
Monday, May 31, 2010

Brink Of Collapse Coming Faster Than Expected

Euro under new pressure after Spain's debt rating is downgraded ... Markets set to fall after ratings agency Fitch strips Spain of AAA score ... French debt rating also threatened, says budget minister Francois Baroin ... Spain's Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero (left) struggled to gain support for austerity measures. His government may also face a general strike. ... The euro is expected to come under further pressure tomorrow as Spain's minority government teeters on the brink of collapse and traders fear contagion throughout the eurozone after a senior French minister admitted that his country's top-notch credit rating was under threat. Stock and debt markets are likely to take a battering after the decision on Friday by the ratings agency Fitch to strip Spain of its coveted AAA credit score, the second downgrade in a month. Fitch's decision was announced after the markets in closed, so traders will have their first chance tomorrow to react, although London and New York will be sidelined by bank holidays. – UK Guardian
Dominant Social Theme: Things are tough and demand austerity.
Free-Market Analysis: What a mess. As can be seen by the article excerpt above, the European Union threatens to come apart at the seams. The debt "contagion" is obviously not stopping, nor can it, given the monstrous overhang that is now being presented to world markets. Spain has been downgraded and other countries teeter on the precipice. We predicted recently that France was in bad shape, and events seem to be moving even faster than we expected – with French officials admitting that French credit ratings could also soon drop.

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The Looming Financial Holocaust - Is Closer Than We Thought ...
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  1. Obama will save us, he is really smart. All the white people just need a little hope in the change that Obama will deliver! Stop being stupid fearful racist!

  2. mclame would have saved us with that mavericky kind of thing and Ya gotta love Loser Palin how is that drill baby drill workin out fer ya?

  3. 350 million people smoke in China and 1 million die each year from smoking related illnesses. 60% of all men in China smoke. The Government is the sole manufacturer and marketer of cigarettes. Chinese don't have health insurance. If they get sick, their lives aren't artificially prolonged like they are in the U.S. Despite lip service from Government officials about those stats, the number of smokers in China continues to increase.

    Sheeple are everywhere. Civilization is insane. We're doomed.

  4. Apocalypse John McLame understands Horror.

    You have to watch this video....but empty your bladder first.

  5. Our fate is sealed. We are done. Just when the Zionist banker media is busy smokescreening for their murdering ways on this Memorial Day. Put the flag away.

  6. Dont worry the federal reserve will intervene and save all financial markets.

  7. yes whitey too bad mclame the mavericky one did not win, that fake cowboy war monger would already have us in ww3, and that brain surgeon palin well how is that drill baby drill workin out fer ya?

  8. 628
    You worship a false messiah. Obama has had over a year to “deliver” and the aconomy has only become worse.

    Hope and change was only campaigns add. Do you really think Berry came up with that slogan?

    Blacks are outstanding entertainers and athletes.

    Obama is a one term president and we will spend many years repealing the damage he has done when he’s gone.

  9. All puppets anyway. B.O., McCain, Donald Duck it doesn't matter what cardboard standee they put in as the head sock puppet.

  10. 705 obama is a two term president, he has to clean up the mess bush made in 8 years, a hard feat to do, impoosible actually

  11. 7:11,LMAO
    A 2 termer? HAHA
    He has to get thru the first one

  12. More Crap...we have been hearing this for two years now....everything is coming and still coming but nothing on the horizon.

  13. 717 w loser was a two termer and look at how much damage that imbecile did, also did you see how many obama voters are streaming across the border? I'll bet you money, obama wins again!

  14. 721 Obama could serve six terms and still not take responsibility for this country.
    Blame it on Bush will replace Hope and change….wait a minute, it already has. LOL

  15. 2 years from now we'll still be talking on how close this collapse is.

  16. alot of stupid comments
    number one
    i dont see gold going to 800 dollars pipe dream
    on this news im still buying at 1250
    gold is the only safe haven
    people will pour into it
    like now
    in 2008 people poured into it the only safe haven
    its funny
    gold will go down because people shorted
    no massive investment because its a good deal
    and gold is money idiots
    thanks for helping me buy cheap
    obama bush who cares prepare
    blak white orange
    make some green think raceism and politics are for the poor
    eye on the ball
    this will happen get some pms and food

  17. Wake up folks. Stop watching t.v. and get reading . We are on the verge of a depression and you had better get prepared. Hear what gerald Celente Nouriel Roubini are saying . It is the TRUTH. Ignore their warnings at you peril. you have been warned.

