
Monday, April 26, 2010

We're Heading to a Slave Labor Planet

Thanks to globalization, the American, Australian and European working classes are on their way to extinction, in terms of their traditional rights, and quality of life. Just like the workers being poisoned to death by circuit board toxins in Guiyu, China, their fates will be determined by global capital, either by default or by bitter struggle against it. We are not seeing much of the latter and are not likely to, until it is too late, which it may already be. After all, you cannot put up much of a struggle against global capital when you worship it a creed and are addicted to commodities too.
Oh yeah, I forgot. We're gonna "develop" and "stimulus" our way out of what is happening now - which is that we are fast becoming a slave labor workhouse planet. Now let me see here - hmmm - who is in charge of development? Oh yeah, the global financiers.
There is no way the world's working people can win in the long run, which is getting pretty damned short, or even survive, except by joining the worker struggles, of China, Asia and Africa and India. The idea that American workers are the same as the Asian and Latin American and African working people goes down hard in American gullets.
But for Americans, it does not go down at all. As a people, they'll never ever accept that fact, because they'll never know it for at least two reasons. (1) They are  too over worked and undereducated to find out for themselves, and (2) American corporate media machinery will never let them hear of it. Americans are screwed, blued and tattooed.
And for that I blame Anderson Cooper. That's right, CNN's boyishly good looking, sincere faced, Emmy Award winning Anderson Cooper. Let me explain.
Between the corporate and financial elites and the slobbering masses stands the American Information Class - the reporters, talking heads, news anchors and pundits. In short, the entire gaggle of meat puppets and journalism hacks who have been cultivated and bred to be clueless by the university industry and others serving our corporate empire. In other words, serving global capitalism, and the national fictions it maintains, including that sizable piece of corporate feudal turf known as America. And that fiction is maintained through la danse des marionnettes de viande.
Not that these meat puppets are to be pitied for their cluelessness. Lordy no!  When your employer is throwing celebrity and money at you faster than you can suck up the adulation or blow the bucks, why would anybody pause long enough to get a clue. I sure as hell wouldn't. I'd pull a Bill Clinton, buy me some Cuban cigars and tell the secretary, "Under the desk, baby! And crack open a bottle of of Jack Daniels for me on your way down."


  1. undereducated always cracks me up,whilst i believe the gen pop is ignorant as a whole we are overeducated(w\ prop). people, education is a business and THEY are hoping to drum up business(education is a product u never run out of)..

  2. best way to prove this website is at the same level of the natl enquirer, " "Under the desk, baby! And crack open a bottle of of Jack Daniels for me on your way down."

    theres mulitple things the world leaders are working on.. one thing that would help the whole world is if there were a global pay raise. the problem is the oil boom created the ability to live and breed just about anywhere reletively limitless. there are now roughly 7 billion people who need to be working. labor is cheep. i still pay 300$/mo rent and hide and protect my gold bullion($200k worth) under my fridge.. u try n tske it my gold all ur gonna get is lead.

  3. the only problom is everyone knows anderson cooper is gay.
    so fabio is under his desk.

  4. 1042
    pleaes chill
    you make normal people who prepare sound crazy
    article i thought was correct


  6. I respectfully disagree with this article in regards to Cooper. Anderson Cooper (Vanderbilt) knows indeed what is coming. He is one to help it along. In my circles, the higher the degrees(except in economics) think nothing is wrong. They still invest in the Fools Market, laugh at those who purchase PMs or pay off their homes early, and wonder why many others are eating Ramen noodles. You won't catch them in the Crazy Tree, even though it's a better view for whats coming.

  7. Turn off every TV news channel forever. All you are getting is propaganda 24/7. Every 'news person' is a traitor to this country. Not one network news person had the balls to stand up to the ridiculous 9.11 official story. Why? Because the Banksters that own every news outlet would blackball them for life.

    You will never find any truth via network news. Only filler stories and lies.

    Your IQ will raise upward if you just cut off that source of constant brainwashing.

