
Friday, May 21, 2010

Dow Has Not Had a Single New High In 3 Years

"We have bought time, nothing more," he said in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

As the saying goes, a picture speaks a thousand words. To be sure the charts below quite clearly illustrate that the Dow has not put in a single new high in the past 3 years.

When the Dow is priced in Gold all we get is a long term down trend line. This clearly illustrates how the masses are being fooled into believing that these illusory highs are real highs.
When the Dow is priced in Canadian dollars, we also get a similar picture though not as striking as when it's priced in Gold.
When priced in Australian dollars the picture is almost as striking as when it's priced in Gold. These charts clearly illustrate the sinister nature of inflation; your wealth is literally being stolen right in front of your eyes.
Inflation the silent killer tax is being used to fleece the masses; you work hard for your money, you pay taxes and instead of getting a pat on your back you get a kick in the 'cojones.' Welcome to the real world. The way to protect oneself from this insidious disease is to stay one step ahead of the central bankers. 


  1. "The way to protect oneself from this insidious disease is to stay one step ahead of the central bankers."
    This statement reminds me of Jesus having enough of the fleecing of the little man and going into the temple and kicking ass til everyone realized he wasnt "playing around" with the "money-changers"
    Was Jesus a pacifist? I think not...

  2. When you realize that you have been lied to, and all intelligent beings will understand that, we must rebel and form a more true understanding of what life really is. You see my brother realized that he had bought into a lie, not only from society, but also from his own mother, father, and evil step parent. Too bad he didnt realize the the Law Of Creation is Multiplication.

  3. 8:20 Keep your money out of the banks and put it in Gold/Silver, that destroys the banks.

  4. Yes this article points out the obvious that fiat money leads to inflation which is a hidden tax on top of all the other extra taxes for anything and everything.

    8:25 yes people take their money out of the Bank but better be one of the first instead of the last because the fractional reserve system only requires 10% or less of the money to be there the other 90% of the people might be out of luck when they go to get their money.

    That is what the FDIC is for so people keep their money in the bank so inflation can eat away at their savings.

    They can only be winning the game if we keep playing their game.

  5. Okay everyone as been asking about May 24, 2010 and the 63 days to follow. As the oil spill make it way around the eastern seaboard, we will go down together. This will happen for sure due to the oil spill spreading around and killing off microbial life in the ocean and interrupting the food chain, we are all doomed. The 63 days following May 24, 2010 will see the oil spill completely out of control. This oil will be in Maine by 26 July. Then our government will tell us it is too late. The government and BP has been lying all the time. I tag May 24, but it really started on the day of the spill. I expected it to become full blown by May 24, but May 20 we found out that we are in some serious trouble. Please try and wrap your head around this situation. This is real. Now you know the rest of the story.

  6. 8:25, yes it does. That is why they hate real money so much. Personally, I love silver in the smallest possible exchangeable forms like 90% dimes. Have 100 oz bars and the like also, but those won't be as easy to bartel/sell because the price of those as being $20k-$25k in the next two years or even much higher.

    It is hard for people to grasp that because it really is not unreasonable for someone to say an ounce of gold will be worth $50k in a year.

    Why? Because it is the goal of the banksters is to destroy ALL current fiat currencies in order to fire up their BANK OF THE WORLD. What the Oligarchs want, the Oligarchs ALWAYS get. All you have to know is that they WANT that to know it WILL happen.

    A Zimbabwe dollar was once worth what a US dollar was worth, but now 100 trillion real notes can be had on Ebay for $5.

    You can't really take the estimates even from the gloom and doomers seriously. When Schiff says gold is going to $5000 I laugh. It is going to 500 trillion dollars. People just can't grasp the destruction of fiat currency. One thing will be worth something (PMs) the other will be worth -0-.

    Then a whole new toilet paper currency for everyone to enjoy. Our saviors, there to save us from themselves. Problem that they create, reaction which is anarchy/starvation/mass death, solution: World Governance via the Bank of the World.

    It is coming, there is no way to stop it. The game is rigged, they hold all the cards. All the media, the judges, our entire phony political system here in the US.

    So, prepare.

  7. Read David Murphy's book "BANKSTERS".

    I am not sure how it ever got published. It describes it detail what the Bankers did to Ireland's economy to loot the people there. The same players that are doing it to us here in the USA. Only the US is just a bitter cow. Takes longer for the vultures to eat our carcass.

  8. 9:18am I think you've been swimming in that oil spill

  9. Realistically the bankers will find no shelter and will be worse off than anyone else.


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