
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekly Headline News

Honolulu Foreclosures Soar 123% in Q1
Gold Settles at New High of 2010 Above $1180

Slideshow: Out of Employment Benefits 
Honda Recalls 167,000 Acrura TSX Cars in US
Spain Jobless Rate Surpasses 20%
Immigration law cutting into Hispanics Hire 
Flood Swells Rank of Rhode Island Unemployed 
Hard Times for Star Architects 
Research Triangle Park NC has Gapping Vacancies 
Union Protest Planned Job Cuts At Fulton State Hospital 
Birmingham Foreclosures up 105% over last year

San Jose council members Cut Own Pay 10%
Florida Highest Private Student Loan Delin. Rate
Greece Nearly Insolvent Bailout Wouldn't Work 
Houston Mayor tells every department to cut 3%
Denver Parks Struggle for Cash
Report: Tech Industry Dumps 246,000 Jobs in 2009
Alaska Airlines to Stop Flying to Cancun 

University of Central Florida + Others Could See Tuition/Fee Hike
Gold is the "Only Currency" : Strategist 
Boycotts of Arizona Immigration Law Add up
Mortgage Fraud Incidents Rise 7% Last Year
US Cattle Prices Rising
Birmingham Home Prices Sink 5% in February 
Report: Alabama Manufacturing Jobs Down 7% Last Year


  1. Florida is laying off tons of school teachers.

    No more school for the kiddies.

    Schools out forever!

  2. The recovery is on track.
    GD”P” is soaring again.
    I believe that when the government prints money and passes it out to the banksters it gets counted as part of the GDP as new “government investment “?
    I do not know if when the Fed and Treasury buy their own bonds if that investment gets added to The GDP too ?
    Soon congress will have to issue “permission” to print more money.
    So the future of soaring printed American GDP rises can be assured .
    The recovery is on track.
    The good thing about being having the monopoly to print dollars as the world standard of value under the Dollar Hegemony is that you can print them.
    The bad thing is who is going to bail out the US, like for Greece , when others get tired of already holding to much fast devaluing
    dud toilet paper.

  3. America has no future when it abondons its childens brainwash/conditioning factories.
    Still there is also the alternate gang
    culture -same result-?

  4. Same old shit/story....different year
    You can go back many years and dig this shit up about some region in the world.

    Not as bad as it appears. when I start to read about martial law and fairy tale FEMA camps then I might think something is up, until then life goes on

    I am getting the boat ready today, should be a fun summer, things not that bad at all around here

  5. 700
    you know my brother said the same thing last night
    same comment
    you know what i said
    oct 1 2008
    everything was hunky dory then why in congres
    did they threaten martial law without the bailout
    only a moron would not prepare
    but thanks since then picked up 50 k
    in gold on the cheep
    so thanks sheeple
    as in the battle of the bulge ww2
    keep spending that cash
    as i get the gold
    thanks brother
    oh one more thing now hes sees me making money
    and only has 10 grand
    gee that buys only 8 pieces now
    this is for you

    oh yea i love that golden tan

  6. Ok now we have to go do it.

    October 2008 : GOLD PRICE closed at $752.80

    According to this you possess 66.834 1 oz gold bullion coins.

    That's 78,327 for todays price of 1179.30

    $28,327 profit for 2 years waiting.

    Not bad.


    And don't worry because you can mold 66 oz's of Gold into a nice thick billy club.

    You'll need to be doing that because unfortunately, as it turned out, things would get so bad that even gold would be worthless.

    Mad max!

  7. 837
    jealous huh
    thats what my brother is
    i dont have to melt it
    i have a baseball bat
    but thanks for not buying gold
    i reaaly do apreciate it
    no pun intended
    also gold going to 2000 next
    how much did i make
    because im so dum
    your truly
    golden tan

  8. also i picked up 5 d 70 cam slabs
    that doubled
    and last year
    double gold eagles 3
    ms70 at 1600 that are 2400 now
    but in dum you know
    mad max is going to get me
    hold on spraying tan lotion on

  9. and obama your momma
    is printing another trillion every year for 7 years
    gold to the moon
    oh my brother bought a boat
    and just dumped another 2000 into the motor
    thanks brow
    makes my new gold cheaper
    keep spending that cash
    pay no attenion to all your jobs and money going to china
    keep blameing the working class for being lazy
    and dont forget to bomb iran
    that wil spend another 30 trillion
    america is so stupid
    this investing thing is so easy
    man its hot out hear i have to turn over
    for that golden tan

  10. Is Tiger playing today?

  11. no gold is playing today, it is quite brite


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