking some shit about you'll wish you where never born.
    Buck up buttercup and praise the Lord for giving you life.

    Let the dead bury the dead, life is for the living.

    The sun is shining, weather is sweet, think I want to move my dancing feet!

  16. Well you have mexicans/chinese with 4/5 kids per family going to public school, eating free breakfast/lunches all on the tax payers dime. What did you think would happen?

  17. I read all the posts and this was a prime example of an adult that needs to go back to school;

    ..."corperations threw free trade sold out our technoligy"...

    How about "corporations through free trade, sold out our technology"

    The same writer failed to use a single capitol letter as in, china, usa, russia. I found but one period (.) the entire post was one huge run on sentence. If 10:19 were a 12 year old, I'd let it pass.

    There is a teacher strike going on in my county. It started last week. These teachers have a base pay of nearly $80.000.00. That's $1538.46 per week or $38.46 per hour. Ad to that the little or no cost health care and 3 months off in the summer...

    Sorry, but I have zero compassion for you teachers.

  18. My neighbor is a neurosurgeon.

    He is very, very good at what he does & gives speeches and classes all over the country ( usually free )

    He cannot spell worth a shit and I had to help the guy change a flat tire on his car as he had no idea of where to even start ( I have since talked him into a $19/month roadside assistance)

    Point being, when he talks to me; I understand him & when he writes me an e-mail I understand

    That's all that realy matters now ain't it ?

  19. 8:34 You put yourself forth as a grammar expert, but yet you committed a classic mistake that they teach in 5th grade. It is "capital letter" -not "capitol letter". As it is written, "Pride goeth before a fall."

  20. Government education in Amerika is worthless anyway. If your son or daughter is an -A- student it just means they are a top notch parrot. Don't think, don't reason, just listen and repeat.

    A school takes in a kid with such great possibilities and turns him into a non-thinking programmed automaton. Mix in a little patriotic and religious nonsense and you really have a worker bee in the making.

    The programming starts very early here in Amerika.

    If a person in Amerika gets a Masters Degree in History they are actually getting a Masters Degree in Government Propaganda.

  21. We need non-thinking drones to stand in a draft line to go kill Iranians. The Israeli lobby is at it again, with the same BS as in 2002. Why commit genocide when you have a stooge country ready to do it for you?

  22. 8:00am....Im with you. ZERO compassion for all the gold-clad pension loving, 9-month "working", keep their mouths shut as long as their gravy trains keep running NEA members...You're gonna get what's coming to y'all... and I'm gonna laugh my A$$ off , along with all the other unemployed across the country, that you education types finally get to enjoy the pain-du-jour that main street america has been treated to for the past 2 years... mmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmmm... barak-HUSSEIN-obama!! Can you feel the HOPE now SUCKA...?...?!!!!!???!!!!!

  23. Shoddy teaching/Crappy parents/Dull minded kids/Overpaid administrators/Incredible waste/NO BUDGET CONTROL...But God forbid you say the word "Budget Cut" because then it's all about the children.

    Not all teachers are bad...But a good 40% couldn't make it anywhere and would starve on the streets with the lack of skills they have.

    Harsh? Not really did it for a year in San Diego...Saw the good, the bad and the ugly...From what I see it's got so much worse...Alas.

  24. I am actually quite happy that the teachers are going to be laid off. This is a punishment for brainwashing our kids with all their NWO agendas. This is a example for the police and other private security goons who dressed like peacocks in their gear beating protesters on the streets. You are going to be flushed down the toilet just like these suckers who sold their soul to devil. Hey, teachers! Go to Al Gore-he'll help you. He has a lot of money. Tell him you have shown his cartoon with drowning bears in the classroom to brainwash the kids as he wanted. Tell them you religiously dumbed down our kids and that you've achieved a lot. Time to pay back, Al!

  25. Oh yeah, teachers are rolling in the dough! They're right up there with pro-athletes and Hollywood A-listers! That's why they need the summer's off, so they can visit their private islands in the Caribbean! Never mind that they spend 184 days a year trying to get Jose and Ling Yo to understand English, much less actually pass a Standardized Test, that's not a tough job! Any dipstick could do that, right? And so what if they have to assess and then differentiate instruction to 11 different learning modalities, so what! Piece of cake!
    I'm gonna guess that those of you who are indifferent to teachers being laid-off never did very well in school---and I'll bet I'm right. You have no idea how much time and energy goes into being a good teacher, and believe me, some very fine educators have found themselves in the unemployment line with no hope of getting out anytime soon. They are teachers, what else is there for them? Nothing. At least "main street america" has options that are within their expected salary range. And by the way, an $80,000.00 base pay for teachers!! RIDICULOUS!! Try around $38,000.00.


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