
Monday, April 19, 2010

Recession Is Ending! Who Are You Trying To Kid?

WINSBURG, Ohio – The clerk at the candy shop does not want to cry. She is determinedly cheerful, a professional smiler, dressed head to toe in bright turquoise.
But standing next to a display of plastic-wrapped candles and teddy bears, her face crumples at the most basic of questions: Are you doing OK?
"I'm sorry," she says, wiping her eyes with a shirt sleeve, her voice a shaky whisper. "Because at the end of the month, there's nothing left. I don't know what to say. It's almost getting to the point where I don't know what we're going to do anymore."
For four years now, Julie Bittner has rung up customers in this little store on the charming grassy square at the heart of Twinsburg, Ohio. And from her view by the front window, she has watched the fortunes of a ransacked autoworkers' mecca slowly drain away. Streets once teeming with people are now deserted. Some days, she says, not a soul comes through the door.
She's seen the headlines. The recession is ending! Unemployment is stabilizing! From Wall Street to Washington, the message comes: America, the worst is over. Let the spending begin. But in places like Twinsburg — where for so many the misery goes on, unabated — people aren't buying the rhetoric. If brighter days are ahead, they say, they're still awaiting the dawn.
According to an Associated Press-GfK poll conducted in early April, many Americans' impressions of the economy — and their own financial straits — haven't budged in a long time.
"Who are they trying to kid?" Bittner says. "Are they trying to make you think it's better so you'll go out and spend?"
Well, yes. The nation's fragile consumer confidence, which sank to a record low about a year ago, could keep the fledgling economic recovery stuck in first gear, says Ken Goldstein, an economist at the Conference Board, a research group that keeps close tabs on consumers.
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Few Trust the Government, Poll Finds
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  1. So Timothy Geithner tells us the economy is recovering faster than the White House predicted. Whatever that bastard says are gold plated lies.

    I was in my local Sam's Club yesterday. I look at this store as an economic barometer. Three years ago, shopping on a Sunday was not wise. Too many customers and long wait times to check out. There way ALWAYS a big screen TV being loaded into a car or truck. Computers, Home theater systems, video game machines we hot sellers.

    Yesterday it was so quiet in that store, if I were blind, I'd think I was in an empty building. The food demo people had plenty of customers, waiting for a bite of whatever they were offering. If you visited every person and took a sample, it could easily fill you up, as in a free lunch. A quick look at peoples carts told me one thing, they are buying food. No DVD's no books, no clothing, no electronics, just food.

    I bought some bathroom tissue, Pepsi and mayo. I rolled right up to a clerk and checked out rapido.

    I'll trust my observations over the word of Timothy Geithner any day.

    On another note, my family received a season pass for Knott's Berry Farm. We were there yesterday as well. There was one point when we were the only people walking through Ghost Town, the place truly was a ghost town.

    Oh yea, things are getting better and better all the time.

  2. This morning when I read this story about Julie Bittner and her store ... I stopped and did a PRAYER for her.

    Imagine what it feels like to be her watching her dreams and her store go down the drain.

    Many of our fellow Americans are suffering perhaps because of bad choices and maybe just a victim of the bad economy. But we need a little compassion for each other.

    So I will try to do more Prayers and also look for ways to help others.

  3. Yes, prayer will help. Not!

    How about instead coming to terms with the reality of a situation and dealing with it the best you/they can.

  4. Ever notice how people slam God, prayers, and religion? But when a 9/11 or other disaster happens, they all ask God for help.

  5. Recovery ? HA!

    They wish...

  6. 10:49 you need to read all of what 10:41 said:

    "So I will try to do more Prayers and also look for ways to help others." 10:41 said prayers and other actions to help people.

    11:15 yes you are right when something directly affects those people slamming prayer what do they do then?

  7. Keep your prayer silly comments over at the Jimmy Swaggart forum please. We all agreed this is not the place for delusion. 11:15 - wrong - only the deluded look to the man in the sky for help; other cope rationally and logically. You probably think after all the indisputable evidence to the contrary that 19 Arabs attacked us on 9/11 - how frickin sad is that? Delusion #1, meet delusion #2.

