
Friday, April 2, 2010

Massive Energy Tax Coming Next Week

Abandoning all loyalty to the democratic processes this nation holds dear, President Obama has made the decision that getting energy tax legislation through Congress with the approval of the American people is just too much of a pain to bother with. Instead he will have the EPA declare as early as next week that CO2 is a dangerous global warming gas and will start regulating its emissions immediately.

Obama’s promise to open up vast stretches of ocean on the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico to energy exploration is simply a ruse to soften up the public for soon to be announced draconian regulations.

Similar to how Obama used the $50 million dollar study on healthcare companies competing across state lines to sell ObamaCare as a bipartisan bill, his recent decree allowing energy companies to explore (not drill, not produce energy from … just explore) new stretches of ocean for oil is also meant to be a trivial, yet impressive enough sounding carrot for conservatives right before he stuffs his Marxist trash down their throats.

Put simply, it means $8 for a gallon of gas and 2-3 times higher electricity bills. It also means the loss of millions more sorely needed jobs as businesses are hit with higher operating costs and the transfer of whatever remains of our manufacturing sector to China where energy is cheaper and they aren’t so concerned about CO2.
More Here..

Millions Will Lose Unemployment Benefit Extensions April 5th
More Here..


  1. Global Warming is bullshit.

    Watch "The Global Warming Swindle" - and a swindle it is; just another way for the Oligarchs to enslave you; has zero to do with the environment.

    Then watch "Zeitgeist Addendum" and understand why it is important for the Oligarchs to keep us dependent on low-outdated sources of energy.

    A car is basically the same as it was 90 years ago. That is by design.

    Free energy is real, completely clean and abundant sources are energy are real. They are keep from the sheep masses because scarcity = dependence, and dependence = control, control = eventual slavery.

  2. Thermal energy, that is virtually unlimited, could power every city on the planet without a speck of pollution. The tech exists, and is proven.

    But no, no, no. Let's keep the silly game of oil dependence going on and on. Can't start wars, can't control the minions if you don't have scarcity.

    Could you imagine if you were given a power source the size of a toaster that could power your home 100%, for free? You could take it anywhere. 300 miles out is the woods, build a cabin, live secluded, but like a king.

    That tech was discovered by Nicola Tesla over 100 years ago. You can't know about that though. So our old buddy, founder of the Federal Reserve, JP Morgan made sure that technology was hidden away forever.

    Our owners can't allow you to have plentiful resources. You must be a wage slave. You must be contained and controlled.

  3. Are you going to report on the 162,000 job added last month or are you just going to keep fearmongering us with all bad news?

  4. are you going to admit those jobs are temporary jobs, like the census workers? 125,000 of those jobs are temporary, will you report on that 226?

  5. This article is basically tripe. I am not an Obama much less Washington supporter in general, but the truth of the matter is they have proposed to increase the mileage of vehicles as a requirement in the future (much needed) and to (try) to reduce the price of gas. The truth of the matter is that oil is going to go up in price no matter what, and they realize, at least vaguely, that it is part of the underlying problem today. The economy is falling apart in no small part because of oil prices.

    Of course they would LIKE to do more drilling off the coast, but the costs are exorbitant. Just do a little cursory research into that and you will realize the costs, the risk, and the returns of that kind of venture. All of this vast amoutn of oil that cornucopians talk about are all in very hard to reach places and there is a reason it isnt being drilled extensively.

    To chalk it all up to a Marxist agenda is not only absurd but ignorant.

  6. More new "green" laws to further inprison the US citizens. The sheeple believe anything they are told. Last time I took a breath, I exhaled CO2, oh, and my plants, trees, grass etc breath in CO2. CO2 is used in greenhouses to speed growth of plants. Now we are going to tax it (LOL).

    How ridiculous can things get? Is there anything the sheeple will not believe? The underwear bomber, boob bomber, CO2 poisonous gas, global warming-no climate change, Govt heath care, Al CIAda, economy is in recovery (LOL), unemployment going down, blah blah blah...the list goes on and on. The sheeple will believe anything their TV's tell them.

    In a way, it's fun living in reality, observing the sheeple and these ridiculous prosperous new laws being passed. Unfortunately, I understand what is really happening and what is going to happen.

    It's all by design.

    And we are soooooo screwed....

  7. 2:26.

    Yeah, fuck the fearmongering. 100,000 census workers were hired and 16,000 IRS workers are going to be hired.

    Of course next month the numbers will be corrected and 100,000 will have lost their jobs.

  8. 5:29

    We know we are going into a depression. But I still think this site should report the 162,000 jobs added. Even though we know their temporary.

    Rather then just copying and pasting only bad news, temps jobs still help pay some bills for the short term. My uncle got a temp job with the census, which is helping him in the short term.

  9. 5:29

    Temp job still help for the short term. I have temp job which is helping me alot.

  10. It's called a class war and this blog site reported about it last year!

    You will soon be issued a brown uniform to wear that looks just like everyone else's. Welcome to serfdom comrades.


  11. I love temp jobs it is really awesome job security and they will let you buy a mcmansion if you have a temp job, it is a great deal

  12. 538, i hope i get to meet your uncle.

  13. Regarding the addition of jobs last month:

    Figures don't lie but liars figure. Take any job gains with a grain of salt.