  18. Is a war against international terrorist piracy on the high seas likely as a diversion from the Economic crisis as is traditional in economic crisis threatening collapse .A turn to war.
    State backed pirates just seized Turkish and other ships on the high seas and killed many and kidnapped the passengers the pirates claim the passengers were not humanitarians but terrorists who dared to fight back against the pirates who came like a thief in the dark to board the ships in international waters.
    Will the kidnapped passengers be held for ransom?
    Turkey is a member of NATO all members of NATO as is America ,all members of NATO are obliged to come to the defence of the national sovereignity of the other members if they come under ilegal armed attack by aggressors .
    America has a long tradition of defending shipping on the high seas from piracy and state terrorist attacks .This history includes, as the Marine song goes ,We fight our countries battles ... 'to the shores of Tripoli". That was the fight against pirates in the mediteranean operating out of Tripoli in Africa ; The fight against the British boarding American trade and navy vessels leading to the war of 1812;The sinking on the high seas of the "Lusitania"leading to WW1 and the fight against Somali pirates and kidnappers in recent years .If push comes to shove against piracy again and Turkey and other people stand up for their rights ,and demand the pirates be bought to justice. Perhaps conpensation will be demanded too?
    Where will America stand ?
    On the side of civilisation ,free trade and passage on the high seas, or with the rights of crazed Euro -settler colonialist
    pirates backed by the aparheid state in order to keep the worlds biggest starvation prison for men women and children.
    The Pirate colonialist run Gaza reservation for the natives ,(terrorists)?
    Or will America under Obama abandon its NATO obligations to side with and defend the Pirates state?

  19. The content on this blog is great in letting people know about the imminent cataclysm (if not that much then at the least the financial ruin we will all suffer from).

    The falicitous aspect that seems to be integrated in all good things is that crappy people have to flood it. The kinds of people that have to comment here, damn it. It's like being at a good concert but you end up being seated near and surrounded by a bunch of drunks or people using acid.

    The list is generally (for all the dimwits):

    1) Alex Jones followers who think termite size Israel controls the universe and microchips are being sprayed in the air.

    2) People who can't be understood and have sentences with words that are sequestered from any proper relation, i.e "I feel Obama not there hey why get gold its prolly there if done for screwed we will be."

    3) Right Wing Patriots that are a bit too trigger happy.

    4) Left Wing Bozos who believe in Global Warming.

    5) People who don't know what Socialism is or Progressivism so they claim we are becoming a "Nazi" Police State. "It's not Socialism it's fascism." No... it is Socialism clowns.

    6) People who downplay what is happening and think we will eventually get better.

    7) Government Employees who deliberately make senseless statements that everyone knows is the opposite of reality, a.k.a "This economy is getting better and better."

    Who cares anyways.

  20. Obama what a joke. Spending like a drunken sailor along with Hilter in a Housedress Pelosi. Obamacare, more americans want this garbage repealed. Illegal immigration, Obama sides with law breakers instead of citizens. Controlling the internet and silencing free speech. Need I say more about this intelligent great speaking graduate from Columbia University. Everything he touches he destroys, last but not least the oil spill, how many days to respond? I agree with those of you who say we are doomed, get prepared, store food, etc. Or you can be like the idiots who have and rely on crutches given to you by none other than obama.

  21. Why is bush not a joke, Did nothing but read my pet goat when the country was under the worst attack on american soil, then immediately passes the patriot act which effectively took away many of our rights, than during katrina, no response. Everything that loser Drunk, Cokehead touched was Ruined and now you expect everything to be ok, 8 years of destruction takes a long time to correct.

  22. Why are so many on here so rude, ignorant and sarcastic.You should be ashamed of yourselves. This could be a place for people to encourage each other, with helpful advice and honouring the people who hav e studied the economy and are warning us of what is coming. You should be grateful. I feel sorry for you

  23. No one can serve more than two terms .
    .Lamebrain ,Idiot, moron ,clown etc.

    But of course this is only old "constitutional " talk .
    Under the " war Patriot Acts" this is no longer valid anyway is it?
    Patriot Acts Rule O.K.!
    In times of declared state of war ,such as in the current time of real or perceived terrorist attack threat ,national emergencies,etc Elections and the like legal niceties and computerised shams can be suspended by Executive order for permanent war and permanent semi-monarchial rule in a full corporate State

    A new President and Commander in chief I believe ,in the event of assasination etc can be selected by a combination of elected and non elected members of a committee of the Elite for as long as necessary.
    This may be a secret process that nobody is allowed to reveal publicly .
    This state of war was decared under Bush and renewed by Obama.
    So any future elections are only at the discretion of the Supreme Leader who could easily become Permanent Fuhrer for life.
    Is that true?
    What are the laws in force?
    America has moved "to the Dark side" under Bush Cheney rule.
    Americans should actualy read the Patriot acts and Executive orders,the law of the land, instead of repeating this old constitutional drivel as if it was still valid.

