
Friday, May 21, 2010

Could Millions Die From Oil Spill Due To "Fried Brains"? (Video)


  1. the guy in the vid LOOKED and sounded like a Smoker..I say BS..

    however i do believe the chemicals they are using are very Toxic to life..including the sheeple

  2. Maybe the BP company CEO and leaders who make lots of money should be out there cleaning up the oil.

    I bet the oil volcano would get plugged very quickly if thier personal health and life was at stake.

    BP like many big corporations does not give a S$#! about anything but money. They do not care about their own customers or anything except the bottom line which is money.

    Give them a sponge and let them clean up the mess and smell the fumes and fry their brain.

  3. Wow, the guy in the vid is only 24 years old.

  4. Gary has already had a BP rep deliver him a check in exchange for him signing a mutual release and press gag order.

  5. Where is Erin Brockovich(?) when they need her?

  6. 3-pack a day damage to his lungs already, shit!

    Those poor people are screwed.

    Sheeple will believe a BP corporate spokesman in a tie before they'll ever listen to one word from these fishermen.

    Very sad.

  7. Dean and Deluca
    Ham for depopulation
    How now, FEMA cow?

  8. The oil giant and the Coast Guard have estimated the flow at roughly 5,000 barrels a day.(BS) The criticism grew overnight, when a live feed of the plume posted on the House Energy and Commerce website showed oil still spewing from the pipe, even as the company said it was capture 5,000 barrels.

    BP says it will have more on the oil capture operations at this afternoon's Joint Task Force briefing from Louisiana at 3 pm eastern.

  9. If you could die from "Fried Brains" the U.S. would currently have a population of about 1 million, or less. Malthus would be happy......and so would I.

  10. Can't wait till all the Southerners declare this is an act of war by Obama against the South and go on a wild shooting rampage Civil War re-enactment, but this time with real bullets!

  11. Whats this have to do with the Great Depression 2?

  12. 12:28 with the first depression (get educated) a severe drought ravaged the agricultural heartland of the USA beginning in the summer of 1930. Many people died. To add insult to injury today, this could go down in history as a Great Depression 2 and The Great Oil Spill.

  13. Simple. Our fake economy is balancing on shit. All it takes is something like this to push it over the edge.

  14. This will cause over a trillion dollars in damages before it is down, if ever. Gee, where is that money going to come from? Not the printing press that empowers government, but from YOU the stooge taxpayer.

    All because of one act of sabotage to cripple the US and increase our dependence on Oligarch-controlled oil.

  15. Take one tiny drop of oil and put it in a mud puddle. This is so horrific, beyond words. Stop this greedy corporate nonsense.

  16. What do we expect when we have criminals in control of these mega corporations and our government itself? Honesty?

  17. Let's not blame BP for this Gulf Disaster. That's Un-American.

  18. will begin...

  19. Brian William Doty III, what is May 24 and Vatos?

  20. 2 4 It will begin, so let it be done

  21. Oh blah! ... and I am shivering. I am one of the most negative people here and even I don't believe in dates and bullshit. Take your 24th to a Jehovas Witness forum, they love to set dates LOL.

  22. On may 24th, 2010 the will be a super internet worm that will take out massive sections of the internet: all trolls will be targeted and will no longer be able to terrorize their victims. They will take shelter in half-way houses and churches all across the nation.

  23. Why dont they just shut down the gulf completely and write it off as a loss? They can file an insurance claim, which will be denied, and instead the government (tax payers) can pay for all the losses to the people. Then, with the whole thing closed down, it can be dedicated strictly to petroleum drilling and development and we can all go back to how it was, minus the Gulf of Mexico.

  24. the 24th... Hey that is my daughters birthday...

    wake me up early if anything happens

  25. May 24: All the trolls are all lined up!

  26. The oil spill is our "dust bowl"

  27. It's coming! They better run! Booyah!!

  28. Even if this leak gets stopped, the damage is already done. BP gets away with a 75 million dollar charge and they go find another place to phuck with. Meanwhile the Gulf and the East Coast will be killed by this mess.

    Hey BP, CEO, please kill yourself!

  29. I guess we'll see commercials for a class action lawsuit soon. Good, let them pay. Bleed the fuckers out.

  30. bOYCOTT bp AND arco..

  31. Gods plagues are coming :Next the boils from the Oils.
    The visible sign of a warlike big rat and a small peaceful rat fraternising together at the White House is obvious to those knowledgeable in prophesy, another warning from God to those with eyes to see.
    The small rat is clearly a Nth Korean rat sent to infiltrate the White House for biological warfare on America carrying a Moses type plague.
    Yet, It got past the CIA and presidential guards easily !
    See a picture of the Actual rat here.
    The North Korean Dear Leader (King of the North ) aided by Satan has succeeded recently in many plots against the Kings of the South (Busch and Obama) in creating rumours of war that will probably be soon realised starting from May 24th .
    Earlier the patriotic but mad warlike King of the north succeeded not only developing a nuclear bomb to defend his country , but then in launching an invisible torpedo secret weapon with an easily identifiable terrorist serial number at a ship of the south engaged in war games with other King of the South ships. The modern armaments and Aegis defence systems of the mighty armada of the South Sonar etc were unable to see or defend themselves from the satanically invisible torpedo.
    The false belief that the ship of the South may have actually been accidentally sunk by ‘friendly fire by its US allies is clearly proven wrong by the serial number evidence conveniently found on the torpedo by the CIA etc.
    The CIA has a proven track record in finding this kind of brazen evidence on terrorists .
    Did not they not easily find a tape where Bin laden conveniently confessed for 9/11?
    God clearly helps out America in providing “Evidence” But torture is good too.
    Then, now the provocative and victorius attack by Korean mini subs to destroy the Oil well in the Gulf to spread one type of plague . The sea is turning black and red just as in Moses time!
    Soon the Boils from the Oils As described Here!
    And now on top of that a plague rat or two in the White House!
    God is truly Busy sending warnings!
    Signs of the times as foretold by The bible and “nostra damn the U.S prophesies are clearly to be seen as foretold everywhere .
    And this is not even the year of the Rat or not even yet May the 24th.
    The perfect economy is already destroyed in a plague of debts.
    Take cover! Save silver and sacrifice your firstborn children and goats ,self flagellation might help appease an angry God too!

  32. Well I do not pretend to have much scientific knowledge on this ,but I want to know when I see pictures of the oil well burning in a huge continuing flaming ball of gas and oil , why the steel in the well structure did not melt down as quickly as the twin towers and building 7 and cause them
    to collapse in their own footprint very quickly like say in an hour.

    Seems to have been a lot of fuel being burnt off in the gulf fire and yet the well structure was still just sitting there for a long time.

    Was terrorist aviation fuel on steel structures more powerful and hotter because it was terrorists fuel?
    After all this is the established popular science view on how easy this occurred on 9/11 isn’t it ?

    Could some more scientific person explain the difference and official NWO science of this fast melting of steel business on 9/11 to me as compared to the gulf oil well ?

  33. 2:57 only a truly deluded person could possibly not see that the twin towers were brought down by controlled demolition. Nine years later and the sheep still want to suck the teat of a lying government and inept banker media. Sad.

  34. may 24 beware locos, probably an internet attack by the govt followed by stock market crash something along those lines


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