  14. The liars in control of the puppets that are sabotaging our future don't have to get creative. Just lay out any lie and the 98% will lap it up.

    It is the corporate media's job to paint a rosy picture as the Titanic continues to sink. Want proof? When the Dow goes up 25 points you will see a huge story about it on USA TODAY online.

    When it goes down 75 there are crickets.

    It is all about conning the 98% into apathy while they crow pick every last bit of assets from the lemming populace.

  15. Actually, according to ADP that does payroll services, 16,000 jobs where lost last month
    not 162,000 where added.
    Anybody really believe this country added jobs in the past month?
    Even with the temporary hires for census workers and IRS workers, we lost 16,000 in total.
    And guess what. It's gonna keep sliding down
    for the conceivable future.

    Go look at

    Go over to and read up on ADP's figures versus the BLS.

    Buerau of lying statistics.

    There is no fear 'mongering' here.

    You should be afraid because of the goddam reality you're living in.

  16. after the 100,000 temp jobs are over/lost..
    will these people also go on unemployment for 2 years

  17. Yes all these doomsayer articles and comments should be deleted they are so bad for the
    confidence that creates real economic recovery .
    There is no point in questioning whether all these jobs are created by government money or whether the jobs are producing physical wealth .
    That’s un-American!
    Statistics show that the maid is getting her job back! Right!
    The king in his counting-house Counting out his money; The queen is the parlor Eating bread and honey; The maid is in the garden Hanging out the clothes.
    All is back to normal in the best of all possible worlds
    Just look at and compare the patriotic confidence building lead stories on todays Bloomberg no doom saying over there !
    Now that is a real world U.S. news service

    •Jobs Report Makes It `Pretty Clear' Recession Is Over, NBER's Hall Says
    •Increase in Employment in March a Signal That U.S. Recovery Is Broadening
    •Geithner Says He Is Confident China Will Move to Strengthen Its Currency
    •China's Wen Tells Japan's Kan Blaming Yuan for Trade Imbalances Is Unfair
    •Dollar Rises to Seven-Month High Versus Yen on U.S. Economic Outlook, Jobs

    JOBS JOBS JOBS everywhere.160,000last month alone. Only a few millions more jobs to go!

    Recovery is the real world.

  18. 301 am
    listen are you an idiot
    i actually have wacthed within minutes bloomberg pulling articles
    you can denie the truth
    but the reality is you and your family are doomed because you are preapared to go down on the titanic
    and to say the ship is sinking is not unamerican it is actually a patriot
    i feel sorry for you but will think of you when you are rioting in the streets
    and im at home eating and playing with my silver
    only a fool would beleive your trival advice
    infact disney land awaits you
    go spend

  19. The econ will really tank with the high utility and gasoline costs, as taxes are added. Consumer spending is already down; people will only have enough for necessities. I was in Europe, and that is how people live, in beehive type housing, most don't own cars, and have tiny stoves and refrigerators and small tight living quarters. Japan, China is another example. It's hand to mouth frugal living! This is our future.

  20. I know things are worse, just by what I see and experience.

    Not long ago, I was crossing over my local freeway. Naturally there are two off ramps for exiting traffic (East and West) and two on ramps for entering traffic. Every intersecting point had someone holding a "God Bless" sign. These people were not dirty and toothless, their cloths were not tattered or torn. These were people just like you and I, just trying to survive.

    My local Post Office almost without fail, has someone outside asking for spare change. I was in my car at the bank (my 1993 Camry, clearly not a new car) and a Vietnamese man asked me for help. "We're a family of 4 and we're in really bad shape. He was mid-30's and spoke perfect English, so don't suggest he's desperate because of his race. I told him I have a 3 person family and I've not had a job for 2 years.

    Over by my bank, there is a small group of homeless always near the ATM machines. There is a larger group of homeless that stays under some shade trees near our Target store.

    Disneyland is 4 miles from my home. They are so desperate to sell annual passes, that they now have monthly payments available. My family always had the passes till recently. We can now longer justify $550.00 a year for the three of us.

    My local Fry's Electronics store, literally has at least 75 Point of Sale stations. They have a que for the customers to wait for a register, that is 50 years long. 3 years ago all 75 POS stations were in use and that line of customers was LONG. 50 of those 75 POS stations are now closed.

    In my area:

    - Blockbuster Video is closed
    - Hollywood Video is closed
    - Borders Books is closed
    - McDonalds at Fashion Island, Newport Beach is closed! When have you ever seen a McDonald's closed?
    - A large portion of the Anaheim Auto Center is closed. Word is, some of these places will be converted to small technical trade schools of colleges. What will they teach? How about cremation 101. After all that's one business that will never run out customers.

    Yea, all is well. Trust Barry, he'll take good care of us, after all he told us that Flight 93 hit the Pentagon and steel frame buildings can collapse after a 45 minute fire.

  21. yea to all you said 820 except obama was not president when 911 happened, your loser boy bush was and he purposely let it happen

  22. Hi 11:45

    G.W. here

    Miss me yet ??

    You WILL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. It matters not that Barry was not POTUS on 9/11, if he had any balls he would demand the truth be spoken about 9/11. Too bad the worthless fuck knows that if he demanded and new investigation, he would see his brains blown out just like JFK.


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