  8. Sure the recovery is going great.


    Well I'm glad you asked!

    Mainly, we're seeing the recovery having a powerful effect on bank and hedge fund bonuses and stock broker bonuses.

    That's where the recovery is, in the stock market.

    Why? Because the government is providing 'liquidity' to the markets by printing up vast amounts of cash and buying everything.
    Every stock across the board, buy buy buy.
    Keep that market up! Make it go higher!
    Make it go to infinity, god damn it!


  9. In Stalin's Russia, the farmers would huddle around and pray to 'God' for help. Then the government thugs would come around to steal their crops, rape their women, leave them with nothing. Then most of these farmers would whither away and die of cold and starvation, holding hands, thinking happy thoughts about 'God' coming to save them.

    Delusion/God fosters apathy. That is why the elite GAVE YOU your religion via the birth lottery. You are born here, you are Muslim; you are born there; you are Christian. That is all it is; a system of control and manipulation. Without it in place, there could be no wars. Without it, our clandestine Empire would not have any excuse to rampage and murder.

    Wake up. Buy PMs. Educate yourself. Get your money out of the bank. Store up food and water. Do something real. Study every article on this blog. Forget the MSM corp nonsense and all the BS distractions and focus on your well being. There will be no one coming to help you. No one. Not your neighbor, not a man on a horsey in the clouds. Save yourself. The country is already toast. You may be able to live on IF you take solid action now.

  10. On a lighter note, just for laughs, like at what the banker media is pimping over at
    I about died laughing. So transparent. Looks like JP Morgan wrote the advice.

  11. Don't raid your soon to be worthless IRA.

    Don't stop paying your credit card debt where the banksters get their fiat money for .01% and lend it to you at 14% LOL.

    Don't walk out on your mortgage!

    Who writes this stuff? Oh yeah, the banker media who else?

  12. Kinda makes me chuckle at all the God and prayer bashers. Sure, I prep some, but I also know there is a higher power who will in fact bring justice to all those who refuse him and his people

  13. To 12:11 I am with you there, I have PM, water filter, protection, etc... but one of the things that guided to preparing was my prayers.

    Prayer is also guiding me for some of the other things headed our way not all of them are economic. I suggest you know who your true friends are.

  14. Nothing wrong with prayer...Don't want to believe then fine but no need for the rudeness.

    I'm not some skinny lil bible boy either...I work in a level 4 violent prison and have seen plenty of times when shit hits the fan and blood is poring from knife wounds people cry to 2 people:

    Jesus and their mother...If the nice lady wants to pray let her...The true Libetarian intereferes with no one as long as it doesn't affect or infringe upon his rights.

    Only ones that seem to follow the whole "God is fake" thing always seem so angry...Religion isn't bad...People are bad.

    Just like money isn't bad...The LOVE of money is bad...Hence the fine mess you got me in Ollie. :P

  15. The MSN media will continue to prop up the economy, "the recovery", and the dumbed down idiotic mindless tv addicted sheeple will be out spending their money. Never mind the fake low unemployment rates, the sheeple have no clue, they have no ability to logically think or understand how things work.The do what their TV's tell them.

    Soon, when the dollar collapses and the the economy follows suite, hyper inflation hits, the sheeple will beg their government for help.

    "Oh help us Barry, please help us!"

    And Patriots across the country home's are SWAT teamed, patriots taken to FEMA camps and their children kidnapped by CPS.

    Yup,things are looking mighty good in the good OLE USofA!

  16. In the Matrix it is rude to tell people the truth.

  17. Apologies, wrong link, here

  18. All the optimism is really getting on my nerves. My husband lost his job a week ago, but in my town people are out shopping and ordering a lot from my place of employment. We went from having maybe 6 jobs to work on a day, at the most, to having so much we can't get it done. I guess these people fell for the lies.