  8. The reality is that there are people with Ph.Ds who drive pizza trucks. Forget what you learned when you were little, you know, go to college and then get a high paying job and be happy forever! Not quite. Everyone will tell people that nursing is always in demand and that will never change. In the past few years that was probably one of the only sensible things to get
    a degree in (Medical students right now are ruined). However, now that states can't pay hospitals the same way they can't their cities that means nurses will start being layed off which is already happening.

    Engineering will get one nowhere, though they bombard us with images on advertisements that they are booming. You all remember the green jobs commercials? Funny huh?! The best one out there right now is the become a medical assistant in two years commercial, they don't show that medical assistants actually make about 7 or 8 bucks an hour. You're better off just becoming a cashier, you'll make more!

    The most hip thing they like doing with college students now is to make them extremely liberal, then tell them to go start a blog and pretend they are journalists and writers. They make no money but they'd still get you thinking that they are professionals.

    And when people insist a degree makes one overqualified to flip burgers, that is the extent of brainwshing we've been through. There are very few in universities today who have any brains (and actual education) at all. Sadly they'll get nothing when they come out.

  9. I still watch the cable news. It's just for entertainment, but I still watch. Besides, there's some real babes on fox.

  10. This was a non-article.
    It contained no actual meaningful content.

    Oh, I'm sorry I forgot that our high school education succeeded in stuffing enough useless information into our brains so as to cause 'information overload' leading to an inability to think in a way preferential to self preservation with no way to distinguish usefull information from useless information leading to even more information overload.

  11. Simple, the dumbed down moronic tv addicted mind controlled american meat puppets, aka the sheeple, as previously mentioned numerous times in this blog, have no clue. They have lost all ability to critically think, logically think and have the attention span of a grasshopper. The meat puppets have lost their natural abilities to think, they only know their favorite sports team schedule or who is on american idle tonight.

    We are so screwed....

  12. To 1:57


    It makes me wonder how the hell these people think we got here when you consider that for almost 200 years the masses got the 3 "R's"
    "readin' ritin' & 'rithmatic "

    Their minds were not clutered with all this other bullshit that as My Grandma liked to say " Don't matter ta Nuthin' noway"

    Them Grandma's - damn they's smart !

  13. i still pay 300$/mo rent and hide and protect my gold bullion($200k worth) under my fridge.. u try n tske it my gold all ur gonna get is lead.

    'iptrace' show me the way. LOL

  14. Damn it...I do believe in future riots and economic collapse...Not a religious nut but based on numbers that are fucking scary to the mind (GNP, TARP funds, Taxes collected, Estimated revenue due, Unemployment etc etc).

    Problem is that the loudest representation of my beliefs are kooks...Just like no one believes the TeaBaggers or 911 Truthers or hell even those that believe in UFOs.

    Ask most of those groups and you'll find smart professionals who have done the reading and looked at real articles including government reports but all I see is kooks...Making us Preppers look bad.

    Making us look like the creepy uncle with the fully stocked basement talking about the anti-christ, guns, zombies and the race wars etc.

    I'm sure theres quite a few fake kooks but they really do take the wind out of your sails when trying to make a point...because they lump all of us in the same group.

    "Oh you believe in UFOs? Errrm well so does that guy who makes chess pieces from his feces...Are you guys friends?"

  15. 11:35 and 11:46 are Economic Analyst posting to discredit unwarranted comments. I track comment IPs.

  16. We are not heading there, we've been there for a LONG time. When a government takes your property away at will (direct taxes) and gives it to whom ever they wish, then your labor is not your own. It belongs to the government. You are a slave. No direct tax means small federal government with limited powers. Kind of like the founders designed it to be. We are a to be a Republic, not a Democracy!!!!

  17. I think the only ones that can track comment IP's are EA who has access to the logs, and the NSA/FBI/CIA/POLICE/GOV/CIA/NSA/ISREAL apparatus that sniffs every damn packet on the internet all the time.

  18. 8:11 I Don't track anyones IP address, and I ONLY post with this 10:20 you're way off on the detective work!


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