
Monday, May 3, 2010

Devastation Along The Oil Coast

(from an unknown site)
When you read this please keep in mind that Panama City Beach is but one of many beach areas along the Emerald Coast of Florida. So multiply it by 10 or a 100.

While I was waiting for a friend at the doctor's office, a lady who manages condo rentals on Panama City Beach told me something utterly shocking from an economic standpoint.

She said in a normal day, she would get 40 to 50 calls from prospective vacation renters.
Today she had received ZERO calls to rent! She received quite a few cancellations.

She told me she would be going back to the office to lay off her two employees.

She also told me about another hotel owner who was getting cancellations left and right, 
so they were going to lay off a huge portion of their staff.

She also told me that this was happening all over the beach at all the hotels. There was an emergency meeting among owners of the hotels, motels, etc.

She didn't specify what's going on except that
"Charlie Hilton is sweating bullets." He is perhaps the biggest owner on the beach, with four separate beach front properties and one in-town property, including a highrise Holiday Inn.

The ripple effect that this will have on the surrounding economy is more like a Tsunami. Thousands of waitresses, clerks, housekeepers, etc will be layed off probably in the next couple days.

The newly unemployed will run out of money quickly because they aren't rich people. If they have credit cards or car payments, they won't be able to make their payments. Jeez this is bad!


The northern beaches of Florida, and all along Alabama and Mississippi, beaches are all going to go belly up if they have almost no guests.

Whoever holds the loans will also take it up the a**. It's hard to convey just how huge this is. Local stores, etc, etc, etc.


  1. A friend of mine lives on the beach in a gated community in Panama City. She is totally freaked out about the oil spill. Her home value will be affected drastically, not to mention the local economy. She said they are expecting the first oil to arrive tomorrow (Tuesday) on their beaches, and the locals are totally freaked out. Their entire local economy revolves around the ocean.

    This is a catastrophic even that will effect millions and cost trillions.

    And BP has no solution to the problem. I come from an oil and gas family, and I formally worked for a drilling rig manufacture. This event is unprecedented and frankly, I see no solution. There are many many questions as to why the BOP did not function.

    Look for this to be possibly the largest catastrophe in history.

    And with the worldwide depression going on, we are in a shit load of trouble..

  2. sarah the quitter failure says Drill baby Drill, Now she says Starve baby Starve and Die Baby Die, choke on it loser palin family and bush family

  3. Beach property will be trashed all over the gulf near the beaches. A Friend told me people are canceling rental cottages at Rosemary Beach over the weekend. Gulf Shores ditto. These landlords can't make their payments if they aren't getting renters. The gulf stream could carry this mess down to the Keys and around to Miami. This is a nightmare of massive unemployment and restaurant/motels closures for years.

  4. Something is dreadfully wrong here in America. We had 9/11, Katrina, the wars and now the grand daddy of them all. By May 24, 2010, we will know the full truth. Many will suffer. This will sink us further into a spiral that is already out of control. We are so blind, that we refuse to see what is going on right in our back yard. There is no vision in America. We operate from day to day. I want everyone to come back on May 24, 2010. Gold will be at $1500 plus and silver will be at $39 - $43.

  5. ya think palin will be down there cleaning off birds, fish and rocks, doubtful as she is a hypocrit Loser

  6. doom and gloom, doom and gloom. cnbc says gas prices wont be affected..meh

  7. According to NBC news, BP is going to cap it with a dome tomorrow. I hope it works.

  8. who gives a f what any media says, all paid liars paid for by the corrupt govt, stupid drone

  9. After this final event, it's over! No doubt about it. This disaster and higher energy prices will land us in The Greatest Depression!

  10. agree 653, throw in a war with iran and $10.00 a gallon gas and game over

  11. May 24th, 2010? Don't throw that out and not explain.

  12. Oil 6 mile deep under the sea?
    Some peak oil and other theorists and propagandists for boosting the price of oil,oil reserves and shares of the oil companies believe that the millions of barrels extracted from the earth everyday are all derived from rotting dinosaurs crawling under rocks into caves and from other biological detritus from earlier eras trapped under sentiment.