  19. 1:07 may have it right. It will be a whole lot easier to round up the patriots. Many will fight back, just like what happened on this day, in Waco Texas. Different circumstances for sure, but when they were surrounded, they chose to fight, rather than surrender.

    The patriots accuse the government of the willful destruction of our country and in turn the sheeple call them "crazy gun nuts" and militant extremists, after all they learned these terms from the MSM. They continue to trust Barry even though he has no use for them and will not help them.

    The worse place to live when the SHTF will be the big cities. The streets will reek with the stench of dead bodies, just as we saw in Haiti. They had an earthquake, ours will be an economic 10.0 quake and few will survive.

  20. DT you are correct. The corporate banker media is a lot more powerful than people know. Everything from CNBC to the History Channel is completely locked down and manipulated.

    The TV destroyed our chances. If every TV in America went dead within days people would start awakening from their trance.

    The Oligarchs control the media, money and military. Out of those three the media is their most powerful weapon.

    We all know who controls the media and banking don't we? Of course we do.

    We all know who gains from the American military attacking Muslims don't we? Of course we do.

    We are the ignorant Goyim and proudly we stand and salute the flag.

  21. Actually, I am a Jew and a Christian.

  22. Actually, I'm Jewish and a Christian.

  23. The Banksters need to HANG!!!!! LOAD UP!!!!

  24. We are drawing on our IRA's this year, cashing them out then in 2012 we'll draw on our 401K, if we still have a country left. We are retired. Everyone, give up on ALL politicians; they are all liars, on the take scum bags. We quit voting in the 80's. This country has no future. We are a third world country now. Live for yourselves/family and prep., keep a low profile

  25. Let's all stop praying period and let those that hate prayer and religion live in a world devoid of religion and everything that goes with.


  26. @10:08, Geithner's middle name is Pinocchio!

  27. Is it not ironic that US currency contains the motto "In God We Trust"

  28. 4:06

    The place you describe is where you'll be soon we hope.


    Ain't it a bitch to know deep, deep down

    Your just plain wrong

  29. 547 how does it feel to know you are DEFINATELY WRONG?

  30. Some clever scientific people only one sidedly see the role and the promotion of religion as a conspiracy of the rich to mislead the poor with a pain relieving drug and pronounce it 100% all bad . And trumpet pure reasonas if the fight were against ilusionary ideas. But Marx the Materialist "atheist"
    for example never took this one sided view of religion and understood it as not just opium but also the sigh of oppressed peoples, the heart of a heartless world. When religious people see no other way out they may turn to prayers or to “jihad”for “God“. Some crazies without hope even turn to individual terrorism or state terrorist “Bush crusades” as supposed religious solutions to their real world problems.

    “Man is the world of man, the state, society. This state, this society, produce religion, an inverted world-consciousness, because they are an inverted world.
    Religion is the general theory of that world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in a popular form, its spiritualistic point d'honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, its universal source of consolation and justification.
    It is the fantastic realisation of the human essence because the human essence has no true reality. The struggle against religion is therefore indirectly a fight against the world of which religion is the spiritual aroma.
    Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and also the protest against real distress.
    Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
    To abolish religion as the illusory happiness of the people is to demand their real happiness.
    The demand to give up illusions about the existing state of affairs is the demand to give up a state of affairs which needs illusions."

  31. I remember when the US government used to criticize the USSR (Now what remains is Russia) for their propaganda. Funny thing though, isn't our gov't doing the same thing with this propaganda?

  32. Repent, for the end is near

  33. I am your Icon of Hate.


  34. People will believe what gives them comfort regardless of how ridiculous the premise. That is just the way it is folks.

  35. Hmmm...well, I can be somewhat prepared but I think it's interesting to hear the God-bashers bash believers and in the same breath brag about having their food and water preps. Buddy, a tank could come and run over you and your preps and drag you off to a Fema camp...with no effort at all. Some arrogant people have to be on their knees before they approach the throne of God in prayer...remember my words.

  36. Hey Laura, after you cash in your 401 k's use the soon to be worthless cash and buy silver coins or bars.


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