
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Why Does It Seem Like Things Keep Getting Worse?

The talking heads on all the major news shows keep telling us that the U.S. economy is experiencing a recovery. Usually the term "recovery" is accompanied by a qualifier such as "jobless", but they continue to use the word recovery anyway. We are told that the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression is behind us and that the great American economic machine is roaring back to life and everything will be back to normal soon. So why does it seem like things keep getting worse? Why does it seem like the American Dream is out of reach for more Americans than ever? Why does it seem like economic pain is spreading to more families and more businesses?

Well, maybe it is because things are getting worse.

Gallup's underemployment measure hit 20.0% on March 15th. This was up from 19.7% two weeks earlier and 19.5% at the start of the year. While the U.S. unemployment rate has leveled off (for now), the truth is that job seekers are increasingly finding that all they can get is part-time work. In the vast majority of cases, part-time work will not pay the mortgage or even really feed a family.
All of this economic pain is causing havoc in many American households. In fact, 1.2 million U.S. households have been lost during the recent recession as economic pain has forced many Americans to move in with relatives. It can be an extremely humbling thing to have to turn to relatives for help, but that is what an increasing number of Americans have been forced to do.
But now there are indications that things may soon get worse for the U.S. economy.

Big Brother is watching.
And this is only just the beginning.
With the stated intent of combating illegal immigration, Senators Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham are creating new legislation that would institute a national identification card.
Will we all soon be forced to take a national identification card with us wherever we go?
Will we all soon be forced to show "our papers" whenever we are confronted by authorities?
Let's hope not.
But things are getting really crazy out there.  So many of the things that we used to take for granted are quickly disappearing into thin air.
What in the world is happening to America?
More Here..


  1. True unemployment/part time employment only is almost 22%. That monthly number was off by about 130,000 jobs due to the census and about 80,000 they add automatically with the birth death model which has been way off for the last 2 years as small business arent hiring hardly. We might have gained 30,000 in March in reality but you need to gain 120,000 a month just to keep up with population growth.

    Survivor bias where same store sells only went up due to others closing and rising gasoline prices are distorting the retail sales number higher when they really havent improved much at all. I know there is more empty commercial space where I am at than there was a few months ago.

  2. National ID Card? Is it that big of a deal? We already have a Drivers License, and SS card, might as well make it easy and just have 1 card. Granted, it could go further, where it turns into a debit/credit card, and then they can watch transactions, now that could be a huge problem. I dont know, i am a staunch conservative/libertarian, but on this one, I think we have bigger issues to deal with. imo

  3. What does Mother Rothschild have to say about this? Inquiring minds want to know.

  4. "What in the world is happening to America?"

    (1) We are on the verge of financial collapse.
    (2) The dollar may collapse any day.
    (3) We live in a police state, we fear our govt.
    (4) We incarcerate more people than all other countries including China, mostly for non violent crimes such as smoking a joint.
    (5) Our food is poisoned with chemicals and intoxicated with GMO.
    (6) Our politicians are all paid off or blackmailed, they care NOTHING about the citizens or the laws they pass.
    (7) Wall street bankers have stolen trillions from the citizens.
    (8) Our govt continues to support and produce false flag operations around the world, including 911, OK City bombing, Waco, Gulf of Tomkin, underwear bomber, fill in the blank. Unlimited wars provoked by false flag operations with the annual US defense budget well over a trillion dollars, more than ALL other countries total defense spending in the world.
    (9) Our govt is the largest terror organization on the planet.
    (10) Our education system has failed, govt education institutions are now strictly propaganda mills and prison like institutions.
    (11) Our govt no longer respects or abides by the Constitution.
    (12) US govt policy is dictated by the Bilderbergers, CFR, fill in the blank.
    (13) The pharmaceutical industry has taken over the medical industry.
    (14) US citizens are mind controlled through their TV's, newspapers, radios and have become dumbed down idiotic mind controlled tv addicted sheeple who care about nothing besides who their sports team is playing or what useless gimmick made in China or fill in the blank they can buy on credit.
    (15) The US has over 50 million illegal immigrants who pay no taxes and live on free services provided by our govt and contribute almost nothing to the economy or society.
    (16) Almost ALL manufacturing jobs have been sent overseas to China, Taiwan, Mexico, fill in the blank.
    (17) Trillion dollar deficits that can NEVER be paid back.
    (18) The central bank, i.e. the federal reserve, is a privately owned entity run by wall street and foreign bankers, unknown to 90+% of the US sheeple. The FED controls fiscal policy in the US.
    (19) Presidents who neither qualify to be president (Bush, Clinton, Satero) or represent the citizens of the US or follow the constitution.
    (20) The irs, an illegal and Puerto Rico registered corporation is the armed collection agency of the FED with additional powers to collect, jail or kill it's citizens for non payment, non filing of taxes or not payment of govt health care fees.

    That's all I can think of right now.

    Have a nice day! :-)

  5. How long before the MSM actually uses the D word and stops calling it a recession? 22% unemployment is not a recession. How long before the public calls them out on this and tells them to STFU, the mainstream public I mean, not readers of this blog.

  6. 12:33 nice list and all true.

    As for the article, that Chuck Schumer is the same scumbag that ran the mock investigation into the murders committed at Waco. He is a lowlife doucebag that in a just world would be on the end of a rope.

    On the other end of the scale was Sonny Bono, who cried at the hearings. A standup guy.