    This is based on 16th pre-evolutionary century guesswork before modern scientific theories on the origin of the planet and its geological development and long before the development of Darwins Theories on the evolution of life.
    Wikipedia says :
    “Although the biogenic theory for petroleum was first proposed by Georg Agricola in the 16th century, various abiogenic hypotheses were proposed in the nineteenth century, most notably by Alexander von Humboldt, the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev and the French chemist Marcellin Berthelot. Since that time, the abiogenic hypotheses have lost ground to the view that petroleum is a fossil fuel.
    Abiogenic hypotheses were revived in the last half of the twentieth century by Russian and Ukrainian scientists, and more interest was generated in the West by the publication in 1999 of The Deep Hot Biosphere by Thomas Gold. Gold cited the discovery of thermophile bacteria in the Earth's crust as new support for the postulate that these bacteria could explain the existence of certain biomarkers in extracted petroleum.[5]

  13. what is up with the may 24th thing??

  14. This is a great catastrophy, caused probably, by our government. Obama made it sound like he was for oil exploration to try to make himself look good. When all along he is for green technology. This incident will only further his agenda. Gas prices will shoot up real soon. Look at during Katrina. Production was just halted for a few days and prices shot up. Gas driven vehicle will soon be a thing of the past. Only the elite will have access to gas. While another hand full of people will be driving electric powered vehicle, because cap and trade will make electricity too expensive for most folks too. The rest of the people will be just be trying to scrape up some food to eat. The government is going to be clamping down on the people of this country real soon and making life pretty unbearable. They will be taxing us to death. There is not much we can do about it now the government has to much power now. Just save your own butt.

  15. Market should be up big tomorrow. This new reality loves bad economic events. We will be to 12K in no time. Maybe the President campaign some more to Cap n Trade. Big Government sucks and it suck really bad when we have a partisan leader running the show. Federalism is the only answer.

  16. It was simply one group of extremely rich vs another. One would benefit from off shore drilling, one would not. So, the one that would not blew up the platform. Very simple folks. These greedy bastards playing their games don't give a shit about you and they sure as shit don't care about environmental damage.

  17. NEW YORK – A suspect in last weekend's failed car bomb attack on Times Square was taken into custody late Monday while trying to leave the country, a law enforcement official said.

    The suspect, a Pakistani, was identified at midnight Monday at John F. Kennedy International Airport and was stopped, said the official, who spoke to The Associated Press early Tuesday on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the investigation.

    The suspect was identified as Faisal Shahzad, but his hometown wasn't disclosed. He was being held in New York.

  18. Oh cry me a river, government please save me ....

  19. I am about as scared about domestic terrorism, or any terrorism as I am a rain cloud. No terrorist does shit without the pre-approval of Al-CIA-duh. All that bullshit is a hoax. Works great to corral the sheeple though.

  20. Hey 7:28, do you think that's why we are spending billions upon billions of dollars and risking such environmental catastrophes as this one, simply because oil is prevalent everywhere and not really getting harder and harder to obtain in large quantities? Its all a sham, right, perpetrated by every single person in petroleum and engineering? Yeah, uh huh, I thought so.

  21. Hey 7:28, do you think that's why we are spending billions upon billions of dollars and risking such environmental catastrophes as this one, simply because oil is prevalent everywhere and not really getting harder and harder to obtain in large quantities? Its all a sham, right, perpetrated by every single person in petroleum and engineering? Yeah, uh huh, I thought so.

    Not much of that was claimed in post 7.28
    There is a search for cheap oil of a quality
    such as that produced in the midle east....

    And the huge natural gas reserves'fossil Fuel"
    is all formed from the bad breath and rotting stink of all those dead dinasours and trapped plankton?
    Yeah,Uh Huh,I thought so!

  22. Oil comes from sea goo on the ocean floor, not rotting dinos.

  23. This is hearsay. I don't believe it. I'm not saying that this won't ultimately happen, it most likely will, but it's not happening at this rate....not yet, at least. I believe people who post shit like this want it too happen and so post these uncorroborated testimonies to create panic and hasten the psychological response.

    Besides, there are more important things to worry Tiger Woods performance at the Players Championship this week and the Times Square Bomber. Also, the Stock Market responded well to the news in the Gulf. The spill is obviously going to make some people a great deal of money as witnessed by the prodigious rebound after Friday's regression.