  24. Thank you, thank you, people for having voted me for change. Yes, I'm working hard on real change.

    My first change agenda is to wake up sheeple because sheeple will never change unless it's a matter of life or death. I want sheeple to experience near-death from starvation to either die or change to return to nature. This is the first calling from true GOD in order that sheeple wake up from worshipping fake GOD, you know GOD = Gold Oil Drug lord.

  25. There is more truth here on this blog than any other, even with the trolls and shills.

    EA will have 100x the hits here a year from now than he has now. The trolls know this therefore they are trying their best (pathetic effort btw) to undermine truth now.

  26. Israel: Battle at sea was provoked - (lying scumbag murderers); they own our media so look for all sorts of bullshit articles about how swat-clothed men with machine guns 'defended' themselve. Professional liars.

    Gulf oil spill: 'Everybody's lost hope' - as they should since there is far too much profit to be had by having the gusher (not spill) continue for a very long time.

  27. Why can't the bullshit just go along another couple decades so I can live my life in bliss? No of course it can't. Shit. Well I better go pick out a shopping cart.

  28. If you live anywhere near the gulf get the hell out of there. If it means starting over from scratch do it now. The bastards will be prolonging the agony as long as possible to make their fortunes.

    They are already saying that late August is the next possible fix date. It is all smoke and mirrors. Keep the destruction going as long as possible.

    Many people are going to die during the hurricane season. It is going to be the worst disaster we can ever seen. All avoidable, but the bankster corps have to make their profits.

    Don't stick around for it --- flee now.

  29. "We will die a slow death over the next two years as this oil creeps ashore," Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser said.

    You got that right but it won't take two years. BO is lying about the gusher. It isn't 800k gallons a day, it is closer to 3,100,000 gallons a day.

    A huge blob under the sea that will be stirred to the surface during the holiday season helped along with HAARP.

    Profits galore!

  30. Money Money Money. The entire seaboard is going to be one giant oil-soaked cesspool. Thank you BP.

  31. Find out what Florida produces in terms of commodities - Oranges? - and buy futures. No one is going to buy oranges soaked in oil.

    I heard we get most of our shrimp from the gulf.

    There you go. Find a way to make money in shrimp. Be like Forrest Gump. All the gulf shrimp are going to be dead, dead, dead in six months.

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  33. "Obama this".... "Bush that" This bickering is exactly what they want. Bush is supposed to be conservative, but in his last months he had a $500 billion deficit (without war debt) AND gave the bankers $750 on his way out. And Obama just slams on the spending accelerator. They all suck! All politicians use the unconstitutional Federal Reserve to increase their power. They represent themselves and their own power over you.

  34. You MUST be mistaken.

    The Joker says everythings Great and wants YOU to visit the Gulf and get out into the water!

    I'd rather go to Disneyland where they are rumored to be creating a new Oil Spill Drilling Rig ride experience. You can experience an oil rig blowout in Hi Def and buy 1 oz vial of honest-to-goodness US crude oil sludge for $ 29.95 (plus tax) which will be confiscated at the airport personally by Big Sis (or her representatives)and automatically brand you as a terorist for life and a one-way ride to a nearby FEMA Camp or the South Side of Chicago to dine with Mayor Daley and discuss Gun Control(whichever is worse)... or not. After all, it's just a internet rumor...

    America: Nation of Nothing and serial dishonest, lying, raping Nobodies

  35. That's right, they both SUCK! Both sides pander to the Hispanics for their vote. They sell out their own country to get reelected. Soon the US will be just another 3rd world country just like Mexico. Look at California, they have become the majority and now it is just as fucked up as Mexico. They crank out a dozen anchor babies each and think the state has endless deep pockets. Well, the party is over. Asta la vista baby!

  36. Apparently B.P are getting 270million in insurance as a result of this disaster. wow

  37. I passed through New Orleans on Sunday. I was driving to California.

    I would say that this "oil spill", is going to be the final nail in New Orleans' coffin.

    The nice aquarium near the French Quarter, may as well close up shop and move the fish to safe waters.

    Perhaps next year will be the last Marti Graw celebration and then the French Quarter will become a ghost town.

    Nobody in their right mind would live in the Gulf Coast area, with an ocean covered in oil and toxic "oil air" to breath till your lungs collapse and your brain melts.

    The banksters will come in and buy this land for pennies on the dollar. They will sit on it for decades till the Gulf heals itself (if it ever does) and then...

  38. The entire area of the GULF REGION will be used as a FEMA CAMP. People enclosed will be breathing in the toxic air. They will die. It will take time, but it will be another holocaust with a twist..

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