
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Corrupt Climate Science Used To Destroy US Economy


Three reasons for Kerry – Lieberman; a massive tax grab, crippling of the US economy, and offer of salvation through total government control

So the science is wrong and the computer models don’t work. Even if all human produced CO2 was eliminated tomorrow we would not be able to detect the difference in the amount in the atmosphere. The total humans produce is within the error of the estimate of at least three natural sources. For example, with the recent recession human production has decreased with no effect on global measurements. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) treats CO2 as a pollutant based on an ignorant ruling by the US Supreme Court. Kerry – Lieberman proposes to improve the environment by reducing CO2 when an increase is beneficial to the planet’s plants. Too bad the plants don’t get a vote.
There is no scientific justification for claims CO2 is causing global warming. It is a non-existent problem. Reducing the amount is harmful not helpful to the economy or plants and not necessary. It will cripple industry with draconian rules and taxation to make the entire economy expensive and uncompetitive. Alternate energies will not provide adequate power replacement and increase costs through the subsidies necessary to make them even remotely viable. Green jobs will cost regular jobs as Spain and other jurisdictions have discovered. Energy independence is easily achieved with conventional sources and a transition to nuclear power and coal for home and industry, natural gas for vehicle power and the oil industry for petrochemical needs. There are only three reasons for Kerry – Lieberman; a massive tax grab, crippling of the US economy, and offer of salvation through total government control.


  1. I remember scratching my head back in the day because I knew Al Gore was a globalist puppet and here he was all nice and kind talking about the environment.

    Then with the help of some research it was obvious the scumbag was just pushing an agenda handed down to him by his Oligarch masters.

    What a puke. The whole point is taxation and further enslavement. Has nothing to do with trees and glaciers.

    More wealth to be transferred to the Rothschilds. They apparently need more.

  2. Gore isn't as good an actor as B.O. but pretty damn good.

  3. Wow. About the time Genghis Kahn was kicking ass it was a lot warmer out. Poor guy probably worked up a sweat.

  4. its all about control
    look at the gulf
    did more destruction than 20 years of co2s
    america has gone mad
    buty gold silver prepare
    obamas katrina is not going well

  5. Yes they will come up with any EXCUSE and LIE to get more money to pay for their PONZI scheme caused by the Federal Reserve. The entitlements are payoffs to the Government from the Federal Reserve using our tax money to make it look like the goevernment is doingsomething good for us when if fact it is a bloodsucking leech just like the Federal Reserve they are both parasites.

  6. It was just reported that we've had the hottest year in recorded history. I don't care if it's CO2 or not, something like 90% of scientists says we have global warming. While you're squabbling about this, a bunch of island nations are evacuating their people because they're going underwater--oceans are rising because the ice is melting. Even Sarah Palin has to admit Alaska is thawing.

  7. OKie Dokie, sharonsj. Perhaps global warming means very little when you have MASS GLOBAL DEATH due to BP/Oil drilling.

    Funny how the same people that talk about the environment (Prince Charles) are the ones destroying it.

    Realize that they have no thought for you, no thought for future mankind (all those deepwater wells with rotting Valves on them that will bust open in 1000 years and destroy the whole earth)

    Need I continue?

    We are in Deepwater.

    Deepwater Horizon to be exact.

  8. Nay. Sarah Palin doesn't have to admit Alaska is melting. The inconvenient truth is El Nino also contributed to March being the warmest month recorded with cooler-than-normal regions recorded, including Alaska and the southeastern U.S.


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