  24. 4:54 you're not serious are you? Tiger woods performance? The Times square bomber? Are you in la la land and that's more important news to you? Your pic shows that you are.

  25. I come from an oil and gas family, and I formally worked for a drilling rig manufacture.

    If there was a hell, may you and all your descendants rot in it for eternity. No amount of penance can undue what you and your family have done to humanity. Be gone with you. Even your words on a computer screen are enough to make my stomach roil and my blood pressure triple.

  26. yo land yacht - you big dummy - you most likely drive a car and use plastics every freaking day - if not for the oil men- you would be living in a mud hut with flies on your eyes and rice in you protruding abdomen.

  27. I suspect most of you are too shortsighted to see it yet, but this oil spill will only hasten the American Great Recovery. Tens, perhaps even hundreds of thousands will soon be employed in cleanup efforts, all at BP's expense. This oil slick is a blesssing in disgiuse, and will lead us fully out of the recession as WWII did for the Depression.

  28. Oh, and I forgot to mention that this glut of recovered oil will be refined, leading to a drastic price plunge at the pumps- I predict 1.75-2.00 per gallon by Memorial Day....

  29. I hope that all the waterfront businesses somehow sue BP for billions.

  30. The waterfront hotels and resorts will have no reason to sue-- they will soon be filled to capacity with cleanup workers, and BP will foot the bill. This spill will be a boon to the local economy.

  31. I simply find it funny that such people completely discount peak oil and the whole reasoning behind the search for oil further and further off of the coast lines. If oil was so plentiful and most all of it abeotically formed, we would be having a much easier time with drilling. That means you could keep driving your land yacht or buses to the mall without those pesky prices at the gas pump. Of course you could keep crying foul at the oil producers themselves, because they are the evil ones, not the consumers of the endless petroleum products they use. The automobile and petroleum is every patriot's god given right. "Just dont harm the environment in getting it to me, dammit!". "Change my ways? Hell no!".

    If there was endless oil we would surely burn the planet to the ground until it looked like Mars in no time. Luckily that wont happen.

  32. they are showing you with this spill just how much disposable oil there is, peak oil is a myth, this spill proves it, they can do this because they have found so much more, they can just do this as they please, look at alaska exxon, now this gusher, there is so much oil, peak oil is a myth to raise the price of oil on the stupid brainwashed sheeple like 1233

  33. Not a chance 9:43. Think about it. It has already been extracted. Now it has to be extracted twice and then cleaned up off the coasts, water, and animal sanctuaries. That increases the cost/price already. Then you have the effects on the market with regards to the frowning on high risk drilling and increased insurance costs. Furthermore this only amounts to a small percentage of the amount of oil we consume. I predict 4 dollar a gallon by summer, possibly much higher, but not much lower.

  34. @12:37

    This is 9:43-

    You aparently failed to notice the sarcasm dripping off my comments....We will be very lucky is gas is only 4.00.

  35. Old school internet userMay 4, 2010 at 8:09 PM

    Sarcasm never transmits well over the internet.

  36. I got the first piece of sarcasm, but the second one went past my filter. There are a lot of people with silly opinions...i bet some of them even go so far as to say the whole oil leak is a hoax.

  37. Just to let all you folks know: My wife, kids, and I usually come to PCB at the end of May every year and spend 10 days there; it is absolutely beautiful. We will be there again...oil or no oil. We support you guys and we are in this together!

  38. The maximum compensation / insurance BP is obliged to meet is 75 million under US Law .
    That’s the contract .
    No matter what Obama says of Americans think they are entitled to.
    Any attempt to backdate that contract under laws into billions of compensation payouts to Americans
    now they fro not like the deal can only be done by communists attacking private property right.
    Contact law is sacred to capitalism.
    Suck it up fishes and Americans the losses are yours.
    The rest is noise whining about a done deal
    and U.S. blackmail.

    DId you see any compensation going to Iraq for the deaths and destuction of their environment by US war?

  39. If we become the oil coast the only good thing that will come out of it is Charlie Hilton gets his share. He is a greedy old man. Hows it feel Hilton?


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