  7. 1:17-And look what happened to Sonny Bono....

  8. @12:33

    You forgot to mention how millions of white collar jobs have been off-shored to India. On top of that, many of the jobs that remain here are taken by H1B and L1 visa holders from India! These leeches must be stopped!

  9. What is happening?

    98% of the people still trust the MSM and believe what they report to be true.

    Because they believe what they are told is true, the economy is on the rebound and things are getting better:

    - They are not saving any money for that "rainy day"
    - They are not worried about the near future.
    - They have no idea what hyperinflation is
    - They can't understand why anyone would want to buy gold or silver, unless it was in the form of jewelry
    - They have no idea just how bad things really are.


    When the country collapses:

    - They will run to the grocery store as fast as they can. The stores will be mobbed with people fighting over the last pack of bathroom tissue.

    - In as little as 10 hours, the shelves in the grocery stores will be empty

    - Gas stations will be swamped, much like what happened in the 1970's. The lines were long and in many places, you could not buy more than 5 gallons at a time. The storage tanks will be empty within 24 hours

    - Those who could not get to a grocery store or gas station will have to get by with what's in their gas tanks and pantries.

    - Most people will run out of food and gas in less than one week.

    - People will get scared. "How come the TV news (MSM) didn't tell us this was going to happen"?

    - After fright, comes anger.

    - Anger will lead to violence.

    - Violence will force the "authorities" to deal with the civil disturbance by any means necessary.

    - The non-combatants will be moved to FEMA centers "for your own safety".

    - Barry Soetero will go on TV to tell us all is well, but since our law enforcement officers are a bit short handed, dealing with the civil unrest, he has asked for help from the Mexican and Canadian military and NATO Peacekeepers. We will have the Blue Helmets of the UN walking our streets, carrying guns and taking prisoners.

    - CNN, Fox and the Network MSM will cover it all live, 24 hours a day.

    Lord God, I hope I'm wrong...

  10. 12:40 I hear you. I watch shows like the Office and MadMen and of course Breaking Bad. When it comes to the news I will watch FoxNews for a few minutes and run for the internet. The real news is hearing REAL people talk about REAL issues. I find MSM to be a psycological infommercial. Almost funny, but you dont laugh because they are lying to America.

  11. all thee above
    thanks i got sick of writing the same lists

  12. Anonymous said...
    “National ID Card? Is it that big of a deal? We already have a Drivers License, and SS card, might as well make it easy and just have 1 card.”

    Your right !This current I.D system works well for ordinary people .
    There is no point in getting paranoid .
    The police state NWO is a long way off.

    Liberty still reigns in America when it comes to I.D.
    Why, a mystery man can even become President of the United States
    and commander in chief and start new wars for America by bombing other countries,
    Or organise a financial coup robbery of the treasury .
    Without even having to show a real long form birth certificate and citizenship papers ,
    or flash an old passport record ,
    or any of that bureaucrat ordered type stuff that might be considered necessary according to the laws an constitutions of unfree dictatorial states .

    This is the Ultimate proof Liberty and democracy and opportunity for employment by the elite still reigns in America when it comes to I.D.

    Every body should go back to sleep .
    America is in good hands.

  13. The people are not just asleep they are dead inside.

    Sure they walk ... they talk ... they eat ... they do whatever --- but they are dead inside.
    Basically a Zombie.

    The few who read this Blog probably have prepared and have some sense left. But along with your food, guns, silver/gold, water filters, etc... you better have teams / backup.

  14. Apparently the author has never been pulled over by police, and asked to present their papers.

  15. Personally I have no problem with carrying around another card in my wallet if it will help to slow the invasion from Mexico. The next step would be to slap a heavy fine on any employer found exploiting illegal imigrants.

    Hey Berry, stop worrying about the Hispanic vote. Grow a pair! You have already sealed your fate as a one term President.

  16. What about the Arizona rancher that was just killed? Where is the outrage?

    Security in the Middle East takes priority while our southern border is left wide open. It's insanity.

  17. I live in Iowa, we have many fields of beans and corn and livestock for food, all is well here in the Midwest and we will not suffer like those sorry suckers in the cities and projects, whoah to them as they will be screwed and looting and fighting.

    I will be watching from the comfort of my lazy boy and munching pork ribs and t-bone steak from my private hoard of meat in the freezer, tuning into CNN and Fox to see the rioting in LA and other cities where the free loaders of this country will be at each others throats for food.

  18. 9:56 all will not be well when other states or countries offer triple the money on the fields of beans and corn or when the city dwellers come in and "harvest" your fields for you. Your in a wet dream my friend.

  19. No one here is an island...Very few here have military training to survive if a group of people want to take your shit...So hush with all this "Macho Talk" it's embaressing...In order to make it after awhile you will need continous security in the form of dogs/alarms AND others.

    To all the Mad Max crowd...Simmer down now.

  20. Noodles123,

    That sounds silly in a way about the military training being needed to survive a crowd of people...

    Most people that come out of the military don't do anything else with it. Most people in the military as well are not much different than anyone else outside of having at least basic firearms training and if they keep vigorous they'll be in shape (if that).

    If someone knows how to use a firearm then that's all they need and whatever situation happens they won't have any greater ability if other uniforms aren't there to intimidate people with badges. A group of people coming after you - try to shoot a few to scare the rest, if they don't stop then you're screwed no matter what.


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